Thursday, September 01, 2005

From The Heart of A Child

Donnie, over at Parable of the Blog-net, blogged about 10 year old Joshua Heldreth. He is the young man who was arrested on Good Friday, trying to give Terri Schiavo a glass of water.

From Lifesite:

Benham recalls the reaction of Heldreth on Good Friday as he watched his son being arrested: "When that all took place Scott was weeping, this father was weeping tears of joy seeing his son not only talk the Christian talk but walk the walk."

This young man was was sentenced on August 31 to 25 hours of community service and had to write an apology for his actions. Within that apology, there was a leader emerging. He has certainly been taught what it means to be compassionate.
You can read the apology that this amazing young man wrote.

1 Comment:

kmg said...

Wow... thanks for posting this, Barbara...!