2000 years ago, a Savior was born. God sent his only begotten Son to earth. He would live a life as we do, but would be crucified on a cross, being punished for sins he never committed. But, through his death and resurrection, we have been given a chance to reign with him one day, if we accept that free gift of grace through faith. Salvation is ours, if we want it.
Back then, there was no room at the Inn for Mary and Joseph when it came time for her to give birth. They were not treated as royalty. And, Joseph had a dream where the Lord sent an angel to him, and told him to get Mary and Jesus out of Bethlehem because King Herod was going to try and destroy him. So, again, they had to leave their home to protect our future Savior, until they heard the King was dead. Upon his death, they could again return to their home without worry.
This week, we are celebrating Passover. Easter, which many celebrate as Resurrection Sunday, comes next Sunday. That is the day that Jesus arose from the grave. But, so much has happened in the world since that day.
We have His Word in the form of the Bible. But, there are many trying to say the Bible is only another book of fiction – ‘nice stories, but truly fiction’. For, why would a ‘loving God’, as He is portrayed in scripture, let people die and not heal them all? Why would he let little children suffer, and babies be aborted? How could He stay quiet when thousands of people were killed in one morning? Where was He?
And, as Easter approaches, we have a man trying to prove that the tomb of Jesus was found with the bones of Jesus and ‘his supposed wife’, along with others. Those of us who hold that the Word of God is truth, know this could not be true, since the Word says he was crucified, laid in a tomb, and 3 days later, he was gone, with only the grave clothes remaining. And, according to the Word, Jesus was never married. He worked as a carpenter for 30 years and then began his public ministry, in which he stayed until he was crucified at the age of 33.
- Matthew 28:6, "He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay."
Then there is the 'return of the secret Mark Gospel'. The debate begins again!
Ho-hum, you say? Isn’t it simply Easter season, when fresh Gnostic gospels or dubious ossuaries show up like spring daffodils?
Christianity is being ‘railroaded out of town’ by those that stick to ‘separation of church and state’. Christian clubs have to fight in order to be able to hold meetings in school. Children are told not to pray at school.
Author David Limbaugh, in “Persecution: How Liberals are Waging War Against Christians,” wrote how a judge threatened public school students, back in 1995, with arrest and incarceration for six months if they mentioned the name of Jesus.
Remember how protestors were allowed to paint the Capitol steps by the Capitol police? But, Christians are not allowed to kneel and pray.
The Christian Defense Coalition was sponsoring a public celebration of The Stations of the Cross when they were ordered to leave a public sidewalk in front of the Library of Congress while they were kneeling in prayer.
The group had been granted a permit by the United States Capitol Police and they were not blocking pedestrian traffic on the public sidewalk.
More and more, Christians are treated as though our faith is something of which we should be ashamed. Our mouths are being shut while perversion is being shown all over the television, allowed to be shown in art displays, and it is taking place on our public streets. Yet, the Christian population is the one that is being told they are wrong.
Just as it happened 2000 years ago, it’s happening today. People are too busy to bother with Jesus. Some feel that they live a ‘good life’ and they don’t need a ‘Savior’ to keep them straight. Life is supposed to be lived, not ‘depressed’, as some would see a life of holiness – living for the Lord.
As we approach Easter (Resurrection Sunday), it is my prayer that eyes will be opened to the real truth, that ears will hear what is being said, and lives will be changed. Too much is happening in the world today to shove the Word on a back shelf and not realize that the day of Jesus’ return is quickly approaching.
- Luke 21:28, "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."
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Don Surber
Technorati Tags: Savior, Easter, Jesus, Salvation, Resurrection, Redemptin, Bible, Grace