Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Breaking News on Duke Lacrosse case

The Attorney General of North Carolina has dropped ALL charges against the three accused Duke University lacrosse players. They have been found innocent of all charges because of a rush to accuse by the District Attorney Nifong. He said Nifong pushed forward with the case unchecked.

We wish Collin Finnerty, 19, of Garden City, N.Y.; Dave Evans, 23, of Bethesda, Md.; and Reade Seligmann, 20, of Essex Falls, N.J., the best in their lives. Hopefully, they will be able, in time, to put this behind them and move on and have a very healthy and fruitful life. Our prayers go out to them.

Read more about the case at La Shawn Barber's blog. She has followed this case from day one.

North Carolina Attorney General Drops all Charges

Linked at Conservative Cat
Basil's Blog
Don Surber

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1 Comment:

Marie said...

I am genuinely happy for those young men. They were falsely accused of terrible crimes, and the false accusations were dragged out for a ridiculously long time.

My joy for them is tempered, though, by the fact that they apparently hired a young mother with mental problems to take off her clothes and dance sexually at their party. Since that's legal and apparently a normal and healthy act for our culture, they won't get in trouble for that.