Take it with a grain of salt
Just when I thought I had heard about all the diets, here comes one more. It is unusual in that a preacher is peddling this diet among his sermons.
Rev. George Malkmus has people flocking to hear him from all over the world. They are not only coming to hear him preach, but to hear him talk about his "Hallelujah Diet". He says that God has set forth us a diet in Genesis consisting of only fruits and vegetables. Rev. Malkmus is a very thin man at the age of 73. He says he has followed the diet since he found out he had colon cancer at the age of 42.
Malkmus pounds the pulpit: "What did God tell man in Genesis 1:29? That your food shall be all of those plants that are in that garden. You will not find anything of animal origin in the garden diet. You will not find Twinkies either!"
We've always been taught that you must eat from all four food groups in order to maintain a healthy body - milk/dairy, meat, vegetables/fruits, and bread/cereal. Now they teach the nutrition pyramid instead.
I find a different diet from God in Leviticus 11 where He adds meat to the diet. We are given instructions on what animals we can eat on land and in the seas. If God gave Moses and Aaron the right to eat meat, why would it not also apply to those of us today?
Asked if that is God's endorsement of eating meat, Malkmus insists that section of Genesis refers only to the time of the great flood, when those aboard Noah's ark had to eat animal flesh.In other words, Malkmus believes, God gave man a onetime pass to stray from the vegan diet of the Garden of Eden. In fact, Malkmus preaches, according to Genesis, that man lived, on average, for more than 900 years.
Each of us have to make up our own mind as to what we will believe as truth and what we believe is not. Each of us have been given the charge of maintaining our own health and well-being once we reach an age where we understand the need to eat correctly and exercise. We have learned that, if we do not eat and exercise correctly, we may become sick, or we may develop obesity. It makes sense to follow a sensible diet daily. And, if we don't, we suffer the consequences of our decision. I, for one, would rather listen to God and His truth on the food that we are able to eat rather than listening to someone who dismisses the Truth in the Word, i.e. Leviticus 11. You will have to make up your own mind.
Luke 7:36, "And one of the Pharisees desired him that he would eat with him. And he went into the Pharisee's house, and sat down to meat."
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Church and State
Don Surber
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