Friday, November 10, 2006

Simplified exclamations about God's will

Book Review
Simplifed exclamations about God’s will
Author: Jeffery Gante
Tate Publishing LLC
Mustang, OK

“God did give us free will. He gave us the free will to choose His will or our will.” Pg 15

We talk about free will as though it is permissible for us to do just anything we want and God will be okay with it. But, it doesn’t work that way. When we exercise our free will, we are outside His will for our lives.

As Gante states throughout his book, it is all about God. He gave each of us a purpose in this life. And, we should be listening attentively to hear what he has to say to us.

Gante talks about the permissive will and God’s written will. Adam and Eve were good examples of permissive will. God gave them permission for certain things (His will for their lives) in the Garden of Eden, but they used their free will to go against His direct commands.
God’s written will for our lives is plain, if we study the Word and listen to the Holy Spirit for His divine guidance.

“Simplified Exclamations” if only 63 pages long, but it is packed full of good information and scripture that can guide you to find your purpose in this life. It is a book easily read and easily understood.

Jeffrey Gante lives in PA with his wife, Alice, and their 2 children, Kyle and Kayla. He got his BA degree in Bible at Lancaster Bible College.

My name is Barbara Sanders, and I am a homemaker, mother, and grandmother. I review books for Active Christian Media.

I give this book 5 stars.

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