Sunday, December 30, 2007

Missing a header

Yes, I'm missing my header. But, it is not my fault. There must be a bug within Blogger. I put the new header up a few days ago with no problem. Then, I came in here yesterday, and it was gone. I could not get into my own FTP site where it was (telling me I have a possible security breach), so I decided to put it on as an element. That didn't work. I started searching the Internet to see if anyone was having the same problem and they were. Someone suggested we store our image with a free online place, and I chose Yahoo briefcase. Well, it automatically showed up last night, and today. But, an hour or so after I turned my computer on after church today, it once again disappeared and hasn't been seen since.

I hate that it is not showing, considering it is my New Years header. I haven't found a way to make it show, and there doesn't seem to be any help coming from Blogger. Does anyone out there have any more suggestions on how to get it to show up? At the moment, I'm frustrated!

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Coming to a close

Less than 48 hours and we will end the year 2007. We will once again embark on a new year in which to make our mark. It is up to us what we make of it.

Many of us have gone through 2007 without accomplishing the goals that perhaps we had first set out to accomplish. As we grow older, it seems the time just slips by so quickly that we don't have enough time to do those things we would like to do. Or, perhaps we just don't take the needed time to do them. We let people and 'things' get in the way.

This year could be different for all of us. If we set our sights on things that need to be done and not procrastinate, maybe we can do much more in the new year than we have this past year. I know I have been slack in some areas, and I am going to try to change that. One of those areas is exercise. I believe we all need to keep our bodies in good shape. Exercise can keep down pain as we grow older. The muscles tend to become flabby and soft if we don't exercise. I am not saying this will be a New Year's resolution, but I am going to try my best to exercise regularly. I also have book reviews that I have been slack getting out. I intend to change that soon. In fact, I have one almost ready to post, and then I will once again start reading a new book for a review.

As this year comes to an end for you, what do you plan to do differently this next year? Remember, the time passes quickly the older we get. What comes on Tuesday, will be gone sooner than you think.

As the Word says, 'in the twinkling of an eye'.....we could be gone. So, do keep your lamps trimmed and burning and your eyes toward Him in this New Year.

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

After Christmas

Do you have the after-Christmas blues? Was your Christmas all you wished for, or wanted? Did you get that special gift you asked for? Did you go for the big deals the day after Christmas and fight the other shoppers doing the same thing? And, did you stand in a long line, waiting to make an exchange with a present you either didn't like or one that would not fit?

Well, I can say no to all of the above, other than we had a nice family Christmas at my house for the first time in years. We are usually spread very thin during Christmas since part of our family lives too far to just 'drop in' to visit. So this year, we decided to have a sit-down dinner with our immediate family and open gifts and just relax. And, it was great. We were joined by the girlfriend of our oldest grandson, too, and she is very sweet. It was nice having her here because she just fits right into the family.

My husband and I decided that we would not exchange gifts this year. Rather, I spent the money on the kids. We enjoy seeing their faces when they open their presents. They were slimmer this year than in previous years because of the cost of things. But, I don't think they seemed to mind. They received enough, anyway, from others to make up for what we didn't give. I think giving of your time and love means more than any material gift you can give.

So, how was your Christmas? Is life as good after Christmas as it was before? Are you just as happy and secure since not getting lots of presents as you were before? Or did your expectations not materialize and you are upset?

Christmas of 2007 is history, and the New Year of 2008 is quickly coming upon us. Why not let go of anything that may have made you unhappy in the year of 2007 and look forward to a wonderful new year in 2008. After all, life is wonderful whether you were given one or a dozen presents for Christmas, or just a hug and love! After all, the Bible tells us to 'love one another as I have loved you'. (John 15:12)

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Benazir Bhutto killed in attack

clipped from
Pakistani former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has been assassinated in a suicide attack.

Ms Bhutto - the first woman PM in an Islamic state - was leaving an election rally in Rawalpindi when a gunman shot her in the neck and set off a bomb.

At least 16 other people died in the attack and several more were injured.

President Pervez Musharraf condemned the killing and urged people to remain calm. Security forces were placed on a state of "red alert" nationwide.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

On the Eighth Day of Christmas

My true love gave to me – a repaired strand of 100 lights. I was decorating the tree, lights first, and half my lights would not work, so I proceeded to get down six new sets I had bought after Christmas a few years ago. Then, we discovered many lights missing along with no more blinkers. So I went to the store yesterday and bought bulb replacements. We did not realize those bulbs have to be put into their little socket that goes down into the strand itself. So, my dear husband sat down last night and this morning and took all the old sockets (those with missing bulbs or broken ones) and re-threaded them with new bulbs. You have to take two small wires on the end of the bulbs and put them down through a small hole and thread into individual small holes. That is not a job I could do; don’t think my eyesight or my shaking fingers would help on that one! I tried fixing one that I accidentally pulled out of the socket and could not get it back in there.

I suppose you can call this act either an act of kindness or perhaps an act of saving money! He had first suggested I buy all new lights, which could have been costly. But, I invested $3 in replacement bulbs, a much cheaper adventure! It is funny that they have lots of little fuses for the strand that we have never had to use, but only put 2 of each – flashers and clear bulbs – in each pack of bulbs. Anyway, since we have discovered that we can actually fix those little bulbs, I guess that will be what we do each year rather than buying new strands.

After all the threading those tiny wires through the whole to have enough blinking bulbs, and getting them on the tree, we decided we had rather have a non-blinking tree. So, we went through the tedious job of finding all those small, hidden blinkers and replacing them with clear bulbs. And, in the process, the lights blew the fuse a couple times in a strand – too much of a load on them. So, my husband had to find another extension cord to take some of the load off the other one. But, it is finally finished as you can see. It looks much better in person – all the apples are not in that one place. They just aren’t showing up on the picture.

Linked at Christmas Alliance 2007 - Random Yak
Conservative Cat

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

How late can one be?

Today is the 15th of the month, and only 10 days until Christmas morning. And, if you decorate for Christmas, this seems to be a late start. Well, I decorate for Christmas, and yes, I am getting a late start. I would love to have a real tree, but I suppose it will be the artificial one I put up again this year. But, with all the beautiful decorations, it is gorgeous when I am finished. And, I plan on finishing today!

As for shopping, I always mean to get started early. After Christmas, gifts for next year for my grandkids and my kids always seem to creep into my head. And, I think, "it would be nice to start buying the first of the year and have it done long before Christmas". My Mother used to buy early and I never remember her rushing out at the last moment to buy anything. She was too busy cooking all those delicious items we had for Christmas dinner. But, me; I seem to procrastinate, at times. I start shopping, buy one or two things, and then can't really find what I want. I sometimes have rushed out on Christmas Eve to find exactly what I had been hunting for the last month! I have one gift this year my granddaughter has asked for and it can't be found. Or, so it seems. But, I have faith it is some place out there waiting for me to find, and find it I will.

As for cooking, I always wait until the day before to start my baking. I know that is terrible, but I no longer have a large freezer where I can store things. So I do all my baking the day before. And, I get up during the night on Christmas to put on our turkey and ham. I usually cook my dressing the day before. By the time the kids arrive, it is all done and ready to eat.

But, the most important thing about Christmas is Jesus - getting to know Him as your personal Savior. How many wait until the last minute to decide to let Him have control of their life? How many wait until they see death at the door to make a commitment? And, then I wonder how many wait too long and forego the relationship with the one who could usher them into the arms of God?

However you choose to celebrate Christmas is up to you. But, I hope and pray your Christmas includes the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. As someone said other day, HE is no longer a little baby laying in a manager, but He is the living God, the soon coming King - our Redeemer!

Linked at Church and State
Pursuing Holiness
Conservative Cat

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Saturday, December 08, 2007

Christmas Carols with links to lyrics and midis

Christ is born in Bethlehem

HHark The Herald Angels Sing

R Rise up, Shepherd, and follow – with midi -

IIt Came Upon The Midnight Clear

SSilent Night, Holy Night

T The First Noel

M Mary Did you Know

AAway In A Manger

S Sing We Noel

Linked at The Random Yak Christmas Alliance

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An angel of light - subtle satan

There is much talk about the Harry Potter books being a bad influence on our children. Now comes The Golden Compass, a movie derived from the works, His Dark Materials trilogy, by British writer Phillip Pullman.

How easily is it to be deceived? Well, the Bible says that ‘satan himself is transformed into an angel of light’ (II Corn 11:14). This should immediately give us cause to be concerned when it comes to our children and what they read or view. Their peers or other things they come in contact with so easily influence their minds. Parents have to be very cautious and involved in everything their children do in order to combat the subtle ways of satan.

I recently wrote an article about The Golden Compass, wondering if it was really a movie we needed to watch. I presented some thoughts and findings of Peter Hitchens. Here are two more great blog entries where you can learn more about the movie and Pullman’s works and perhaps get a good view on just how subtle satan can be.

Christians are ‘in this world, but not of this world’. I believe it would behoove us to take every precaution to teach our children the Truth of the Word, so, when they are presented with things such as the above, they will be able to make the right decisions. Too often our youth are not well versed in the Word and are not equipped to come against the things of this world and the deception that satan sets before them.

Linked at Conservative Cat
Church and State
Pursuing Holiness

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Atheist Michael Newdow at it again

If Michael Newdow gets his way, 'In God We Trust' will be erased from our money. In 2002, he sued Congress and several officials to get the 'under God' taken out of the pledge of allegiance. But, a judge found two years later he didn't have a case since he did not have custody of his children. He immediately sued on behalf of some unknown families. And, in 2005, it was upheld by a federal judge in Sacramento.

In 2005, a federal judge in Sacramento found in favor of Newdow, ruling the pledge was unconstitutional because its reference to "one nation under God" violates children's rights to be "free from a coercive requirement to affirm God." The judge said he was following the precedent set by the 9th Circuit Court's ruling in Newdow's first case.

A panel from this same court is to hear arguments on this case as well as the case for taking 'In God We Trust' off all our money. Newdow says making money with that phrase violates the First Amendment which requires separation of church and state.
Last year, a federal judge in Sacramento disagreed, saying the words did not violate Newdow's atheism. Newdow appealed.

Congress first authorized a reference to God on a two-cent piece in 1864. In 1955, the year after lawmakers added the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance, Congress passed a law requiring all U.S. currency to carry the motto "In God We Trust."

I have a feeling that this man would go to his grave suing Congress or whomever in order to get these two things changed throughout the nation. And neither of them present a problem to him or his children. If you don't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance, don't. And, what harm does the 'In God We Trust' phrase do on the money in your hand. I have yet to hear of anyone being made to trust in God by the money they have in their pocket or hand! I believe this man just enjoys seeing his name in print! Or perhaps he wants to make a name for himself in history. Well, if that is his objective, in my opinion, he has already reached the mark!

Linked at Conservative Cat
Don Surber

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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I thought I had heard it all

Divorce Found to Harm The Environment With Higher Energy, Water Use

Washington Post Staff Writer

Tuesday, December 4, 2007;
Page A02

Divorce is not just a family matter. It exacts a serious toll on the environment by boosting the energy and water consumption of those who used to live together, according to a study by two Michigan State University researchers.

The analysis found that cohabiting couples and families around the globe use resources more efficiently than households that have split up. The researchers calculated that in 2005, divorced American households used between 42 and 61 percent more resources per person than before they separated, spending 46 percent more per person on electricity and 56 percent more on water.

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I haven't figured out how divorce harms the environment. The first thing that came to my mind, after reading the headlines, was we don't bathe together. Perhaps we do use more electricity and water if we live by ourselves than we would if we were married. But, what does that have to do with harming the environment? The next thing we will hear is every single person is being forced to get married or live with someone else in order to not cause more 'harm to the environment'.

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