Wednesday, March 26, 2008

An untimely death

Teenagers are hit with so many things today, one being their sense of appeal. Young girls see the fashion models, commercials, etc., that seem to say 'if you do not look a certain way, then you aren't looking as good as you should'. They are encouraged by these things to have breast augmentation, liposuction, among other procedures, to make their bodies more appealing. And, sometimes these procedures have unnecessary endings.

18 year old senior and high school captain of the Cheerleaders,
Stephanie Kuleba, died from what they think was a genetic reaction to general anesthesia. She was undergoing the surgery at a Boca Raton outpatient surgery unit. She had to be rushed to Delray Medical Center when something went wrong.

About an hour and 45 minutes after Kuleba went into the surgical suite, Dr. Steven Schuster came out to tell her mother that there had been an emergency and paramedics had been called to take the girl to nearby Delray Medical Center.

An intravenous muscle relaxant known as Dantrolene sodium (brand name Dantrium) is typically administered in the event of malignant hyperthermia, as it's the only effective treatment for the reaction. But the drug wasn't given to Kuleba at the outpatient center — only later, when she was at the hospital.

Our children are too precious to be pressured to look better than they do as teenagers. We, as parents, should not give into the 'look better' attitude that is going around. We need to make teenagers feel good in their own skin. There is plenty of time in life to make physical adjustments if they are actually wanted or warranted as they grow older. Life can be cut short just as this young teenager's life was just to make the body more acceptable or beautiful.

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