Have we lost our Connection?
It seems most people on the Internet are 'connected' in some way to something. It might be on MySpace, Facebook, or one of a number of other friendly places to meet people. We get involved in each other's life or perhaps we get entangled in the online games or the virtual farms or other businesses on Facebook.
Now there is Swagbucks which I love. And believe me, it can be addictive, trying to search to find Swagbucks in order to add up to enough to buy something or a gift card you can actually use on the Internet. It is definitely not a scam, but it is a way to stay 'connected'..........that is, connected to the Internet.
I was sitting here this morning wondering just how many of us are so connected to the Internet that we have lost our precious connection to the one and only God of creation - the Savior of our lives, the God of more than enough. I know I am guilty of sitting down in the chair and picking up the laptop and 'playing' for hours. I am usually tired when I do this after having spent all day at my aged Mother's home, helping her and just keeping her company.
But our 'busy days' should never keep us from connecting with God. We should be able to 'connect' to him on some level any time of the day. I do find myself just amazed at my surroundings when I am out driving and say 'thank you, Lord.' We should be blessing him more each day we live. We could never give him the thanks that He so deserves for giving his life to save ours.
1 Chronicles 16:34, "O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever."
Psalms 30:12, "To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever."