Monday, January 19, 2009

To whom it may concern

When we are writing to a business or organization and do not know the correct person to address, we usually put ‘to whom it may concern’. We believe it will finally reach the person who will address what we need to know or what we want done in our situation.

And, when a Christian prays, he/she usually addressed GOD, the one in whom he/she places their trust. To address God in our prayers as ‘to whom it may concern’ would be disrespectful, not to say that our prayer would more than likely bounce off the walls!

President Obama, in wanting to reach everyone through the nation, picked a woman, a gay, and a Baptist preacher to speak at the inaugural events. Episcopalian Bishop V. Gene Robinson was to speak at the event in front of the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday. He said all the inaugural speeches he had read were too ‘specifically aggressive and Christian’. He announced his prayer would not be a Christian prayer and he would not be quoting scripture.

Robinson is ruminating on alternatives such as praying to "the God of our many understandings," a language he said he learned during his stint in alcohol rehab.

Perhaps in the future, taking Christian pity on the poor Michael Newdows of the world, presidential prayers can be re-addressed: To Whom It May Concern.

Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in California, will be giving the Invocation at the Inauguration for Barack Obama tomorrow. But he has gotten much criticism, as has Obama for his selection to speak. I can’t understand why, if it’s okay to ask a gay man to speak at the Lincoln Memorial, why not an evangelical for the Inauguration? Hopefully, Rick Warren will not give a ‘sterilized’ speech and never invoke the name of Jesus. After all, HE is the one to whom we all should be looking for the saving of our nation that is definitely in disarray.

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Maxine said...

Well, I think Warren did mention the name of Jesus, at any rate. But there were a few other issues of concern Ihear. Everything is so sad now days. I have wearied of what's happening to our nation and simply trying to turn my eyes upon Jesus.

Barbara said...

Yes, he did mention the name Jesus, right along with ISA, the Jesus of Islam. HE is an inclusive minister, which bothers me. He should have stuck to just praying in Jesus name rather than trying to appease everyone in the audience. Do what you do naturally, not what others may expect you to do, and he disappointed us in that respect.