Thursday Thirteen #9
- Knowing Christ as my Saviour - many people claim to be a Christian but do not really know Christ as Saviour
- Bible - the Word of God to study and learn about His commandments and will for our lives here on earth. It's the greatest instruction book ever printed!
- Husband - We have been together for over 43 years, married 42. I could never have found a better person to spend my life with. Things are not always 'wine and roses', because we all are individuals. But, we understand how to live together, letting each other have our space, never being jealous, loving every minute with one another. I thank God for him, and our life together every day!
- My Children - I thank the Lord that I raised two great children. They learned honesty, compassion, and giving. And, they are passing that on to their children.
- My grandchildren - I have 5 great grandchildren. Two of them are older teenagers. Those 2 and their younger brothers have learned to overcome obstacles in their lives that lots of children never go through. But, Mom has been a great blessing in their lives, teaching them to be the best they can, regardless of circumstances. They will be overcomers, and stronger as a result.
- Health - All of my family is healthy. Oh, we have the usual small things, and I've had a break or two or three (one major), but nothing that has curtailed my activities for very long. But, none of us have had major things other than my husband's bout with gall bladder surgery last year, his first time in the hospital. But, he is well now. Also, my Mother is 89 and doing great!
- My Home - I am thankful to have a place to live, one which is comfortable, and paid for. But, mostly, it is a place I feel safe and loved. Not all houses are 'homes'.
- Friends - I have lots of acquaintances, but only a handful of close friends. And, those friends mean the world to us. All of us might not be able to see one another often, but we know each care for the other, and pray for one another. I am lucky, though, to have one whom I meet each week at the college genealogy library, and we share breakfast and lunch that day.
- Church - I thank the Lord that I have the freedom of being able to go to church, to meet with other like-minded people several times a week, and learn the Word and worship together. And, I'm thankful we have a great pastor and his wife.
- Freedom - we do not realize how much freedom we have here in America, until we read about the persecution of others in other lands.
- Choices - the ability to make choices in life. Sometimes we do not make the right ones, but we have the option of making the choice. This can be choices in our every day lives, our job, our family, or personal lives.
- Life - There is nothing greater than being alive at such a time as this.
- But, most of all, I'm thankful that God is my provider, the One in whom I can trust and who cares about me above all others.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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1. guppyman
2. Random Yak
3. Becki
4. A Chelsea Morning
5. Mysterious Lady
6. Southern Girl
7. My Splatter Painted Life
8. Kimmy
9. PaxilPrincess
10. Barbara H.
11. Margie
12. Margie
13. delightful duchess
14. SunshineBlues
15. Wacky Mommy 16. Nikkie
17. Renee
18. LuluBunny
19. Tug
20. bernie
21. Friday\'s Child
22. Pass the Torch
23. kristarella
24. Christine
25. Debby
26. EmilyRoseJewel
27. c.a. Marks
28. Baggage
29. on the Rock
30. Nathalitanis 31. Tink
32. pixieprincessmom
33. Jenny Ryan
34. mar
35. Dane Bramage
36. Cindy Swanson
37. Mickey\'s Wife
38. Jersey Girl
39. Irish Church Lady
40. Amy@Halo Inc
41. presentstorm
42. amy
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