Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Easter Celebrations

Each of us can reach back into our childhood memories and find an outstanding Easter. Most of us woke up to a beautifully filled Easter basket, full of colorful eggs, lots of delicious candy, and a toy or two.

We have always tried to make Easter memorable for our children and grandchildren. We took on the tradition of putting money in a few plastic eggs and hiding them in inconspicuous places along with all the other real eggs that had been dyed. Hopefully, each child would find one of the plastic eggs. When they found one, they would scream at the top of their voice.

At Celebrations.com, you will find many suggestions for a great Easter Party. Start by letting the children decorate their eggs and helping you put the goodies in the basket. Have a table set with food that children can enjoy after they play a few games. Our grandchildren grew up helping to decorate their eggs and having their personality showing in those egg creations. Since this is a time for the children in the house, it’s a good time to have all the family participate.

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Maxine said...

Thanks for the tips, Barbara! I went to that website--thanks for letting us know about it. I put it in my favorites folder for the future!

Barbara said...

You are welcome, Maxine. They also have some good recipes! Lots of good things on that website.