Today is the 15th of the month, and only 10 days until Christmas morning. And, if you decorate for Christmas, this seems to be a late start. Well, I decorate for Christmas, and yes, I am getting a late start. I would love to have a real tree, but I suppose it will be the artificial one I put up again this year. But, with all the beautiful decorations, it is gorgeous when I am finished. And, I plan on finishing today!
As for shopping, I always mean to get started early. After Christmas, gifts for next year for my grandkids and my kids always seem to creep into my head. And, I think, "it would be nice to start buying the first of the year and have it done long before Christmas". My Mother used to buy early and I never remember her rushing out at the last moment to buy anything. She was too busy cooking all those delicious items we had for Christmas dinner. But, me; I seem to procrastinate, at times. I start shopping, buy one or two things, and then can't really find what I want. I sometimes have rushed out on Christmas Eve to find exactly what I had been hunting for the last month! I have one gift this year my granddaughter has asked for and it can't be found. Or, so it seems. But, I have faith it is some place out there waiting for me to find, and find it I will.
As for cooking, I always wait until the day before to start my baking. I know that is terrible, but I no longer have a large freezer where I can store things. So I do all my baking the day before. And, I get up during the night on Christmas to put on our turkey and ham. I usually cook my dressing the day before. By the time the kids arrive, it is all done and ready to eat.
But, the most important thing about Christmas is Jesus - getting to know Him as your personal Savior. How many wait until the last minute to decide to let Him have control of their life? How many wait until they see death at the door to make a commitment? And, then I wonder how many wait too long and forego the relationship with the one who could usher them into the arms of God?
However you choose to celebrate Christmas is up to you. But, I hope and pray your Christmas includes the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. As someone said other day, HE is no longer a little baby laying in a manager, but He is the living God, the soon coming King - our Redeemer!
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Pursuing Holiness
Conservative Cat
Technorati Tags: Christmas, Celebrate, Lord, King, Savior, Redeemer