Today, I was listening to Sean Hannity's radio talk show. He had a caller that was trying to tell him he needed to change his 'tone' if he wanted to be effective. I had missed the first part of the guy's call, but knew immediately he was a liberal when I heard that. Learned later too, that he had a PhD.
Hannity spent a long time trying to get the man to give him specifics where he had been wrong. He never gave a reason, just made wide generalities. Hannity told him he could not believe that a man with a PhD couldn't give him at least 3 specific cases since he was making the charge.
The caller went on to say that we needed to be tolerant of the President and let him make his mistakes. I thought, man, you are out of touch! To me, there is nothing wrong with the truth, something lots of people don't want to hear. If we continue to tolerate all the government hands out without making a sound, then we deserve what we get! But I'm one for opening our mouths, and letting them know that we don't appreciate the way things are being handled, the out-of-touch Congress that thinks we private citizens are stupid and should keep our mouths shut - that they know what is best for us.
I am so glad we have people like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Dennis Miller, Laura Ingraham, and others who take time to listen, seek out the truth, and then let the public know the real truth. The majority of the media has been lax in saying anything contrary to what the President says. But these men (and women) have the courage to go against the grain and report the truth. It's just that some cannot 'tolerate' the truth.
Technorati Tags: Sean Hannity, Conservative, Liberal