Sunday, December 30, 2007

Missing a header

Yes, I'm missing my header. But, it is not my fault. There must be a bug within Blogger. I put the new header up a few days ago with no problem. Then, I came in here yesterday, and it was gone. I could not get into my own FTP site where it was (telling me I have a possible security breach), so I decided to put it on as an element. That didn't work. I started searching the Internet to see if anyone was having the same problem and they were. Someone suggested we store our image with a free online place, and I chose Yahoo briefcase. Well, it automatically showed up last night, and today. But, an hour or so after I turned my computer on after church today, it once again disappeared and hasn't been seen since.

I hate that it is not showing, considering it is my New Years header. I haven't found a way to make it show, and there doesn't seem to be any help coming from Blogger. Does anyone out there have any more suggestions on how to get it to show up? At the moment, I'm frustrated!

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Coming to a close

Less than 48 hours and we will end the year 2007. We will once again embark on a new year in which to make our mark. It is up to us what we make of it.

Many of us have gone through 2007 without accomplishing the goals that perhaps we had first set out to accomplish. As we grow older, it seems the time just slips by so quickly that we don't have enough time to do those things we would like to do. Or, perhaps we just don't take the needed time to do them. We let people and 'things' get in the way.

This year could be different for all of us. If we set our sights on things that need to be done and not procrastinate, maybe we can do much more in the new year than we have this past year. I know I have been slack in some areas, and I am going to try to change that. One of those areas is exercise. I believe we all need to keep our bodies in good shape. Exercise can keep down pain as we grow older. The muscles tend to become flabby and soft if we don't exercise. I am not saying this will be a New Year's resolution, but I am going to try my best to exercise regularly. I also have book reviews that I have been slack getting out. I intend to change that soon. In fact, I have one almost ready to post, and then I will once again start reading a new book for a review.

As this year comes to an end for you, what do you plan to do differently this next year? Remember, the time passes quickly the older we get. What comes on Tuesday, will be gone sooner than you think.

As the Word says, 'in the twinkling of an eye'.....we could be gone. So, do keep your lamps trimmed and burning and your eyes toward Him in this New Year.

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

After Christmas

Do you have the after-Christmas blues? Was your Christmas all you wished for, or wanted? Did you get that special gift you asked for? Did you go for the big deals the day after Christmas and fight the other shoppers doing the same thing? And, did you stand in a long line, waiting to make an exchange with a present you either didn't like or one that would not fit?

Well, I can say no to all of the above, other than we had a nice family Christmas at my house for the first time in years. We are usually spread very thin during Christmas since part of our family lives too far to just 'drop in' to visit. So this year, we decided to have a sit-down dinner with our immediate family and open gifts and just relax. And, it was great. We were joined by the girlfriend of our oldest grandson, too, and she is very sweet. It was nice having her here because she just fits right into the family.

My husband and I decided that we would not exchange gifts this year. Rather, I spent the money on the kids. We enjoy seeing their faces when they open their presents. They were slimmer this year than in previous years because of the cost of things. But, I don't think they seemed to mind. They received enough, anyway, from others to make up for what we didn't give. I think giving of your time and love means more than any material gift you can give.

So, how was your Christmas? Is life as good after Christmas as it was before? Are you just as happy and secure since not getting lots of presents as you were before? Or did your expectations not materialize and you are upset?

Christmas of 2007 is history, and the New Year of 2008 is quickly coming upon us. Why not let go of anything that may have made you unhappy in the year of 2007 and look forward to a wonderful new year in 2008. After all, life is wonderful whether you were given one or a dozen presents for Christmas, or just a hug and love! After all, the Bible tells us to 'love one another as I have loved you'. (John 15:12)

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Benazir Bhutto killed in attack

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Pakistani former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has been assassinated in a suicide attack.

Ms Bhutto - the first woman PM in an Islamic state - was leaving an election rally in Rawalpindi when a gunman shot her in the neck and set off a bomb.

At least 16 other people died in the attack and several more were injured.

President Pervez Musharraf condemned the killing and urged people to remain calm. Security forces were placed on a state of "red alert" nationwide.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

On the Eighth Day of Christmas

My true love gave to me – a repaired strand of 100 lights. I was decorating the tree, lights first, and half my lights would not work, so I proceeded to get down six new sets I had bought after Christmas a few years ago. Then, we discovered many lights missing along with no more blinkers. So I went to the store yesterday and bought bulb replacements. We did not realize those bulbs have to be put into their little socket that goes down into the strand itself. So, my dear husband sat down last night and this morning and took all the old sockets (those with missing bulbs or broken ones) and re-threaded them with new bulbs. You have to take two small wires on the end of the bulbs and put them down through a small hole and thread into individual small holes. That is not a job I could do; don’t think my eyesight or my shaking fingers would help on that one! I tried fixing one that I accidentally pulled out of the socket and could not get it back in there.

I suppose you can call this act either an act of kindness or perhaps an act of saving money! He had first suggested I buy all new lights, which could have been costly. But, I invested $3 in replacement bulbs, a much cheaper adventure! It is funny that they have lots of little fuses for the strand that we have never had to use, but only put 2 of each – flashers and clear bulbs – in each pack of bulbs. Anyway, since we have discovered that we can actually fix those little bulbs, I guess that will be what we do each year rather than buying new strands.

After all the threading those tiny wires through the whole to have enough blinking bulbs, and getting them on the tree, we decided we had rather have a non-blinking tree. So, we went through the tedious job of finding all those small, hidden blinkers and replacing them with clear bulbs. And, in the process, the lights blew the fuse a couple times in a strand – too much of a load on them. So, my husband had to find another extension cord to take some of the load off the other one. But, it is finally finished as you can see. It looks much better in person – all the apples are not in that one place. They just aren’t showing up on the picture.

Linked at Christmas Alliance 2007 - Random Yak
Conservative Cat

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

How late can one be?

Today is the 15th of the month, and only 10 days until Christmas morning. And, if you decorate for Christmas, this seems to be a late start. Well, I decorate for Christmas, and yes, I am getting a late start. I would love to have a real tree, but I suppose it will be the artificial one I put up again this year. But, with all the beautiful decorations, it is gorgeous when I am finished. And, I plan on finishing today!

As for shopping, I always mean to get started early. After Christmas, gifts for next year for my grandkids and my kids always seem to creep into my head. And, I think, "it would be nice to start buying the first of the year and have it done long before Christmas". My Mother used to buy early and I never remember her rushing out at the last moment to buy anything. She was too busy cooking all those delicious items we had for Christmas dinner. But, me; I seem to procrastinate, at times. I start shopping, buy one or two things, and then can't really find what I want. I sometimes have rushed out on Christmas Eve to find exactly what I had been hunting for the last month! I have one gift this year my granddaughter has asked for and it can't be found. Or, so it seems. But, I have faith it is some place out there waiting for me to find, and find it I will.

As for cooking, I always wait until the day before to start my baking. I know that is terrible, but I no longer have a large freezer where I can store things. So I do all my baking the day before. And, I get up during the night on Christmas to put on our turkey and ham. I usually cook my dressing the day before. By the time the kids arrive, it is all done and ready to eat.

But, the most important thing about Christmas is Jesus - getting to know Him as your personal Savior. How many wait until the last minute to decide to let Him have control of their life? How many wait until they see death at the door to make a commitment? And, then I wonder how many wait too long and forego the relationship with the one who could usher them into the arms of God?

However you choose to celebrate Christmas is up to you. But, I hope and pray your Christmas includes the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. As someone said other day, HE is no longer a little baby laying in a manager, but He is the living God, the soon coming King - our Redeemer!

Linked at Church and State
Pursuing Holiness
Conservative Cat

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Saturday, December 08, 2007

Christmas Carols with links to lyrics and midis

Christ is born in Bethlehem

HHark The Herald Angels Sing

R Rise up, Shepherd, and follow – with midi -

IIt Came Upon The Midnight Clear

SSilent Night, Holy Night

T The First Noel

M Mary Did you Know

AAway In A Manger

S Sing We Noel

Linked at The Random Yak Christmas Alliance

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An angel of light - subtle satan

There is much talk about the Harry Potter books being a bad influence on our children. Now comes The Golden Compass, a movie derived from the works, His Dark Materials trilogy, by British writer Phillip Pullman.

How easily is it to be deceived? Well, the Bible says that ‘satan himself is transformed into an angel of light’ (II Corn 11:14). This should immediately give us cause to be concerned when it comes to our children and what they read or view. Their peers or other things they come in contact with so easily influence their minds. Parents have to be very cautious and involved in everything their children do in order to combat the subtle ways of satan.

I recently wrote an article about The Golden Compass, wondering if it was really a movie we needed to watch. I presented some thoughts and findings of Peter Hitchens. Here are two more great blog entries where you can learn more about the movie and Pullman’s works and perhaps get a good view on just how subtle satan can be.

Christians are ‘in this world, but not of this world’. I believe it would behoove us to take every precaution to teach our children the Truth of the Word, so, when they are presented with things such as the above, they will be able to make the right decisions. Too often our youth are not well versed in the Word and are not equipped to come against the things of this world and the deception that satan sets before them.

Linked at Conservative Cat
Church and State
Pursuing Holiness

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Atheist Michael Newdow at it again

If Michael Newdow gets his way, 'In God We Trust' will be erased from our money. In 2002, he sued Congress and several officials to get the 'under God' taken out of the pledge of allegiance. But, a judge found two years later he didn't have a case since he did not have custody of his children. He immediately sued on behalf of some unknown families. And, in 2005, it was upheld by a federal judge in Sacramento.

In 2005, a federal judge in Sacramento found in favor of Newdow, ruling the pledge was unconstitutional because its reference to "one nation under God" violates children's rights to be "free from a coercive requirement to affirm God." The judge said he was following the precedent set by the 9th Circuit Court's ruling in Newdow's first case.

A panel from this same court is to hear arguments on this case as well as the case for taking 'In God We Trust' off all our money. Newdow says making money with that phrase violates the First Amendment which requires separation of church and state.
Last year, a federal judge in Sacramento disagreed, saying the words did not violate Newdow's atheism. Newdow appealed.

Congress first authorized a reference to God on a two-cent piece in 1864. In 1955, the year after lawmakers added the words "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance, Congress passed a law requiring all U.S. currency to carry the motto "In God We Trust."

I have a feeling that this man would go to his grave suing Congress or whomever in order to get these two things changed throughout the nation. And neither of them present a problem to him or his children. If you don't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance, don't. And, what harm does the 'In God We Trust' phrase do on the money in your hand. I have yet to hear of anyone being made to trust in God by the money they have in their pocket or hand! I believe this man just enjoys seeing his name in print! Or perhaps he wants to make a name for himself in history. Well, if that is his objective, in my opinion, he has already reached the mark!

Linked at Conservative Cat
Don Surber

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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I thought I had heard it all

Divorce Found to Harm The Environment With Higher Energy, Water Use

Washington Post Staff Writer

Tuesday, December 4, 2007;
Page A02

Divorce is not just a family matter. It exacts a serious toll on the environment by boosting the energy and water consumption of those who used to live together, according to a study by two Michigan State University researchers.

The analysis found that cohabiting couples and families around the globe use resources more efficiently than households that have split up. The researchers calculated that in 2005, divorced American households used between 42 and 61 percent more resources per person than before they separated, spending 46 percent more per person on electricity and 56 percent more on water.

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I haven't figured out how divorce harms the environment. The first thing that came to my mind, after reading the headlines, was we don't bathe together. Perhaps we do use more electricity and water if we live by ourselves than we would if we were married. But, what does that have to do with harming the environment? The next thing we will hear is every single person is being forced to get married or live with someone else in order to not cause more 'harm to the environment'.

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Friday, November 30, 2007

Forever changed

Things happen in our lives so quickly. Sometimes it happens so quickly, we are caught unprepared. In fact, none of us are ever prepared to hear that a tragedy has come to our family.

Last night, seven cheerleaders from an area school were returning home after a gymnastics training in a near by town. They didn't make it home and some will never return home. Three of those girls were killed and the others are in the hospital. A deceased cousin's granddaughter is among those in the hospital in serious condition and undergoing surgery today. And, one of the dead girls was kin to my beautician's family. Her oldest daughter is a teacher at this particular school and went to the hospital last night to be with the children who wanted to go. She called her Mom at midnight to tell her there had been a tragic accident on their highway and the first thing my beautician wanted to know was 'which one was it', thinking it was one of her teenage grandchildren. Our biggest fear, when we get those calls is that it is one of our own. It is always someone's loved child.

We never know when that phone will ring late at night to tell us that something has happened to a person we love. These families said goodbye to their girls yesterday morning when they left for school. Some were able to hold and comfort their girls today at the hospital. But, others will never be able to say I love you to those girls again on this side of heaven. It will be a sad Christmas for all these families.

As you read the article on these girls, please pray for them, their families, and friends. Also pray for the cheerleaders and all the friends in this high school who will have to deal with this for a long time to come. This has 'forever changed' their young lives. It is hard for adults to handle these situations, but much worse when a child loses someone close to them with whom they have grown up.

Listed at Conservative Cat
Woman Honor Thyself

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cross Dressing in schools - Diversity at all costs?

The Iowa's East High School in Des Moines came up with a "Bender-Gender Day" during that school's homecoming week. This is a 'cross-dressing' event where girls dress up as boys and boys dress up as girls. This even really upset lots of parents and they removed their children from area schools and began homeschooling.

That apparently includes cross-dressing, an event which has found sponsorship in other arenas from the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, which has promoted a school lesson plan for teaching boys and girls to cross-dress.

State officials in Des Moines confirmed to WND that at least 80 children whose parents were alarmed by the "Gender-Bender Day" during homecoming week at the city's East High School have moved their children from the various districts in the area into homeschooling plans. Several parents told WND that the number could be in the hundreds.

Apparently, the school thought nothing of it since it was just one day during the Spirit week where different days have different themes. But, to the parents, it was something they could not live with. Most of the families attend Christ Apostolic Temple, a church that believes that we should 'come out from among them and be ye separate.' (2 Cor. 6:14-17).

I'm a parent and there is no way I would have let my children cross-dress for a school event. This school probably never thought that perhaps the parents would object. Perhaps diversity in this state means more than teaching the children.

East High recently was the chosen location when Iowa Lt. Gov. Patti Judge announced a new state award highlighting increased diversity in the state.

"The "One Iowa Award" recognizes those who are working to create a "unified Iowa."

Judge said making that a reality takes input from Iowans "regardless of their race, age, gender, nationality or sexual orientation." The announcement had been staged to include East High students talking about the importance of diversity.

Linked to Conservative Cat
Blue Star Chronicles

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Monday, November 26, 2007

Memories of November 22

November 22 is my husband's birthday which happened to fall on Thanksgiving this year.

44 years ago, on Friday, November 22, 1963, a tragedy fell this country. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. This happened on my husband's 22nd birthday. I remember being at the First National Bank where I worked when the news came through on the radio. We all gathered in the Trust Department and listened to the news until time to get off work. We just could not believe what had happened. My future husband, Bill, was picking me up and we were going to celebrate his birthday. This sort of put a damper on things. Nothing had ever happened like this in our life time.

C. S. Lewis, the author, also died on this day in 1963 at 5:30 in the afternoon of illnesses including a heart attack and kidney problems. He was the author of The Chronicles of Narnia which include The Lion, the witch, and the Wardrobe, The Screwtape Letters, and more.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving Holiday is over

Hopefully, everyone had a very good Thanksgiving and the turkey was just right! We had ham and all the trimmings and it was great. Our daughter and her family came home for the meal and fellowship.

We all ate too much which is nothing usual when you have a table laden down with goodies! Those included ham, chicken dressing, green beans, broccoli, creamed corn, macaroni (what meal doesn't include this for the kids?), potato salad, rolls, and sweet potato pie. Two things were missing and a grandson and granddaughter let me know it. This was a loaf of homemade wheat bread for my grandson and a banana pudding for my granddaughter. So you can already guess two items that will be on the Christmas menu!

The two youngest grandsons spent the rest of the holiday with us. They wanted to work for Papa to make a little spending money. They also wanted to play pool and basketball. They also spent lots of time watching football games with us and playing basketball on their Playstation. We took them home this afternoon where they found their Christmas trees already up. I heard one ask if there were any ornaments left for them to hang. Of course not; Mom and daughter put them all up. So, now we are waiting Christmas with lots of shopping to do in between.

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Democrats shift focus because of success in Iraq

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As violence declines in Baghdad, the leading Democratic presidential candidates are undertaking a new and challenging balancing act on Iraq: acknowledging that success, trying to shift the focus to the lack of political progress there, and highlighting more domestic concerns like health care and the economy.

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Do you think they get the message now? But, this will not stop their attacks on the Bush administration. They still argue that casualties are too high and think the only way to stop this is to have a full withdrawal of troops from Iraq.

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Dumb Ox Daily News

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A matter of choice

Thanksgiving usually means everyone is thinking turkey will be on the menu. While I like turkey, and we occasionally have the bird at Thanksgiving or Christmas, it is not always on the menu. And, that holds true for Thursday. My husband doesn’t like turkey although he will eat some of the white meat. I’m truly a white meat eater. But, I have children and grandchildren who love turkey, no matter white or dark meat.

This year, a ham will grace my table. I know that it will go over good and everyone will have leftovers to take home. I have one grandson who could eat ham every meal. And, to go with the ham, I’ll have the traditional dressing, yes – made with chicken. You haven’t tasted dressing until you taste mine!

We make other choices in life that makes an impact on others. The way dress, the way we talk to others, the way we conduct our lives in public, the cars we drive – I could go on and on. But, you get the picture. Whatever we do, there are others watching us from afar or perhaps even next door. We are individuals that can make a difference in the lives of many.

When we become Christians, our lives should take on a different direction. Rather than trying to make decisions by ourselves, we need to pray and get direction from the Lord. I know that might not go over with some, but it’s imperative that we sustain a close relationship with our creator. Life is made easier in retrospect. Sometimes we do undergo things that we don’t understand, but it only helps to make us stronger. Whatever direction our life goes in, it has been our choice. We can choose to live a life of righteousness for the Lord or a life of good for the enemy. Good doesn’t get us any place, although it may make you look good in the eyes of others. But, a true repentant heart makes you a child of the King! What choice have you made?

Linked at Conservative Cat
Third World County
Planck's Constant

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Encourager Award

Thank you, Cathy, of Melodies and Hymn Songs, for the beautiful Encourager Award. I've been told I was an encourager before, but it is very appreciated, coming from a special friend!

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Cartridge Finder

Do you need a new cartridge for your printer, copier, or fax machine? Cartridge Finder makes it easy with over 10,000 different models from which to choose. Just select a brand and browse to find the correct one.

Cartridge Finder also partners with PriceGrabber which allows them to show the companies that sell the products online. This allows the customer to find the best price for the item.

Eight Random Facts II

Well, I just learned tonight that Random Yak had tagged me for this Meme. I did this Meme back in May, but I'll be happy to give you 8 more random facts. You can read the first 8 random facts here.

  • Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
  • Write a post about your own 8 random things.
  • Post these rules.
  • At the end of your blog, tag 8 people and post their names.Don't forget to leave them a comment and tell them they're tagged.
Here are 8 random facts about me.

  1. I am the middle child of three. I have an older and younger brother.
  2. I am 5' 11" tall and married to my husband who is 6' 5".
  3. I have gone on bus tours for years with my Mother. On the very first one, we went to Branson, MO. On the way home, early on a Friday morning, I fell after I paid my bill and broke my hip. I had to have a total hip replacement. This was 6 years ago this past September and I've never had a bit of trouble.
  4. While my children were home, and many years afterwards, I worked as a custom seamstress making custom draperies, and many more household things such as pillows and bedspreads, etc.c
  5. I played for and sang in a church quartet for about 4 years many years ago. My teenage son (at the time) was the lead guitarist.
  6. My husband and I were married 43 years this past July.
  7. We were married only 5 weeks when his AF unit left for overseas. I had just gotten a job in a new town, and spent the next 6 months living alone.
  8. I love to watch old reruns of The Waltons, Little House on the Prairie, along with many other oldies.
I did not tag 8 people before ,but I will tag a few this time.
You are tagged:
  1. Cathy at Melodies and Hymn Songs
  2. Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life
  3. Carolyn at
  4. Maxine at Nanna's Reflections
  5. Neil at Neil's Notes
  6. Mimi at Listen to your Grammie
  7. Basil at Basil's Blog
  8. Anyone who wants to participate.
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Diversity at the expense of Unity

Our country has been known for diversity. In fact, immigrants built this country. Many different nationalities live here. Each have come here in order to start a new life in a new country.

We are a nation whose language is English. Most immigrants who speak a different language have learned the English language in order to be able to converse with English speaking people and to carry on business here. But, the precept of having a national language has almost been lost within the halls of Congress. And, if this happens, many small businesses that require employees to speak English on the job will be affected. The Salvation Army is one of those businesses.

Senator Lamar Alexander from Tennessee had tried to pass an amendment that would shield businesses from being sued by the Federal Government for requiring their employees to speak English on the job. It met with opposition by Rep. Charles Gonzales from Texas, who is a hispanic.

"If it is not relevant, it is discriminatory, it is gratuitous, it is a subterfuge to discriminate against people based on national origin," says Rep. Charles Gonzalez of Texas, one of several Hispanic Democrats in the House who threatened to block Ms. Pelosi's attempts to curtail the Alternative Minimum Tax unless she killed the Alexander amendment.

It stands to reason that one would want their employees to speak a language that was understood by everyone. And, to me, if I were going to another country to live and the main language was not English, then I feel I would have to learn the language spoken there. But, apparently that is not the case now in America. Those coming here seem to want to be able to speak their language and some want to make it a crime for businesses to have the right to require our language to be spoken on site.

The Hispanic Caucus finally agreed to let the tax bill go forward if Nancy Pelosi agreed to extract Sen. Alexander’s English-only protection amendment from it. "There ain't going to be a bill" with the Alexander language, Mr. Baca has told reporters.

Mr. Baca was having none of it. "You see this on the [voting] board?," he yelled back. "This is against me. This is against me personally." Luckily for Democrats, C-Span's microphones did not pick up the exchange. But it was audible to reporters in the press gallery. They also heard Rep. Luis Gutierrez of Illinois say that English-only efforts were symbolic of "bigotry and prejudice" against those who speak other languages.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sued the Salvation Army because of their requirement that English be spoken on the job. The requirements were clearly posted and employees were given a year to learn the language. That sounds fair to me, but apparently the EEOC didn’t think it was right for them to require everyone to speak the same language.

Mr. Alexander says his battle is about far more than what language is spoken on a shop floor. "The EEOC actions turn diversity, our greatest strength, against the interests of our common future as Americans," he told me.

Diversity is a way of life. But unity is being sacrificed in order to appease one group. Public schools were started to teach immigrants the 3 R’s and what it means to be an American. This was done in hopes the children would go home and teach their parents the principles of the Declaration and Constitution that unite us all. Now, with the EEOC coming against the English language being required in a particular business, diversity as well as unity is under attack.

Mr. Alexander says that noble effort is in danger of being undermined: "We have spent the last 40 years in our country celebrating diversity at the expense of unity. One way to create that unity is to value, not devalue, our common language, English."

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Christmas is in the air!

Sure, I know you haven't had your Thanksgiving turkey yet. But, with all the lamp posts draped with Christmas ornaments and the stores full of Christmas displays, one starts getting into the holiday mood early.

When I was a youngster, many moons ago, Christmas was never ushered in until the day after Thanksgiving. The big Christmas tree in Washington was lit and you knew the holiday was on its way. Now, Christmas starts coming out in the summer, I kid you not! Room as been made for Christmas toys very early. I went into a local WalMart about two weeks ago hunting for a particular item. But, I had a hard time finding it because they had moved that department in order to make room for the toys. They have the idea that, if they put them up early enough, children will see them, and start begging for a certain toy. And, parents will hurry to buy it to satisfy the child who has too many already! Companies have the right idea to make money. Actually, it's draining the pockets of some people who really can't afford Christmas.

But, I digress. I actually walked into that store that day and they were playing a Christmas carol! I mean, hey, we haven't even graced our table with the Thanksgiving meal and Christmas tunes are filling the air! I love Christmas music; I love Christmas. But, it grows old when you have to hear it for two months. It takes away the meaning of Christmas when you see the toys coming out so early, the decorations making their way to the front of the store - not to mention their big Christmas tree already out!

What would happen if we chose to not celebrate Christmas in any shape, form or fashion until Christmas Eve? I can tell you one thing that would happen. There would be less bills to pay after December 25th. There would probably be businesses that would have to close their doors, and unhappy children on Christmas morning. But, all in all, there would be less depression and our billfolds would be fuller! Do you think you could survive one Christmas only thinking about what God gave to the world?

Linked at Random Yak Christmas Alliance HQ 2007
Conservative Cat

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

And the rains came

Well, they haven't come yet, not enough to put a dent in the drought we are having in the south. But, they will come.

The governor of Georgia, Sonny Perdue, will join ministers and lawmakers today on the steps of the capital to pray for rain. Governor Riley declared a week in July as "Days of prayer for rain".

There will be protesters at the event. It isn't that they are against the rain coming, but against the prayer to get it here.

The loudest opposition to Perdue's move has come from the Atlanta Freethought Society, a secular group that is expecting about a dozen of its 125 members to protest at the vigil.

"The governor can pray when he wants to," said Ed Buckner, who is organizing the protest. "What he can't do is lead prayers in the name of the people of Georgia."

We have a very bad drought problem here in Alabama and in neighboring states. Lakes that supply the water for our homes are almost dry. Alerts have gone out for everyone to conserve the water. We have had a little rain but not enough to fill up all the lakes that provide us with our water. Lakes in Alabama and Georgia are running dry. But, I believe in miracles. God can fill those lakes miraculously. There have been floods in other parts of the country, but we are coming close to running out of water if the rains don't come soon.

  • Leviticus 26:3-4, "If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them; Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit."
In the 26th chapter of Leviticus, God tells us to follow Him, to obey him and we will have plenty. But, if we are not obedient and follow his commandments, then certain things will befall us. None of us know for sure if this is judgment coming from God for all the things America has done against Him. But, in all my life, I have never seen a situation with rain as bad as it is now.

Thomas Jefferson, for one, resisted calls for a federal day of prayer. But he was an exception. From George Washington, who declared "a day of prayer and thanksgiving," to Harry Truman, who established a National Day of Prayer, American politicians have not been shy about associating themselves with petitions to the Almighty.

Rocky Twyman says that we need to "call upon God because what we are doing isn't working". I think this man has a point!

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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Digital Cameras

My husband has a Canon D30. I tried to use it, but I have a problem with my hand shaking, and it was a little heavy for me when a big lens was attached. So, we searched all digital cameras hoping to find one that would help with the shaking aspect.

I settled on a Canon PowerShot S3 IS. It has the optical image stabilizer, which helps with the slight handshake when taking a picture. It has 20 shooting modes including a full manual mode and sports mode. It also has a nice sized LCD display window. The camera is small enough to carry around in a small case, and easy for me to handle.

I belong to a Flickr group on the Internet. I often take pictures to enter into the contests there. I like to take photographs of nature, flowers, and people. The sports mode comes in hand when filming the grandchildren at their football and soccer sporting events. I also love to capture my family during holidays to have lasting memories as the grandchildren grow.

I love the ease of using the digital camera. I can dial a mode, set the zoom, point and click. I no longer have to buy film. I keep several large memory cards, along with extra rechargeable batteries in my camera case. That way, I never have to worry about not having enough space on a card to take all those pictures.

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Youth of Today

Too many times, we stereotype our young people. We look at the extreme individuals that are picking fights for no apparent reason, the ones who are shooting other youth and teachers in our schools, or those stealing or doing drugs. We too quickly give up on all the kids of this generation.

Thursday afternoon we were driving home from a luncheon we had with my husband's family. As we rounded the curve on the road leading to our house, we saw a small red car turn into our driveway. We didn't know anyone with that kind of car and wondered why it was coming to our house. About that time, we looked over in our yard and saw a small deer dragging it's back leg, trying to get up but just could not make it.

As we pulled into the driveway, the young man, around 18 or 19 years of age, exited his car. You could tell he was shaken up. He was rubbing tears from his eyes. In a shaken voice, he said, "I am so sorry. I've never killed anything in my life." At that moment, I felt so badly for him, I could have cried. I wanted to console him. He asked what he should he do. My husband told him not to worry, that he would call the game warden and have them take care of the deer. As he turned to leave, tears were streaming down his cheeks.

We live in an area where deers are too plentiful, and, at any given time, you will see one or two deer jumping a fence. They seem to come out more at night. We have to be very careful riding down these long mountain roads in order not to be caught by one jumping out in front of us and having no place to go. This happened to this young man. He said a large deer came across the road and he didn't see the young one. Just as he got in its path, it jumped the fence and hit his car. He could not have avoided the accident. In fact, several have been hit on our road in the same spot. We have seen as many as six deer in our yard at one time.

Hopefully, this young man will not let this stay on his mind and interrupt his life. It was just an accident. But, it is nice to see a young man his age who was not ashamed to let his emotions show. To me, it shows a strong character when a man cries. Nothing to be ashamed of at all!

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Political Correctness versus Freedom

Am I alone, or do others see Political Correctness destroying the very freedoms our forefathers worked for us to have?

But Political Correctness remains just what it was intended to be: a sophisticated and dangerous form of censorship and oppression, imposed upon the citizenry with the ultimate goal of manipulating, brainwashing and destroying our society.

There seems to be a growing need of those supporting PC to make laws to restrict almost everything we hold dear. We are suppose to have freedom of speech, but with PC, it has eroded so much that we now have to police our speech so not to offend anyone or chance a lawsuit against us.
It is changing the American society from within, and the citizens of this nation are increasingly censoring themselves and losing their freedom of speech out of fear of Political Correctness repression.

It is the nature of Western Civilization to be civilized – respectful of others and concerned with correcting injustices. We don't need Political Correctness to make us think we are not civilized on our own and must have our thoughts and words restricted.

The schools have adopted a 'no tolerance' policy. Children are put in detention, suspended, or maybe even expelled for minor reasons that could have been taken care of by school administration. But, due to PC, the children have to bear the results of an over-zealous society that wants to appease everyone and every religion this side of heaven!

Also, it's coming to the church you attend: just watch for it.There is a chance your pastor will not be able to preach against things such as homosexuality or gay marriages. Although the Bible teaches against these things, again, the appeasement crowd is hurrying to get it outlawed. It is a an attempt to pacify those who don't believe the way you do at the expense of the principle of truth of the Word.

Freedom has eroded in our country. And, it is going to get worse. There will be no backpeddling. It seems that most assume to appease the enemy is to make him less likely to strike out. We should know better by now. While we are held responsible for things we do or say, others outside of Christianity are not. In 2001, school children found that, while they were being told there could be no display of anything pertaining to Christmas, a middle school student in Texas was able to show a video of her muslim religion. In two schools in California, during 2002, they were having students to attend a 3 week course on Islam and pretend to be warriors for Islam.
This arbitrary double standard was applied in the name of Political Correctness following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Political Correctness has become pandemic. If we don't come against it, we will be come a totalitarian country and the government will rule every aspect of our lives. They have invaded them enough already. If we want to continue to be free, our freedom of speech must be preserved. It is slowly slipping away.

That means you go to your local voting places and vote for the candidate you believe will most represent your views, and then hold his hands to the fire (i.e., telephone calls, emails, and faxes which remind him why he was elected!).
Right now, we have too many lifers in there who have too much to do with special interests groups and will do anything to get elected.

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Review: The Execution of Jesus

Execution of JesusExecution of Jesus

Review: The Execution of Jesus
Produced by: Multimedia Entertainment, Inc. &
Film Roos, Inc, in Association with
A & E Television Networks

The Execution of Jesus is a documentary that explores his last days and the mystery of Jesus' crucifixion. For 2,000 years scholars and archaeologists have worked to document the exact place where the last supper took place. The question is also asked if Jesus knew that his death was near. It is thought that he did because of Mark 14:22 where he presents the breaking of the bread as his body, and sharing of the cup as his blood.

The Documentary has 5 ACTS.

  • ACT I - Into Jerusalem
  • ACT II - Miracles and Betrayal
  • ACT III - Condemned to die
  • ACT IV - The Crucifixion
  • ACT V - The Promise
The documentary is 50 minutes in length. It is well presented with scripture from the Bible with each of the acts. There are many historical places shown in this documentary. I recommend it to my readers to view this documentary.

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Christian woman accused of evangelizing

An unnamed woman in Iran was running a tailoring shop. She had all her sewing equipment destroyed and she was beaten. She had started to teach 3 women how to sew when Christianity came up and she gave her testimony. When they started asking questions, she began to teach them about Christianity.

One of the women was from a very 'fanatic Muslim family'. She began to follow the Christian faith and her family did not approve. They began to beat her and threatened to kill her if she didn't return to Islam. So she fled to another city. Her family went after the sewing instructor, thinking the woman had gone there.

"They thought she might have taken refuge in the home of the lady who was teaching her how to sew. They had heard about her and the fact that she had evangelized their daughter. In any case, they contacted that lady and threatened her by telling her that if she did not send their daughter back to them, they would close down her shop and would even arrange to kill her," the report said.

"Within fundamentalist Islam, the penalty of someone who turns from Islam is death. That is why they had the right to kill her if they wanted to. Obviously, their daughter was not staying with that seamstress, but the parents did not believe this," VOM said.

The family of the woman who had turned to Christianity destroyed all the sewing equipment. They beat her and then told the police. She was taken to court and the Judge determined she was the guilty party because she was 'evangelizing'. He said her persecutors had the right to attack her, and if he ever caught her doing this again, he would punish her more severely.

The woman has since moved to another town. Churchgoers have helped her with medical bills. The Voice of the Martyrs have made a commitment to help her replace all her equipment so she can open another tailoring shop.

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Monday, November 05, 2007

And this is just Monday!

I love Mondays. Oh, I love every day, but Monday seems to bring on a feeling that you have 'the whole week' to get done whatever it is you want to accomplish. But some of us are procrastinators. So, no matter what we mean to get accomplished at any given time, we usually miss the mark. Or, we find ourselves hurrying to get it finished at the last minute. I've been guilty many times!

Today is a beautiful day; sunshine is flowing through my windows. But, the sunshine is deceiving, at the moment. It's cold outside! It is supposed to be up to 76 by this afternoon, cooling down to the 60's by tomorrow, but Wednesday morning, it will be 32 degrees! Folks, I am not ready for cold weather, although I am glad to see the 90's and 100 degree weather cool down. I am a very cold natured person. I like the temperatures to be in the 70's, but God knew what was best for us.

I've been virtually visiting others this morning. I try to get around to all those I have in my bookmarks each day. This morning, I found Tom over at Thinking Christian talking about the mystery of mailboxes. I used to wonder the same thing until I drove up to one at a local post office and found mail literally pouring out the lid! I wondered why anyone would want to chance that mail getting stolen or possibly wet by rain. Why not just go inside, or, at least, go to the next mailbox! Sometimes, we are just lazy folks!

Then, I wandered over to Third World County where David was telling people to 'call me crazy'. (laughing) Reading the post, I found that researchers are saying, if we don't get enough sleep, it will lead to mental disorders. Does that mean we need to sleep enough to empty our minds of all the worries and stress we accumulate in the world today from all the loonies we come in contact with?

When I lay my head down on my pillow on my great mattress at night, I try not to replay the events of the day. I want sleep so I try and focus my mind on the good things of life, say my prayers, and drift off into a state of euphoria, giving my care (I Peter 5:7) of this world to the Lord. He can handle them better than me. He can even handle Mondays!

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Saturday, November 03, 2007

It Pays To Save!

Just ask second honeymooners Larry and Mariam Orenstein. They married in 1947 and spent their honeymoon in The Palmer House in Chicago. The total bill was only $10.

The Palmer House has had a policy that anyone staying there more than 50 years ago can spend their anniversary in the hotel for the same amount they paid the first time. In the past 25 years, less than 10 couples have taken them up on the offer. I would think most people did not save things like the Orensteins did. The hotel requires the couples to have their original bill. And, the couple saved it along with other mementos from their honeymoon.

The Orensteins, who are Milwaukee residents, are 81. In the end, they didn't even have to pay for their stay this time. Their 12 year old grandson paid for it as a gift to them.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Golden Compass: A movie worth missing?

The Golden Compass, the movie starring Nicole Kidman, will be hitting the theaters December 7th.

A children’s fantasy film that stars Nicole Kidman and features a little girl on a quest to kill God has some Christian groups upset over what they believe is a ploy to promote atheism to kids.

The movie, “The Golden Compass,” is adapted from the first novel in a trilogy called “His Dark Materials” by English author Philip Pullman, an outspoken atheist. Critics fear that the film, due out in December, will encourage children to read the anti-Church series.

It is claimed that the movie is based on a series of books with anti-religious themes. Check out Snopes. They say it is true.

Peter Hitchens has this to say:
Pullman’s stories are crammed with the supernatural and the mystical, and take place mainly in alternative worlds, most captivatingly of all in an Oxford recognisably the same place while utterly different. But while Narnia is under the care of a benevolent, kindly creator, Pullman’s chaotic universe has no ultimate good authority, controlling and redeeming all. God, or someone claiming to be God, dies meaninglessly in the third volume of his trilogy. There is life after death, but it is a dark, squalid misery from which oblivion is a welcome release. Pullman puts forward a complex theory of man’s true destiny, and his stories are a powerful epic that everyone should read. But many who buy these books for children and grandchildren would be surprised, and even shocked, if they knew just how vehemently Pullman despises the Christian Church, and how much he loathes his dead rival, Lewis. He is, in fact, the Anti-Lewis.

He has described the Narnia Chronicles as grotesque, disgusting, ugly, poisonous and nauseating. Yet, as Michael Ward, an expert on Lewis, has pointed out, Pullman’s saga begins just as Lewis’s does with a girl hiding in a wardrobe and finding more than she bargained for. It is almost as if he wants to turn Narnia upside-down and then jump on it. While Lewis portrays rationalist atheists as comically ghastly and joyless, Pullman depicts priests as evil and murderous, drunk and probably perverted, and the Church as a conspiracy against happiness and kindness.
As with all things, parents have the say in what their children read or watch on television or at the movies. This movie may warrant a check before letting the little ones see it on the screen.

HT: Read Tom Gilson's post on this movie and how it is coming to your schools.

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Porter Wagoner dead at age 80

Those of you who are country music fans will remember Porter Wagoner. He always wore his rhinestone-clad outfits. Porter Wagoner joined the Grand Ole Opry in 1957 and remains a loved member of the Opry. He helped launch Dolly Parton's career by hiring her as his duet partner.

Porter was born in 1927 in West Plains, Missouri. He died today of lung cancer at the age of 80, the same day that the Grand Ole Opry was inducting 3 more members.

I will always remember Porter singing 'Green Green Grass of Home'. He also had 2 hit duets with Dolly Parton called
“Just Someone I Used To Know” and “Making Plans.”

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Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Mouth full of Truth!

In a world where the innocence of children is being assaulted on a daily basis from every direction, J.K. Rowling had a chance to take a higher road. Children grow up too fast nowadays. They are handed adult problems and hang-ups way too soon. She might have gone against the tide of cultural progressive dogma and allowed her young readers their chance to enjoy pure imaginative fiction in a make-believe world far, far away from contemporary realities. She might have - she could have - but in the final analysis, she chose not to. She opted instead to join other liberal voices who happily shove their views of gender diversity and homosexual acceptance into the easily influenced minds of kids.
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Greg Crosby questioned why J.K. Rowling had to out the character Albus Dumbledore, master wizard and Headmaster of Hogwarts, as homosexual. And, I question her reasons as well.

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Friday, October 26, 2007

Third Grade Teacher promoting homsexuality to students

clipped from

A website called Voice of San Diego recently profiled a third-grade teacher, Mick Rabin, who uses his classroom to promote homosexuality to his young pupils, according to San Diego-based pro-family advocate James Hartline. Hartline says parents need to know what is happening in public school classrooms, and demand control over their tax-funded schools.

Hartline says the teacher has been getting away with this for years, and has now been glorified by another liberal media outlet. Rabin, he says, has a captive audience of innocent children and is using that to his advantage in order to indoctrinate children into accepting homosexuality as being normal.

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Molly's Hosting a Giveaway

Molly is giving away a wonderful cookbook, TASTE of HOME.

You can enter to win this cookbook through Friday, which is tomorrow. So, hurry on over to Molly's and get your entry in! And, if you win, she is giving away something extra! Good luck!

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