Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Thursday Thirteen #6

13 Books I have reviewed this year:

1. How To Write by Herb and Jill Meyer
2. Brokenness by Ron Solomon
3. Help! Mom! There’s a Liberal Under My Bed by Katherine DeBrecht
4. Living Under God by Toby Mac and Michael Tait
5. Global Deception by Joseph Klein
6. Credo by Ray Pritchard
7. Help! Mom! Hollywood’s In My Hamper! By Katherine DeBrecht
8. Life Is A Buffet – So Save Room for Dessert by Polly D Boyette
9. Lord, Please Meet Me In The Laundry Room by Barbara Curtis
10. Presumed Guilty by James Scott Bell
11. He talk like a white boy by Joseph C Phillpis
12. The Life of Teenagers “Ain’t No Joke” by Keith G Wright
13. Why Christians Don’t Vote For Democrats by Richard Miller

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

1. Mysterious Lady
2. Robin
3. Bloggin\' Outloud
4. Jenn
5. meredith
6. sahm
7. Suzy
8. Janet
9. Kelli
10. Kelli
11. Les
12. Pass the Torch
13. Robin
14. EmilyRoseJewel
15. Southern Girl
16. kristarella
17. JenBlogs
18. Christine
19. ~ Stacy ~
20. froglegs
21. Mommy the Maid
22. wrigley
23. Friday\'s Child
24. KarenW
25. Kallie
26. Something\'s Missing
27. Virginia!
28. Kailani
29. Chasing Dani
30. carmen
31. Goofy girl
32. Maribeth
33. Goddess In The City
34. Karen
35. Lindsey
36. Jenny Ryan
37. Stacy
38. Candy Minx
39. Missi
40. Tracy
41. Dawn
42. Momma Pinata
43. Heather\'s Funny Thoughts
44. Mickey\'s Wife
45. my 2 cents
46. Sandy
47. Lynn
48. Marti
49. adventures in juggling
50. Irish Church Lady
51. Cindy Swanson

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Meira{FB} said...

Nice list. I love reading.
Happy TT

Anonymous said...

If I found a democrat under my bed...I'd...well, never mind. Let's just say it wouldn't be pretty. ROTFLOL

Of course, I'm not Republican either. I'm an independent! :)

I'm up!!

Lyn said...

You're a good reviewer too, that's for sure. My T13 - Classic Books I've Never Read Edition. Thanks!

Fingers To Toes Photography said...

OHH I miss reading, i have not read a book in almost 3 least not ALL of one! Having kids is great, aint it? (Just kidding)

Anonymous said...

Oh I soooo want to read "Lord please meet me in the laundry room". Sounds like a great book as most of the others do!

Anonymous said...

um...someone doesn't like liberals, I see ;-)

My 13 is up, but it's liberally raunchy ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great list of books! Since school started I won't be able to read as much as I would like! Happy TT!

Barbara said...

Janet, just want you to know my reviewing has nothing to do with my beliefs, other than the Christian books. I review what they send me - liberal, conservative, Christian, fiction - unless I turn down something.

Robin, the book is hilarious!

Suzy, get the Laundry room book - you will enjoy it! Those fun titles you will not put down until you've read every bit!

Thanks, Lyn. I enjoyed your game again today. :)

Crayonsetc said...

Some of those books sound interesting. I am NOT a big reader... but might have to check some of them out!!

Happy TT!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my TT! Is the Presumed Guilty book good? It sounds good. I might have to go to the library. Also, being an active Christian you might like a couple of sites that I have and one you might know a homeschooler you could pass it on to: has encouragement webcasts (but I haven't updated it in a while - my desktop died and that is the puter with the right program) (I am still working on that one) has one article up on it right now under nag n nudge has some homeschooling links and worksheets.

Anyway, thanks again for stopping by. Don't be a stranger!

Unknown said...

I think #9 would be so good for me, I need His help managing my home, it is so hard, #13, good one! My list is up!

Southern Girl said...

Wow, you've been busy! You might want to check the link to the Joseph Phillips book -- it links to Presumed Guilty. :)

Thanks for visitng my TT!

Jen said...

I haven't read any of these! That last one looks really interesting, I may have to find it somewhere.

Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard of any of them. Sounds like a range of serious and humourous though.

Unknown said...

The one I'd like to read "Lord please meet me in the laundry room". God must know I need help with housework!Interesting titles.
Happy Thursday!

Barbara said...

Robin, Presumed Guilty is definitely a wonderful book to read. I didn't want to put it down. I'll check out the sites when I have time. Thanks.

Southern Girl,
Thanks for letting me know about that one. I was doing those fast, and made a mistake. It's fixed now.

Anonymous said...

I'll have to come back and read all of your reviews. Quite a few of these books sound like a good read. :)

Melzie said...

Oh gosh.. I've not read any! I need to catch up with the reading world I guess!!

Anonymous said...

I may have to check some of those out!

Anonymous said... made me interested in Life is a Buffet and He Talk like a White Boy.

my list is up!


Haven't heard of these books yet. But by the sound of its titles, I think I'd like to read #s 1, 2 and 8.
Thanks for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

Lor, Please Meet Me in the Laundry room sounds like a great book.

My TT is up!

*~*Michelle*~* said...

Well, I have read none of those but some of the titles got my attention -- they sound wonderful!

My Thursday Thirteen is up!

Happy Thursday!

Virginia Revoir said...

Oooh, I love the sound of the some of the books you read. Especially about who Christians should vote for. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Definitely have to add some of these to my reading list.

Here's my TT

Carmen said...

i like the title of the one that says Life's a Buffet!

Heather said...

Wow, you've done a lot of reviews!

I like the book title Why Christians Don't Vote for Democrats!

Maribeth said...

I will be so happy when my eye surgery is over and I can once again read!

Raggedy said...

hahaha at #3
I think this is a great list. I did not put my name in your linky list because I didn't play this week but I have a little bit of time to visit the ones that posted...
Have a wonderful day!
Thanks for Thirteening!

Minerva Jane said...

Great list. Haven't read any of them but they sound interesting, Thanks for visiting my TT today!

Anonymous said...

reviewing books would be my dream job!!

Lindsey said...

Some of those look really cool! I'll have to check some of them out! Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the list. I always enjoy book recommendations :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh, great list! I love books, love reading, love reading reviews, and getting recommendations. Thanks so much for all of these, I will check several of them out.

Have a great day, and thanks for stopping by my T13 :)

Anonymous said...

I will have to check some out!

Thanks for visiting!

Happy TT!

Heather Smith said...

Very interesting list of reading!
Mine are up here and here!

K said...

Sounds like some good reading!! I'll have to check some of those titles out from my library!!

Thanks for stopping by my site! Have a great Thursday!!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Barbara...thanks for stopping by my blog. Always nice to have new people stop by.
Come back anytime. Nice to have Christians visit.

Lynn said...

Those all sound interesting and a few sound like they would be very humorous;-) I like Toby Mac so I'll have to check out #4 and I definitely could use #9 in my laundry room;-) Are you paid to review books or is it something you do as a hobby? Great list. Thanks for sharing them with us and thanks for stopping by. DH and I are both big John Denver fans....DH sang "Matthew" this past Sunday in our church.

Barbara said...

Lynn, I'm not a paid reviewer. I review for Active Christian Media. They send the books from the publishers and we review for free and get to keep the books - pretty good exchange!

Anyone wanting to become a reviewer for them can go to Active Christian Media and check it out.

Anonymous said...

I will have to check some of those out. Thanks for stoppping by. :)

Laura said...

#9 I recently read and did enjoy.
#13 I will have to read because my curiosity is piqued being a believer since 1976 and a :::::GASP!::::: democrat. ;)
thanks for visiting my tt this week.

Irish Church Lady :) said...

I think I need to read "Lord, meet me in the laundry room". If only he'd do windows too!

Cindy Swanson said...

What a good TT...I may have to steal this idea! :)