Wednesday, April 05, 2006

CREDO by Ray Prichard - Book Review

Credo, the Latin word for creed, means ‘I believe’. And, at the top of this book, there is this sentence: “Believing in something to die for”. Within Credo, the author has dissected the entire Apostle’s Creed, examined and explained every minute detail of the Creed. He has taken each part and given scripture to explain why each one is important to us, as Christians.

John 8:32 says, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” There is much more to the Christian life than the creed, but, we should know and believe those components within the creed. The world has changed throughout time, but the Word of has never changed. What was important thousands of years ago is still important today.

This is a great book for those who do believe in God, and belong to Him, and also for the unbelievers. Perhaps, upon reading, one would find God through these pages of truth. There is no better time than today to realize that there truly is a ‘living God’, one who is ever present, and knows us even before conception.

The very first chapter is entitled “You are what you believe”. And, if one’s beliefs are set on anything outside God’s truth, this book could be the one to strengthen the cause to come to Christ. For in Him, there is life everlasting.

This book was given to me for reviewing, free of charge, by Active Christian Media, published by Crossway.

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