Friday, August 11, 2006

Elvis is still popular

August 16, 2006 will mark the 29th year since Elvis' death. He was very popular among the teens and young adults in my young days. The adults had a problem with his swaying body, thinking he was vulgar. Today, his twists and turns would be accepted, I am sure, above some of the things we now see on television.

Elvis Presley is one entertainer whose memory will 'live' on forever. He sang lots of different kinds of music, including pop, country, and gospel. My husband and I probably own every one of his albums. And, the gospel and Christmas music albums are our favorites.

Elvis is so loved that 'he' became a box office hit in a Cathedral in England last Sunday night. The impersonator, John Cowling, sang Elvis' songs at Truro Cathedral in a 75 minute program. The program attracted 900 people, far exceeding their expectations.

"Everyone loved it. There were many people there who never normally darken the doors of a church or a cathedral. That was the point."

However, the cathedral, which has also conducted Sunday evening worship through country and western music, jazz and poetry, has a problem - how do you follow Elvis?

Parishoners filled in forms after the event, telling how they felt. Many loved the service, and one woman said she felt more 'spiritual wholeness' than she had in a long time. But, some thought the church was 'dumbing down'.

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Basil's Blog

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Heather Ivester said...

Oh, I didn't realize Elvis's birthday is coming so soon. His music really does touch something deep in the soul -- especially his gospel. It's fun to introduce him to a new generation -- my kids love him!

Barbara said...

This is the anniversary of his death. His birthday is Jan 8th. He would be 71 this coming Jan.

My kids and my grandchildren all love him.