Supplements and Substitutes
Today was our yearly Homecoming at our church. We always have a speaker and people come who may have once been a member and live some place else. In other words, it is a day of fellowship and a good home-cooked meal by the ladies of the church afterwards.
Our speaker today was Don Channell, who was a musician for Benny Hinn for years and still goes on tour with him. He and his wife, Cathy, minister in music, as well. Don has been visiting our church a couple times a year for years and never fails to bring us a new perspective on the Word. Today was no different.When you think of supplements or substitutes, it will usually remind you of vitamins and minerals that you can take when you don’t eat correctly. In the spiritual world, there are also substitutes that many use to try and justify their not going to church. Take Christian television for instance. There are many faiths, many beliefs with a wide range of preachers who appear on television. You dial up who you want to hear according to what you want to believe – it is all there for anyone who wants to watch. You don’t get to know them personally and they don’t get to know you. But, a person will listen to them rather than go to the church God would have them in to hear someone who may tell them things they do not want to hear. In other words, they do not want to be held accountable for anything they may want to do.
He made one comment that was comical but oh so true. He said ‘some people treat God like Burger King; just drive through for a quick fix.’ They seem to think Christianity is all about comfort and convenience.
Nothing can substitute for the Word of God. He has His plan for our lives written in His workbook, so to speak. Anybody who wishes to learn more about His plan for their life needs only to open up the Book and read. God speaks through His Word to those that want to hear what He is saying today. Words in the Old Testament are just as relevant today as they were back then. Had God not wanted us to know about it, it would not have been written. The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. In other words, they correlate with one another.
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Pursuing Holiness
Technorati Tags: Supplements, Substitutes, Christianity, God, Bible, God, Spiritual
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