Thursday Thirteen - #37
- My oldest grandson is in his second semester of his Freshman year of college.
- I bought myself a new digital camera - Canon s3 IS. I have truly enjoyed it. I am able to sit in the bleachers and make pictures at the games.
- Christmas was spent at home this year with our children and grandchildren coming over. We had dinner and opened gifts. Then they all went home - the older grandchildren wanted to see their boyfriend and girlfriend.
- We had a quiet time on New Year's Eve. My daughter's two younger boys were here for a week. Papa shot fireworks with them in the cold air. I stayed in the house. The next day, we all target practiced. I actually hit those little targets every time! So be careful when you come to rob my house. :)
- My husband has only got to work one day this year on his truck. Pray for his work! It has really slowed down. We are hoping it will pick up as the weather warms up.
- My husband had the flu this year. He was in bad shape for about two weeks. But, we think he will be fine now.
- I spent last Wednesday in the doctor's office with my 14 year old grandson. Had to pick him up at school and bring him to town to the Dr. He had the stomach virus and was out of school for the entire week.
- I was at my Mother's weekend before last for 3 days. Friday is the day I get my hair done at the beautician's, buy my Mother's groceries and go eat with her. Her septic tank went out. We spent Saturday getting it cleaned out. It still didn't work. We found out we could have had Roto-Rooter first and it would have been fine. We had that done on Sunday and the guy they sent out was not a real professional.
- I have been reading a 3 book series from John Aubrey Anderson called The Black or White Chronicles. I am almost through the third book. I highly recommend these books if you like fiction mixed with Christianity.
- I went to the first soccer games I've been able to attend last night. Two of my daughter's children are on the Varsity teams at school - boys and girls. They played at the same school. The girls beat 2-0, the first time to beat this school. The boys lost 5-2, and they usually beat them. My granddaughter is a captain of her team. The grandson had been sick the week before and didn't get to practice so we thought he would not play. But, he got to play half of both halves. He was excited and almost made a goal, but let an older player (a friend) jump in and make the play. He wishes now he had made the goal.
- I am back to birdwatching again. We have had lots of beautiful birds including a yellow-bellied sapsucker. The Blue Jay, Cardinal, Doves, and mocking birds have been in our back yard feeding already.
- I've been meaning to buy pansies to plant at my Mother's and also here at my home. But, i have yet to buy them. Guess I've gotten a little lazy!
- I woke up this morning not feeling too good. I had a headache and stopped up head. I slept most of the morning and didn't get on the computer until this afternoon. Hopefully, I'm not taking the flu!
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