I love winter, although I’m a very cold-natured person. But, I want COLD, when you say winter. I hate to wear a coat one day, with the wind blowing through you, like you were wearing a piece of screen wire, only to have to wear a sweater, or a short sleeve the next day. Folks, that’s not a season of winter to me; it is the weather playing tricks on us!
We had some cold weather back in the Fall. Christmas comes along, and it’s not even cold enough to wear the new coat my husband got me for Christmas. In fact, I made the comment to him the other day that I probably would have to wait until next winter to even put it on. Even shopping for Christmas gifts, I would wear a light shirt and sweater, or light-weight jacket, only to almost burn up in the malls. It was as if they thought it was 20 degrees outside, when it was probably in the 50’s or higher. And, the weather hasn’t been to different since Christmas. In fact, today, it was in the low 70’s, much too high for this second week of January.
Are we promised any change in the outlook for this season? Who knows! I had thought, with such a hot summer, we would at least have some very cold weeks in the winter. But, it had better hurry up! We had more cold weeks in November, going to the football games than we have had since then. Why not push the Winter months back a little? After all, the plants do not realize it’s winter, and not Spring. I’ve seen trees and plants sprouting leaves. And, when a cold snap does come, those plants and trees will be killed, or, at least stunned in their growth for the Spring.
I can remember when the seasons were true to their name. In other words, Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall had their three distinctive months. And, you could know what clothes to wear during those seasons. Now, you never have to put up your winter clothes OR your summer ones. In the winter, you may have summer temperatures during the day, and winter temperatures during the night. In the summer, you may have hot days, but very cool, unseasonable nights. But, I suppose God knows what He is doing; so I will not question Him.
The one thing we need to keep in mind is the fact that He controls the universe, which includes the seasons. And, in one of those seasons, He will send His Son back to catch away the Church. Be ready – keep your ‘fires’ burning, your ‘lamps’ lit – and wear whatever clothing you need to keep warm or cool – not that you will need it, when He splits the Eastern sky!
Tags| Winter, God, Weather, Seasons