Thursday, July 06, 2006

Tidbits of my life today

  1. Today is our ANNIVERSARY! Bill and I have been married 42 years. He wished me Happy Anniversary at 4:20AM this morning, as he started out the door to work.
  2. I got a phone call from my daughter at 8:05, wishing me a Happy Anniversary. She never fails to wake me up in the morning, if I've had a bad time sleeping. My son emailed me a Happy Anniversary about the same time.
  3. It is now 9:30 and I have not had breakfast. Computing is addicting, folks! I often check my emails early in the morning, only to get caught up in computing and forget about eating.
  4. There is lots of things I need to do in my house, but this will be a day of laziness! After all, I'm celebrating my anniversary!
  5. We woke up to rain this morning, the first rain we have had in ages! Still not enough, but we thank God for every drop!
  6. I need to rescue a birdfeeder. We have too many squirrels, and they get into our birdfeeders. One of them finally knocked the bottom out of one of Bill's wooden house feeders. I also need to put out bird feed in 2 others. For now, the Hummingbird and Goldfinch feeders are in good shape. And, I've seen several Goldfinch already.
  7. I need to read the rest of the book I am reviewing for Active Christian Media, called "Why Christians Don't Vote For Democrats".
  8. The laptop will probably come out today. I haven't had it out of the case in weeks, due to keeping grandsons (they aren't with us this week). I can take it and sit in the recliner and 'bird watch', something I miss, since moving my computer out of the Den into our computer room.
  9. I read this morning's newsletter from Joel and Victoria Osteen. Today's scripture was about the tongue (Prov 18:21). Their headline was 'Say it out loud! God favors me!'
  10. I took out time in between writing to cook my breakfast (egg, toast, coffee, & applesauce), and now I am eating at my computer. I told you this is addicting!
  11. The first thing I do each morning, after checking emails, is to surf the blogs I read. Somehow, I stumbled on a first-time Thirteen-er, and then I jumped over to Carol's and read hers. I was inspired by both, so I am writing my first 13 post.
  12. I have realized I need to lose some weight! Why? Because my favorite dresses are too tight, I feel like a 'blimp', although everyone says that is not true. But, you know women! When we get this notion that we are 'fat' - then 'Katie, bar the door!' There is no telling us otherwise. Any suggestions on losing a few extra pounds? I would give them away!
  13. Last, but not least, I love blogging, and the many friends I have made through this medium. I have a website, but it's become second behind the blog! I believe it was God-ordained, and I do need to keep it up, but you bloggers have me, as Carol says it best, 'a little wild'. Thanks for the wonderful company!
1. presentstorm
2. TC
3. Rebecca
4. Reverberate58
5. Trinity13
6. Karen
7. Gail
8. Guru
9. Kelli
10. Kelli
11. Jemmers
12. carmen
13. Chaotic Mom
14. Cindy Swanson
15. Deb
16. YellowRose
17. Stacy
18. Carol
19. Stacie
20. Friday\'s Child
21. christina
22. Joe
23. Laura
24. Norma

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Tracy S said...

Your list is great....Great job and welcome to the TT..
I LOVE Joel Osteen. I didn't realize they had a newsletter I will have to lok that up. I live not to far from his church ( about an hour)... I need to get up there and check it out. I usually watch him on TV.. he is so uplifting.
I agree, blogging is very
I used to think my husband was crazy for as much time as he spent doing it and then he created me a
the rest is history.
well I have already wrote you a little mini novel here sorry about that.

Happy Anniversary :)

Twisted Cinderella said...

I wake up and compute before breakfast too. And my web page is a distant second to my blogging now.

Beck said...

Great list and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! 42 years? That's great!

Trinity13 said...

Well, happy anniversary to you!!! How exciting! My hubby and I are celebrating 8 years in August, but how wonderful to be celebrating 42!

Anonymous said...

Wow, happy anniversary! Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary. blogging is addictive- fun, but addicitve. now you'll find Thursday 13 to be addictive, as well!

Pete said...

Happy Anniversary! 42 years is a long time, you are definitely blessed and to be congratulated.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful day....even if, like the rest of us, you are blog surfing!
Take care,
God Bless!

Chaotic Mom said...

NO WAY! Today is our 15th anniversary. Not kidding. Congratulations to you guys! ;)

Cindy Swanson said...

Happy anniversary, Barb! That's awesome! And welcome to the world of Thursday Thirteen. Great first list!

Barbara said...

Thanks to everyone who has stopped by today and wished us Happy Anniversary, or just written a note.

But, I have to say a special thanks to Chaotic Mom. She is the first with whom we have known of a shared anniversary - with the exception of my husband's niece. She was married 2 years before us, and we didn't realize we were getting married on her anniversary. Happy Anniversary to you, to Chaotic Mom! Many more happy ones!

Anonymous said...

Happy 42nd Anniversary, Barb!

And, glad you did a Thursday 13! Enjoyable.

YellowRose said...

Happy Anniversary!!! 42 years is awesome!!

I agree with you, blogging is very addicting!

Happy Thursday!

Anonymous said...

You did a great job on your first T13! Congratulations on the anniversary and hope you have a wonderful day, doing all the things that make you happy :)

Have a great day, my T13 is up too (all about books this week).

Carol said...

What a relaxing list! I could have done all of that stuff with you today and been quite content - except I'd have wanted the kiss from my own husband, thankyouverymuch!

Great thirteen, Barb!

Oh, yeah - hooray for the rain, boo-hiss to those naughty squirrels.

Nature Girl said...

Happy Anniversary. Great TT. I have a problem with the squirrels too, they're making me crazy. I played too. Stacie

Angela Belt-Newcom said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

Barbara said...

Carol, you break me up! You are so funny! Of course, you could have the kiss from your own husband! :) Mine could give you a hug; I'm not jealous - not even if he pecked you on the cheek!

Carmen said...

i couldn't post a comment earlier, don't know why.

Happy Anniversary!


Happy Anniversary! I do agree with you about blogging. I met all of you from blogging.
Thanks for dropping by.

Barbara said...

Sorry you had a problem commenting, Carmen. Blogspot does have plenty of those from time to time!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! I hope you had a wonderful day!

Lyn said...

Great blog, on my blog list for sure. And happy anniversary. Have a great week, lgp

Barbara said...

Thanks, Lyn. I visit your blog often. I'm putting you on my blog roll as well.

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my TT list. Happy Anniversary too. My parents are still together and they are in their mid seventies. It will be their 58th Anniversary on Sept.22nd, Lord willing. Please visit my blog anytime and welcome to the T13 gang! ~ Joe

Laura said...

I liked your list - and I can really related to how easy it is to just sit down to check email and forget about eating and everything else!

Barbara said...

Joe, thanks for coming and for the welcome. And, tell your parents Happy Anniversary from the Sanders. My Mom and Dad were married for 54 1/2 years when my Dad died 15 yrs ago. Mother is still living at 89.

Barbara said...

Laura,I'm doing it again! Checking mail before eating. :) I think it's a habit that is hard to break.

Norma said...

Happy Anniversary. . . a day late. We're working on 46.

Thanks for visiting my TT.

Barbara said...

Congratulations, Norma. If we had started dating when we first met, we could probably be working on 45 or 46. But, it took us 3 years before we started dating. :)