I've been away from my blog for a long time. Many things have happened since I last posted. My Mother was getting up in years and I took to going to her home every day to help her. I cooked, cleaned, did her grocery shopping, paying bills and taking care of her banking.
She broke her hip in December 2010, had surgery, and then to rehab. I brought her to our home where she spent the next 2 1/2 years. She passed away in September 2014. She lived a long life and productive life of 97 1/2 years. God was good to her because she was a faithful Christian.
We certainly miss her every day. Just looking at the recliner where she spent her days mostly and passing the bedroom where she slept gets to me at times. But I wouldn't wish her back. She was ready to go, and she was so tired, didn't eat much at last. Her hearing had gotten very bad and I know that played on her mind. She could watch television, but couldn't hear it good.
I came home from church that last Sunday. She said she was hungry, so I fed her lunch. She ate every bite. Later she started shaking, which scared us. We got her cleaned up and called the paramedics. She got to the hospital that afternoon where they told us she seemed to be having problems (didn't tell us she was shutting down). The staff had her in a room, all cleaned up and she said she was hungry and wanted some water. She ate about 2 bites of applesauce and said that's all she wanted. She took a few sips of water. We had no idea she was so close to leaving us. She passed away not long after midnight.
I know she's in the best place she could be in, no more sickness, and reunited with my Daddy, her Mother and sister, and a host of other relatives. She's probably singing around the throne of Jesus!
Saturday, July 08, 2017
Tuesday, August 07, 2012
Turn From Sin
Monday, April 23, 2012
Placing Hope In Tomorrow
Today we buried my husband’s nephew. He was only 52 years of age. And, we had no idea he was sick or that he would leave us so quickly. And I am sure he had no idea that he would not live longer than he did.
We are not promised tomorrow through God’s Word. Only God gives us hope.
Psalms 119:114, "Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word."
James 4:14, "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."
Vapor in our language means ‘something insubstantial, worthless, or fleeting.’ Without God, there would be no life, no tomorrow. Instead of counting on tomorrow, let us put our hope in God alone. Then when things happen, we know we can call on Him and He will be there for us. Tomorrow may never come for some of us like it didn’t come for Dan, but with God there is always HOPE!
Technorati Tags: Hope
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Checking spacing in new format
I just found out tonight from a friend about the new format here at Blogspot.com. I never had a problem with the other, but apparently the owners thought they needed an upgrade.
I have no idea how this will turn out. Others are having problems with spacing. I am just typing as I usually do, to see how this comes out. My main objective is to have it appear nicely on my blog, not jumbled up.
I am going to insert a picture to see if I can do it correctly:
The picture is of a tame crab apple tree in our back yard. This picture was made about 2 years ago. It wasn't in good bloom this year. It usually is gorgeous at Easter time.
Technorati Tags: Picture, Format