Thursday, May 31, 2007

Press One for English

When does ones’ patience run out? As the guy in a comment said on LaShawn Barber's blog, “why should I have to press “1” for English?”

We live in one of the most affluent countries on the planet. We have a diverse population. We are a country of immigrants, and the families who have generated from those immigrants. But, the influx of illegal immigrants is becoming a problem. They don’t seem to want to learn English, which makes it a problem here. Instead of requiring them to learn our language, the government is giving into them by requiring our people on public jobs to learn their language or giving jobs to Spanish-speaking people (whether they meet the requirements or not) so they can take care of the needs of these illegals.

We call our bank or other establishments, only to be met with ‘Press One for English’. Every grocery store now has put in a section catering only to the Spanish-speaking illegals. The food boxes are saturated with Spanish and English terms. Most every thing you buy comes with a manual for instructions in both English and Spanish. You call a company for help on a certain item only to be met with someone who has little or no understanding of the English language.

One thing puzzles me. When other immigrants come legally from other countries, we don’t publish manuals in their language – they learn English, if they don’t already know it. We don’t have a special number to push on our phones to make it easier for people with other language barriers to make it easier for them. We don’t load down our cereal boxes and other food boxes/cans with French or a number of other languages, of which there are many of those immigrants in this country? Why? They have come to America to adapt to our culture. They make it a rule to want to become full-pledged Americans, learn the language and fit in. They don’t want us to adapt to them, or do things the way they were done in their country. Quite the contrary; they came in order to change! Why aren’t the Hispanics doing the same?

The answer: the government! Our government is now pushing for amnesty for all the illegal Hispanics in our country – those who came via the ‘back door’…….across the border without papers.

It is very unfair to those legal immigrants living in America! I’ve heard many of them speak out against this. They have spent years and lots of paper work to become citizens. And, now our government is making it easy to stay in this country illegally and then is going to reward them with the ability to become citizens without going through legal channels like the others have done. I don’t care what the ‘experts’ say; give them an inch and they will take a mile – or more! You don’t reward the criminals; you punish them. If you or I went to Mexico, you can rest assured you would be shipped back home in a reasonable time, or you would be jailed! And, in any other country, you would not be given the leeway that the Hispanics here illegally have in our country.

Sure, we are a country of immigrants. But, it took hard work for most of them to become citizens. We have rules and regulations, but everyone isn’t following them. Again, ‘what is good for the goose is good for the gander’, or is it? Seems one gets away with anything, while the other might be deported or put in jail for similar acts. If a person wants to come to America for the right reasons, then he or she would want to go through the right channels. But, these people are seeing the ‘good life’ across the border and want to take it for their own, disregarding how long it might have taken others to get where they are in life.

There are poor people (citizens, I might add) who do not get the free help and free care these illegals are getting from our government. I read yesterday where a woman has given birth to her third child in a hospital out west, because they don’t turn away the pregnant illegal woman. This gives the illegal a sure way of getting what they want for nothing. They aren’t going to give up a chance for freebies! Why would they? There’s no need to give up money or have insurance, if you can find a hospital that does every thing for free for you. But, I am sure it would not be that way, if you and I, as American citizens, were to go there!

If the government continues on the way it is going, giving into the illegals’ demands, you may find yourself one day listening to an entirely different message. You may hear, “For English, press one.” How does that sound to you? Does it bother you as much as the American flag being flown upside down with an upright Mexican flag? Check out the picture over on LaShawn Barber's blog
and see what you think about what is going on in our country by the people are government is trying to appease. Do you want to live in their culture? If not, we need to wake up and wake up fast!

Linked at Conservative Cat
Don Surber
Pursuing Holiness
Pirate's Cove

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Anonymous said...

Hi Barbara,

I came across you post quite by accident when i googled - Press 1 for English. Being a 'legal' immigrant to the United States, I can see your frustration with the current system. I understand that the illegal debate is quite a touchy subject for most people. Most of your comments, though I would not agree with, I respect as your individual opinion. However, your statement "I read yesterday where a woman has given birth to her third child in a hospital out west, because they don’t turn away the pregnant illegal woman. This gives the illegal a sure way of getting what they want for nothing. " - I am just not sure what you mean - As a woman I am sure you have experienced the joys and pains of pregnancy and childbirth - do you not think disallowing humans, illegal or not medical facilities as a cruel harsh act? This statement refreshed my memory of the Taliban rule in Afghanistan which prevented women from being treated in hospitals where men were being treated. I am saddened by the fact that a well educated mother would think this way. But such is life, I hope someday you will be able to re-evaluate your stance. Again, this is not a rant against your stance on illegal immigration, just my rambling about how women, especially pregnant women deserve a lot more respect than what you expressed in your blog. Also, if you chose to delete this comment and not comment on it, I respect that as well.

Barbara said...

Anonymous, what I meant by the statement was the fact most of the illegals from Mexico come over to have babies in order to establish a place here. The way our law is, when a child is born here, that child automatically gets citizenship. And, they realize the government will not send the parents home without the child, so they stay here illegally for years - even to the extent of having other children just like this woman did.

I was just reading a problem they are having out in Oklahoma. I'm not against immigrants coming legally. But, I think it's wrong that our government is wanting to give illegals the same thing that legal immigrants get, without the cost. Just not right.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I agree with barbara 110 percent - the issue isnt the health care that is provided to thse people - well yes it is really - but not so much in the humanity of it but where is the humanity that AMERICANS get treated with ? I am natural born citizen and at 49 I have darn sure earned the right to my medical coverage and health insurance benefits that my company gives to me but there is something seriously wrong with this picture when it is going to take me over 10 years probably to pay off huge co pay amounts from me being in and out of the hospital last year to the tune of over 440,000 that was covered and I dont even know how much wasnt - and then an illegal can go in and get a FREE RIDE ??? BULL !! Take care of Americans first then and ONLY then, if there is any left over - take care of the rest. As for treating humans with respect do you honestly think that the illegals from Mexico treat any of us with respect ? NO and alot of the legal ones dont either.

They talk about their rights - well sorry but the only right they have and will ever have is the right to a one way ticket HOME

Anonymous said...

I'm not defending the amnesty idea but I think one consideration is that there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of illegal workers in this country tapping its resources - using public facilities including, as you mentioned, public health care. And I believe some lawmakers are saying that since we can't stop the influx of illegals at least we should give them the opportunity to start paying for these services. Give them a SSN and let's start collecting tax dollars from them. If this law passes I think the key will be keeping them here - if you're a citizen you must live here and spend your earnings in our economy. Then the rest of us won't be forced to compete with wages of 10 cents on the dollar.

Barbara said...

NetJunkie, the problem is that this could be solved. BUT, the government just seems not to want to solve it. The politicians want the votes, and they aren't in any hurry in building a fence to keep them out or letting our border guards do the job they were hired to do. Look at the two that are in prison for just doing what they were trained to do!

Another thing, I like the idea of the states having the businesses to identify illegals - not being able to hire them and paying heavy fines if they are caught hiring!

There are ways to cut down on the influx; just will America do what needs to be done? All we need to do is cut out the freebies!

Anonymous said...

The wealthy class in America wants to keep hiring illegals. It's cheaper.
All the talk about building a border fence and stopping illegals is just a smokescreen to maintain the status quo and appease the blue collar set. Need those good Christian votes to keep the wealthy class in power! I think Chernoff had an actual thought on this recently and will probably soon be fired for incompetence.

Anonymous said...

The wealthy class in America wants to keep hiring illegals. It's cheaper.
All the talk about building a border fence and stopping illegals is just a smokescreen to maintain the status quo and appease the blue collar set. Need those good Christian votes to keep the wealthy class in power! I think Chernoff had an actual thought on this recently and will probably soon be fired for incompetence.