Thursday, January 31, 2008
Time Warner Cable money-hungry?
Can you imagine losing your home in a tornado coupled with a bill for cable equipment destroyed in that tornado? Well, neither could Ann Beam of Wheatland, Wisconsin.
When Ann received the $2,000 bill from Time Warner Cable, she could not believe it. She immediately called the company and a manager told her there was nothing the company could do. She was told to turn the bill over to her insurance company. But the equipment was over 9 years old and the company would only play a portion of the bill.
Time Warner Cable spokeswoman Celeste Flynn said many customers got charged for unreturned equipment because they canceled or transferred their service without mentioning their requests were tornado-related."We understand this is an unusual situation," Flynn said Wednesday. "All they will need to do is call and we will take the equipment off their account."
The tornado destroyed over 2 dozen homes and damaged about 80 more on January 7th.
The one thing that bothers me is the fact that they were billed in the first place. The company had to know that the equipment was destroyed in the tornado and not the result of the people moving and not returning the equipment.
Technorati Tags: Time Warner Cable, Tornado, Wisconsin
Riding the wave
I’m not usually into politics all that much. But, with advancing years, it seems to be more in the forefront of my mind than it was when I was younger. This year, in particular, has bothered me most in all the past election of years.
There has been a stream of GOP hopefuls, many just riding the wave for name recognition (my opinion). When you have seven or eight politicians campaigning, it is hard to get behind any of them. I’ve seen too much barking between candidates rather than them making clear their positions. My first choice had been Fred Thompson, but I feel he stayed out of the campaign trail too long before entering. Therefore, people did not take him seriously.
Today we have John McCain, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, and Ron Paul still on the trail vying for the attention of voters. I personally do not think Ron Paul has a chance and is wasting his money, but his beliefs are making it out to the people. Mike Huckabee, although an evangelical Christian and preacher, has not staked his claim to the majority of Christian voters. I believe he is a very articulate man, very honest and forthright, and perhaps make a good president. But, rather than gaining in the primaries after the win in Iowa, he seems to be losing out. On the other hand, John McCain, who ran low in the two primaries, seems to be the front runner over Mitt Romney now. But, the bid for nomination is not over and we will see lots more mud slinging before that selection is made known. Super Tuesday could bring about lots of changes. But, right now, it seems to be a two-man race between McCain and Romney.
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani pulled out of the race after Florida and endorsed McCain. I have just listened to the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, give his endorsement of McCain this morning. I do not know what these endorsements will do for McCain or whether the ones who voted for Giuliani will go on to uphold his choice for President.
Who ever our choice for President is, we need to vote on Super Tuesday. Choosing not to vote only helps those less qualified to perhaps gain the nomination. And, voting shows your support for the great country in which we live today. Too many of our rights have been taken away, and the choice of nominees for President may make the difference in our losing more of our freedoms or salvaging what is left.
Linked at Conservative Cat
Dumb Ox Daily News
Free Constitution
Technorati Tags: GOP, Super Tuesday, Vote
Bolton says Mideast peace plan should be dropped
Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton is calling on the president to dump his effort to broker peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.
Linked at Conservative Cat
Technorati Tags: Mideast, Peace Plan, John Bolton, Israel, President Bush, Condoleeza Rice
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Daily Nugget
Truth will win out regardless of how things seem.
Jesus himself said in John 8:32: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Words to Live By: Truth
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Daily Nugget
Each of us comes across a daily nugget if only we would stop and write it down. I’m not one on a paper trail, so I hardly ever write anything down unless I’m in church or I have to write down an address or phone number. I’m addicted or more likely, bound and gagged (grin) by this computer. So, most of what I write is typed by these fingers and long forgotten, other than when I come across my posts on my web site or Blog.
I thought it would be fun to list a daily nugget, something we may have heard today, yesterday, or years gone by. It may be something we have learned through life or perhaps our children or grandchildren are fond of saying. Children’s nuggets are worth far more than mine, in that they are so innocent in what they feel and say.

Today’s nugget:
- Life is worth living. It doesn’t matter that clouds may spread across our day, making it dismal at first glance. But His word says in Psalms 36:5 “Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens, and thy faithfulness reaches unto the clouds”. God is every where. He sees our hurts and pain, and is there to help when we call upon Him. He will never fail us, if we put our trust in Him.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Abiding Darkness - Book Review
Abiding Darkness
Black or White Chronicles Book One
Author: John Aubrey Anderson
Publisher: Warner Faith, NY
ISBN 0-446-57969-1
Abiding Darkness is a very captivating novel in which there is a pull between good and evil. Spiritual warfare seems to be the one key that keeps the people of the area alive.
The day that the young people were attacked in the lake off Cat Bridge would forever bind the people together. The two main families were very close, although it wasn't popular to be, considering they were black and white. And, that day at the lake was no different. The one thing that set it apart from all other days was the fact that the innocence of three children would forever be altered. One child was dead because he dared to mind his Daddy that had cautioned him to 'watch out for her…like a man’. Missy Parker was this young girl that trouble seemed to follow because she was so beautiful and had a mind of her own.
Lots of escapes were to happen in the life of Missy. She was not a Christian when the attack at Cat Bridge happened. But, later, she became an advocate of the Bible and God and vowed she would talk to others about the Lord. She mentored a young girl that brought a very unlikely man to his knees on that very same bridge.
Although this is a fiction novel, it is still strong in Christian beliefs. I strongly recommend this for reading. It will keep you captivated to the point you do not want to put it down for fear you may miss the next episode in the happenings at Cat Bridge!
Technorati Tags: Abiding Darkness, Book Review, Author, John Aubrey Anderson
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Win an Insignia Bluetooth MP3 player
Do you have your heart set on a Bluetooth MP3 player? Well, why not run, not walk, over to 5 Minutes for Mom and learn how! The contest only runs until February 5th, so get busy. The MP3 player is being supplied by Best Buy.
There are only a few rules to follow in order to be put in the pot to win:
If you want to win this MP3 player and headphones, all you need to do is:So get over to her website, leave a comment on the post, and put a post on your blog linking to her post. Really easy!
- Publish a post on your own blog linking back to this giveaway post and also linking to Best Buy.
- Leave a comment on this post.
I would love to be the winner of this MP3 player. And, they are also giving away a set of Insignia Bluetooth behind-the-head headphones. Those are nice. The MP3 player sells for $109.99 at Best Buy.
Technorati Tags: Best Buy, Bluetooth MP3 player, Insignia
Afghan Journalist sentenced to death for insulting Islam
The Taliban-style intimidation of Afghan newspapers came to the surface after a journalist was sentenced to death for distributing an article deemed to have "insulted Islam".
There was no lawyer representing this young man at his trial which was held in secret. Some think this is not about this man but about shutting up his brother who is also a journalist. The brother has written reports on atrocities committed by senior politicians in northern Afghanistan.
Technorati Tags: Afghan, Journalist, Death, Afghanistan, Islam
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
This Day in History
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court legalized abortion. The decision of Roe vs.Wade made it possible for women to have an abortion during the first two trimesters of their pregnancy.
The controversial ruling, essentially reversing a century of anti-abortion legislation in the United States, was the result of a call by many American women for control over their own reproductive processes. Although defended by the Supreme Court on several occasions, the legalization of abortion became a divisive and intensely emotional public issue. The debate intensified during the 1980s, and both pro-choice and pro-life organizations strengthened their membership and political influence.
The estimated number of abortions performed since 1973 is 46 million. Each year, in the United States, according to statistics, there are 1.3 million abortions performed. Most are performed before 9 weeks and the least after 21 weeks.
Among the physical risks are infection, perforation of the uterus, hemorrhage, cervical incompetence, cancer, and even death. More information on the physical risks of abortion is available from the Elliot Institute.Among the psychological risks are regret, nervous disorders, sleep disturbances, sexual dysfunction, suicide, alcohol & drug abuse, eating disorders, child neglect or abuse, divorce or chronic relationship problems, and repeat abortion. More information on the psychological risks of abortion is available from the Elliot Institute.
Linked at Conservative Cat
Saturday, January 19, 2008
It's great to be me
Cathy at Melodies and Hymnsongs tagged me for this Meme. It was originated by Jan over at Bold and Free.
Jan says that every time she says "It's great to be me", it reminds her to count her blessings. So she began this Meme.
Here are my reasons it is great to be me:
- I am a healthy woman with many blessings.
- I still have my Mother living who will be 91 in March.
- I have 5 of the sweetest grandchildren (4 boys and 1 girl) and one on the way.
- I have been married to the nicest man for almost 44 years.
- Life has been good for us throughout the years.
- We have a home that is paid for and food to eat.
- I am free to go to church and read the Bible anytime.
- I am a child of the King and I always know I have at least one great friend!
- I can sit here and watch the gorgeous birds (all kinds) eat bird feed in my back yard.
- I have a great web site that thousands enjoy and a blog I have had for almost 3 years that I enjoy writing articles for others to read.
- I have the ability to use this computer and enjoy the friendship of some wonderful people I have met online or in person over the many years I have been computing.
- I have some great friends I can call on any time.
- I have a husband who doesn't mind helping me with housework, at times. :)
Friday, January 18, 2008
It Is Well With My Soul
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blessed assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

- Words by Horatio G. Spafford, 1873
- Music by Philip P. Bliss, 1876
The words to this hymn was written after two major traumas in Spafford's life. The first was the Great Chicago Fire of October 1871, which ruined him financially. Shortly after, while crossing the Atlantic, all four of Spafford's daughters died in a collision with another ship. Spafford's wife Anna survived and sent him the now famous telegram: "SAVED ALONE." Several weeks later, as Spafford's own ship passed near the spot where his daughters died, he was inspired to write these words.
Bliss originally named the tune "Ville de Havre" after the ship on which Spafford's four girls perished, the SS Ville de Havre. Ironically, Bliss himself died in a tragic train wreck shortly after writing this music.
Home at last

Home at Last
Each of us comes here with a purpose and a destiny. We may never fulfill our purpose in this life, but each of us will fill our destiny. Some of us may fill it earlier than others.
We buried my cousin on Thursday. She had lived a life of 77 years. She had been a Christian practically all her life. She had been the pianist in my hometown church and also had a beautiful voice that she used for the Lord. She didn’t get married until later in life, but I think God had her life all planned out. She never veered from serving him, and one day, God called her to be a minister’s wife. She fulfilled those duties wholeheartedly. She truly enjoyed being in the ministry, serving as her husband’s helpmate in the ministry, and also as a pianist and singer.
At her service, you could tell she was deeply loved and appreciated. So many spoke of her love for the Lord, her love of her husband, and of the church. They talked about how she stepped in to help in any way she was needed. Many people, from churches in which her husband had previously been pastor, came to pay tribute to her.
Although she knew one day her life would come to an end here on earth, she used each minute of her life to follow in the steps that God had planned. I remember when I was young how she went to church when her parents never went. I think she led them both to the church and to the Lord by her obedience in the ministry God chose for her.
She fought the disease of the mind, Alzheimer’s, a long time. Both her Mom and Dad were afflicted with this terrible disease. Her Dad died first and her Mom followed three years later. She once told my mother that she was fighting with all her might not to give in – that was several years ago. I had last seen her about a year ago at another cousin’s funeral. She still knew me but didn’t know this cousin’s two sons and I had to show them to her and go with her to speak with them. As she progressed, I know she realized what was happening and it must have been a frightful trip for her to make, realizing she was following down the path after her Mom and Dad.
The disease may have taken away most of her ability to live life to the fullest, but it did not take away her ministry. Someone told me just the day after her death that she had visited this man’s family restaurant about two months ago. Although she didn’t know anyone, or seem to know what was going on, she got up and played the piano! The disease works on people differently. But, I believe God had a purpose in her life that she filled until she was no longer able to move those fingers or perhaps even get out of bed.
As we grow older, we realize that our time is growing nearer. If I could be half the person she was in fulfilling my purpose in this life, I would be happy. I know she will hear ‘well done, thy good and faithful servant’.
One song sang yesterday at the service was It Is Well With My Soul. And there is no doubt in my mind that it definitely was. She used to sing a song that said, “If I could help somebody along the way, then my living would not be in vain”. From the testimonies of those who knew her, she definitely did not live life in vain! She touched so many lives through her ministry that she knew of and perhaps many more that she will only learn of in Heaven.
Technorati Tags: Home, Life, Destiny, Ministry
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
You are blessed
There are many times we look at our lives and our situations and wonder why or how we arrived where we are. We don’t realize that situations could be worse and we could be lower than we are at the moment.
- Do you have a roof over your head?
- Are you warm in the winter and cool in the summer due to the ability to have electricity or gas?
- Do you have shoes on your feet?
- Do you have food on your table or in your refrigerator?
- Do you have a job or retired with the ability to pay your bills?
- Are you able to go to a church near you, if you choose to go?
- Do you wake up each morning and look out the window to see the sunshine without worrying if a terrorist is lurking outside?
- Do you have someone to whom you can say, “I love you”?
If you can say yes to only a few of these things, you are definitely blessed. There are so many in this world today that do not have a roof over their heads. They are homeless. Life isn’t easy for them. They perhaps are wearing old shoes, having to eat at a soup kitchen, and hunt for a place to sleep at night. Some even make refuge under a city bridge.
There are those in war-torn countries that are afraid to even lay down to sleep at night for fear of being bombed out of their homes. They worry each day if it perhaps will be their last day on earth. They never know if the person coming towards them is an honest citizen or a bomb-wearing crazed individual, willing to give up their life for a cause that is beyond our belief.
The people in those war-torn areas see death almost daily. The sound of bombs going off, or guns being shot are a daily reminder of the way life is for them. They are never able to let their guard down because they may be the next victim of a terrorist.

photo by QT Luong/, all rights reserved
Many other countries do not have the freedom we have here in America. They cannot choose to go to the church they might want to attend and, many times, have to go underground. They are sometimes forbidden to have anything to do with Christianity. And, if they do, then they live in fear of being killed, or imprisoned because they did not choose to follow the acceptable religion of that particular country. In America, you can choose to attend whatever church you want, and follow any religion, or no religion at all. You have the ability to express your views about the preacher, the President, or any number of people without fear of being sought out to face the law.
Next time we decide we might not be blessed the way we think we should be, stop and remember all those people with sleepless nights, hunger in their stomachs, and the fear of dying at anytime.
Psalms 34:8, "O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him."
Technorati Tags: Devotions, Blessed
New England Patriots
Football is a passion with my husband and me! Having a grandson whom played for five years in high school made the sport that much more appealing.
My husband has watched the New England Patriots with great expectation this year. He believes they are the best team in the AFC. They have really played some great games this season. Tom Brady seems to always step up to any challenge he faces.
New England Patriots history goes back to 1960. They have always been a great football team. But the first championship was won after Bill Belichek became the head coach. Tom Brady took over as quarterback for injured Drew Bledsoe and he has become a household name.
Some consider Brady one of the best quarterbacks if not the best quarterback in history. With Tom Brady as the quarterback, the New England Patriots have become only the fourth team in NFL history to have a perfect regular season. The Chicago bears were the first team to achieve that honor in 1934.
Technorati Tags: New England Patriots, Tom Brady, Quarterback
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Is California out of control?
This morning when I got out of bed, I went straight to my thermostat and raised the temperature. I always like to sleep in a cool room. And, I promptly went to the Den and raised the temperature on my gas logs.
California has a plan that will keep their citizens from being able to regulate the temperature in their own homes. They have a proposed mandate that would let utility companies regulate the temperature in individuals homes by remote access.
The thermostat is also capable of controlling other appliances in the house, such as electric water heaters, refrigerators, pool pumps, computers and lights in response to signals from utility companies. If contractors and residents refuse to comply with the mandate, their building permits will be denied.
The proposal, set to be considered by the commission Jan. 30, requires each thermostat to be equipped with a radio communication device to send "price signals" and automatically adjust temperature up or down 4 degrees for cooling and heating, as California's public and private utility organizations deem necessary.
The proposal claims that it will allow the companies to regulate temperatures during 'emergency events'. But no where is there anything to clarify what constitutes an 'emergency event'.
Concerned citizens had these remarks to make:
Concerned California residents expressed outrage with the proposal in several online postings:I can see temperatures rising, but it is not on the thermostat!"I hate this state. Why don't we just fly a communist flag while we are at it? We are planning a move out of state. I'm done."
"This is insane. Please, everyone reading this, take action. Write your representatives, call the RINO governor, call your local radio programs and, lastly, write letters to the editors of your local papers. Dear God, just when I thought California couldn't get much worse!"
Other opponents of the state proposal expressed concern that its mandatory nature is a sign of increasing "Big Brother" government control.
Linked at Conservative Cat
Technorati Tags: California, Temperature, Thermostat, Control, Government, Big Brother
Thursday, January 10, 2008
New Postie for PPP
I am a retired homemaker with a Blog I love. I have been posting for over 2 ½ years. I thought it might be nice to see my Blog become profitable, so I began shopping around for ways to make a little income. I soon found PayPerPost through Google. I began to check them out on other blogs, and I soon became interested enough to sign up myself.
I have only been a member of PayPerPost for a short time and have not had time to make many posts. But, in that time, I have found that they are nice to work for. Also, the people working behind the scenes to help us get our posts correct are very friendly and proficient in their jobs.
Extra income is nice at any age, so that is a great reason for signing up with PayPerPost. I probably will not become a millionaire, but perhaps I will earn enough to buy a few things that I may not ordinarily buy without the extra income.
There are many opportunities for posts, with a wide range of topics. I have found that posts are easy, if you follow instructions. And, it is rewarding to know that blogging has become a way of adding a little extra income to the household.
PayPerPost has a strict code of ethics that posties go by. And the word of mouth ethics helps protect both the blogger and the company for which you are posting. Why not check PayPerPost out for yourself; you may decide they are right for you.
Technorati Tags: PayPerPost, Postie
Vulnerablity of Youth today
The world is constantly after the youth of today. And it is easy for them to be caught up in the worldly ways without realizing it until it's almost too late.
The music that attracts teens today is so different than when I was growing up or even when my children were teens. What our parents thought was inadmissible or what we forbid our kids to listen to was nothing compared to some of the music and lyrics to which the children are subjected today. One of the worse types of music today, in my opinion, is rap. The teens think it is great, but just listen to some of the lyrics coming from the popular rappers! There is no way my children would be listening to rap music in my house. But, in today's world, iPod's are very popular among the youth. And, if a parent doesn't listen often to the music they have on them, then there is no way to keep your child from becoming vulnerable to the world's terrible music.
The world is also pushing for their innocence. No longer is abstinence (just saying no) a popular way of keeping a teen from becoming sexually active. In fact, society thinks the way to keeping a teen 'safe' is to provide condoms and pills to them at an early age. Our children are being pushed into adulthood way before their body and mind is ready.
The government in some states are pushing 'sex education' in the schools that promote alternative life styles. A bill was signed in California by the Governor that was to supposedly protect all children from harrassment. He has taken 'Mom and Dad' and 'husband and wife' out of the schools. This gives way to the 'two Moms' or 'two Dads' idea of a family so the children of these 'couples' won't feel embarrassed. In other words, they will teach your children that these alternative lifestyles are correct and undermine the family teaching that the Bible teaches otherwise.
There are ways to try and protect your children:
- Know the media that is influencing your child. Check their iPods and MySpace pages often. There is an alternative to MySpace called Battle Cry.
- Know their friends. We are too easily influenced by nice talking teenagers. But do you actually know them or their parents?
- Find mentors to whom your children will listen when they will not listen to you. Honoring the parents has sort of become a 'lost art' in society today. The outside influences are so strong, children often forget they are to mind their parents rather than badmouthing them.
- Foremost, stay connected to your children. Communication is a life saver! Never let your children feel as though they can't talk with you. Always give quality time to each of your children.
- Ephesians 6:1-4, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."
Linked at Conservative Cat
Pirate's Cove
Don Surber
Technorati Tags: Youth, Teens, Vulnerability, Peers, Music, Parents, Parenting, God, Lord
Monday, January 07, 2008
Christmas Shopping Experiences
Christmas shopping for me is usually pretty easy. I choose to shop for sales, although I will buy something at retail price, if it hasn’t gone on sale by a few days before Christmas. I don’t do this very often. I also prefer to pay cash, and, this year, credit cards were never taken out of my billfold. I planned not to have leftover bills after Christmas. There were definitely no unsecured loans during my Christmas shopping.
I did part of my shopping by myself, but also spent one full day with my daughter and three of her four children. We went from store to store trying to buy things for each of the children who are at the ages that they are hard to please. One store was visited more than once. I went with one grandson to buy his Mother’s gift from him. While we were coming back to the car, he mentioned he had forgotten to get boxes in the store where we had been several times. I waited at the door as he walked up in front of the crowd at the cashier and stood to the side. I watched as the guy noticed him, listened to his request for boxes and immediately filled his order without hesitation. I asked my grandson what the guy had said to him. He said, “Oh, I couldn’t forget you. You have been in here several times today.”
And one incident that stands out happened with a gift that was bought for my granddaughter. She had picked out two purses she liked. Her Mother bought one and her brother bought the other one for her. Christmas Eve, while all the children were gone, my daughter called to tell me she had found one of the store security tag on the purse she was about to wrap. So, they had to revisit the store again and get the tag removed. We do not know how they missed the tag or how we got out of that store without being caught.
Technorati Tags: Christmas, Shopping, Credit, Credit Cards, Loans,
Seven Churches Bombed in Iraq
As Orthodox Christians were beginning to celebrate their New Year's Eve service, seven churches were bombed. This took place although Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had vowed to protect and support Iraq’s Christian community back in October.
Some Christians are unwilling to let these bombers ruin their worship services. They refuse to stop worshipping in their churches because they feel they will wipe them anyway, if that is what they want. One man said he had rather die proud.
Christians in Iraq, composed mostly of Chaldeans, accounts for less than three percent of the country’s population. Today there are about 600,000 Iraqi Christians – down from 1.2 million before the 2003 U.S.-led offensive.Many Christians in Iraq and abroad, as well as religious freedom advocates, have expressed concern of the extinction of Christians in Iraq – either through death or forced emigration – if more is not done to protect the powerless minority group.
Linked at Conservative Cat
Technorati Tags: Iraq, Christians, Chaldeans, Minority
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Buy Discount Inkjet Cartridges, Toners, and Printer Ink
You can do your shopping for Inkjet cartridges, printer ink, laser toner, and other quality supplies at a discount at They have a large listing of discount inkjet cartridge stores that sell discount printer ink cartridges for name-brand printers such as Canon, HP, Epson, and Brother, to name a few.
You will find that InkjetDeals.Info also has discount inkjet cartridge coupons and other promotional deals. With these coupons or promotional deals, you can shop for less here, and keep a supply of cartridges on hand.
Also, at, you can find printer information. There is information on which printer is the best buy and how to save ink. If you are having a problem with your inkjet printer, there is a trouble-shooting guide on how to fix your printer.
Technorati Tags: Inkjet, Cartridges, Discount, Toners, Ink, Printers
Tidbits and Treasures
When I was thinking about starting a blog, my son and I were trying to come up with a good name for it. I finally decided on Tidbits and Treasures. I had, in the back of my mind, little morsels of food and the little things that one holds dear to their heart, perhaps something given to you by a loved one.
Tidbits can be anything, a little of this or a little of that. It could be a morsel of food – a delicacy that you don’t get very often. Or, it could be gossip that slips from the mouths of others. Whatever it is, the word tidbit warrants a small portion.
The thought of treasures always brings up the thought of riches or finding a ‘hidden treasure’. But treasures don’t have to be expensive. I have lots of things that are like treasures to me. I have a few things that my grandmother gave me that I treasure because she’s been gone since 1967. And, I have depression glass given to me by my Mother that she received at their wedding shower back in 1936. But treasures can also be memories. Those are the sort of treasures that can’t be stolen. They will forever be in your memory.
Life gives us lots of tidbits and treasures. Thinking back on my life, I realize how fortunate I’ve been to have such valuable tidbits and treasures. A glimpse into the lives of others has often given me little tidbits of knowledge I may never have known otherwise. And a close friend is always a treasure that each of us should value.
What tidbits and treasures have you accumulated throughout your life?
Technorati Tags: Tidbits, Treasures
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Food For Thought
The Girl With 4 Boyfriends
Once upon a time there was this girl who had four boyfriends.
She loved the 4th boyfriend the most and adorned him with rich robes and treated him to the finest of delicacies. She gave him nothing but the best.
She also loved the 3rd boyfriend very much and was always showing him off to neighboring kingdoms. However, she feared that one day he would leave her for another.
She also loved her 2nd boyfriend. He was her confidant and was always kind, considerate and patient with her. Whenever this girl faced a problem, she could confide in him, and he would help her get through the difficult times.
The girls 1st boyfriend was a very loyal partner and had made great contributions in maintaining her wealth and kingdom. However, she did not love the first boyfriend. Although he loved her deeply, she hardly took notice of him.
One day, the girl fell ill and she knew her time was short. She thought of her luxurious life and wondered, I now have four boyfriends with me, but when I die, I'll be all alone.
Thus, she asked the 4th boyfriend, I loved you the most, endowed you with the finest clothing and showered great care over you. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?'
'No way!', replied the 4th boyfriend, and he walked away without another word.
His answer cut like a sharp knife right into her heart.
The sad girl then asked the 3rd boyfriend, 'I loved you all my life. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?'
'No!', replied the 3rd boyfriend. 'Life is too good! When you die, I'm going to marry someone else!'
Her heart sank and turned cold.
She then asked the 2nd boyfriend, 'I have always turned to you for help and you've always been there for me. When I die, will you follow me and keep me company?'
'I'm sorry, I can't help you out this time!', replied the 2nd boyfriend. 'At the very most, I can only walk with you to your grave.'
His answer struck her like a bolt of lightning, and the girl was devastated.
Then a voice called out: 'I'll go with you. I'll follow you no matter where you go.'
The girl looked up, and there was her first boyfriend. He was very skinny as he suffered from malnutrition and neglect.
Greatly grieved, the girl said, 'I should have taken much better care of you when I had the chance!'
In truth, you have 4 boyfriends in your lives:
Your 4th boyfriend is your body. No matter how much time and effort you lavish in making it look good, it will leave you when you die.
Your 3rd boyfriend is your possessions, status and wealth. When you die, it will all go to others.
Your 2nd boyfriend is your family and friends. No matter how much they have been there for you, the furthest they can stay by you is up to the grave.
And your 1st boyfriend is your Soul, often neglected in pursuit of wealth, power and pleasures of the world. However, your Soul is the only thing that will follow you where ever you go. Cultivate, strengthen and cherish it now, for it is the only part of you that will follow you to the throne of God and continue with you throughout Eternity.
Thought for the day: Remember, when the world pushes you to your knees, you're in the perfect position to pray.
Being happy doesn't mean every thing's means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!
Technorati Tags: Boyfriends, Body, Possessions, Family, Soul
A Vase of Mistaken Identity
A Vase of Mistaken Identity
Author: Cathy Elliott
Publisher: Kregel Publishers
Grand Rapids, MI
ISBN: 0-8254-2537-9
When I first started to read the novel, I could not figure out where the vase came into play. But, it didn’t take too much time to figure out that this vase had lots to do with the plot. Or, did it? At first, it was hard to get into the story because I was constantly trying to figure out where the vase came from and what was the significance of the vase that it would gain so much prominence in the title. But, as I read more of the story, it was hard to put the book down.
Thea, who seemed to be the main character in the story, dealt in antiques of every kind. She bought any and everything she thought she could sell. She obtained a very expensive vase from a homeless man. The vase had a list of 4 women’s names inside when Thea obtained it. She put the vase in her house, only to have it stolen, it seemed. But the vase held a mystery that took reading the entire book to find out – there was no skimming the pages to find out the true mystery! You are held captive by a murder, a friend in a coma, one missing, and Thea herself. The past of four friends comes alive in a mystery that will certainly surprise you in the outcome. Reading this novel made one realize you never know who a true friend is or what their intentions are toward you. I have always been able to put two and two together and come up with the answer. But the true identity of the person responsible for the mysterious things that happened in this novel surprised even me!
Cathy Elliott, the author, works at a Community College in southern California. Cathy is also an antique collector, among other interests. This is the first novel I have read of hers, but I would love to read more. She certainly holds your interest.
The book was sent to me by Cathy Elliott for review. I highly recommend it for reading to anyone who loves a great mystery!
Technorati Tags: Book Review, Cathy Elliott, Author, California,
Blogger Problems
Is there anyone who knows what is going on with blogger? I have had a header off and on for days. I've moved it from one place to another, only to lose it after a day or so. This morning, someone wrote a comment saying she was glad to see my header back. By the time I read the comment, the header was once again removed!
This is not the only problem that is going on with blogger either. In fact, right now, this editor is not showing up correctly. Also, I have gone to customize, and there would be large letters above rather than the regular appearance. All manner of things have been happening. What is the problem? Does anyone know? I would like to have my banner appear each time someone views the blog.