Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Rev. Jerry Falwell gone to be with the Lord

Rev. Jerry Falwell was found unconscious in his office at Liberty University this morning at 10:45.

The Rev. Jerry Falwell was earlier today hospitalized in "gravely serious" condition after being found unconscious Tuesday in his office at Liberty University, a school executive said.

Ron Godwin, the university's executive vice president, said Falwell, 73, was found unresponsive around 10:45 a.m. and taken to Lynchburg General Hospital. Godwin said he was not sure what caused the collapse, but he said Falwell "has a history of heart challenges."
According to his private physician, on television, he was found unresponsive and did not gain consciousness. He died from sudden cardiac arrhythmia. He was pronounced dead around 12:40 EST or so.

Check out the moving tribute to Rev. Falwell by Angela, at A Life in Pages. She knew him personally, and attended his university.

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Pursuing Holiness

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1 Comment:

Maxine said...

Well, now he's found a far better place. Here's praying that all that he had accomplished thus far will continue on. I have a few young friends who attended his college and they seemed to have been made better for having been there. Praying for his family.