Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The peace of Christmas

To some, Christmas is just a holiday where you give and receive gifts - the more, the merrier. But, Christmas time can bring peace amid all the hard times, a peace that you cannot receive from a gift.

I've been paying close attention to Christmas cards we have received this year. Out of the 7 we have received so far, 4 of them mention Jesus and a contain a Bible verse. One has Seasons Greetings on the front; another one a snow man; another one a child in the snow. None of those mention anything about Jesus. I made sure the ones I bought this year are all about the reason for the season - Jesus. How can I, a Christian, expect non-Christians to consider these cards, if I don't buy and send them myself?

I searched the Internet for other articles on the peace of Christmas. Here are a few of them I came up with:

And, from the bloggers:
There are so many more great articles out on the Internet and on individual blogs. You only have to do a search in google or any other search engine to find them.

May each of you find peace this Christmas.

Linked at Conservative Cat
The Random Yak

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1 Comment:

Suldog said...


Thanks for stopping by my place, and thanks for the kind words.

I, too, always make sure that our Christmas cards are appropriate for the season. I appreciate the kind thoughts of all who send us a card, of any sort, but I see no reason to call myself a Christian if I don't keep Christ in Christmas.

(Of course, if you've read much of my bloggings, you know that I fall far short of Christ's teachings much of the rest of the year, but Jesus came to earth for sinners...)