Monday, December 25, 2006

Blogging on Christmas

I hope each of you had a wonderful, blessed Christmas. I know we really have. We spent the afternoon with our children and their families at my Mother's. My brothers and I cooked all the food and took it in, since our Mother is almost 90. We knew she didn't need the burden of doing anything.

Everyone had a wonderful time together. My family then came to our house for our family Christmas gift giving. Everyone left loaded down, and happy. And, I'm sitting here, sort of happy I never got around to putting up my tree this year. My husband pulled an old fiber optic tree made for the middle of a table out of storage, and sat it on our living room coffee table. The kids got a big kick out of that. My daughter could not believe she came to my house and I didn't have up a tree! But, I haven't felt my best this week, with sinus problems, and now I have laryngitis. I sure do hope this clears up, because I don't want to ring in the new year with this!

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Dave. said...

Hi Barbara.
Dropped in via "Christian Bloggers".
Praying that the laryngitis clears up.
We had a great Christmas Day.

Barbara said...

Thanks, Dave. I think it's worse this morning, and I'm doing lots of coughing. But, I'll be fine in a few days.