Saturday, December 17, 2005

There Is Life After Middle Age

What might bring tears to my eyes, in earlier years, appears to me as sort of funny. I've been there, done that, and, believe me, life gets better!

I was reading Randy's Resonating post over at The Upward Way Press. He had gotten all teary eyed over Michael Spencer's post about being middle-aged. So, I had to go investigate. After all, women also go through middle-age on the way of those happy years.

Most of what I found there I could identify with - other than being the father/husband/son. Women go through those stages that make you feel you are too old to identify with the youngsters, but you are too young to be considered old enough to be out with the seniors. Our teenagers once thought that we were from the 'ice age'. But, now with both in their middle to upper 30's, and fastly approaching 40, they see things a little differently. But, still, Mom and Dad are a little old for them, my husband thinks.

I believe the inner self wants to be young, and we do 'see' ourselves younger than we might appear to others. And, sometimes, our body tells the truth on us. When you pass the stages of having teenagers at home, to having grandchildren, that's when life gets interesting. Your own children may think you are a little too eccentric for them - not wanting to act your age. But, your grandchildren love you just how you are. Maybe getting older is better than being stuck in middle-age.

When you begin to live beyond middle-age, life takes on a new meaning. You know you are on the downward path of life, and you want to do everything possible. Laughter is definitely good medicine for the soul. You no longer want to feel sorry for yourself; you tend to think those kind of people are only having a pity party. You no longer look in the mirror to see that young face; you know it's not there, but life is worth living regardless of the wrinkles.

We have gotten to the age where there's nothing wrong with admitting we don't know it all. After all, we learn something new every day.

We have reached the age where we can do whatever we want, whenever we want. We don't have to answer to anyone, or be around when the children come home.

Michael mentioned the fact that most of the bloggers are in their middle twenties, and it's just not in him to be that 'right' anymore. He has a point. As we grow older, and mellow, our thinking changes. We are no longer in a hurry. There's no need to try and beat one at their own game - or a need to be right every time. Doesn't matter that we no longer wear the 'in' shoes (for women, that means high heels). Vanity doesn't show up half as much as it did in younger years!

This month was the anniversary of the death of Thomas Merton. I love that old monk. When he made it to middle age, and the passions of his romance with a student nurse and the grumbling of his earlier years had passed, he settled into what he hoped would be the most productive period of his life. After conflicts with his abbot for many years, a new abbot gave him permission to travel and write as he had always wished.

On his first trip, he was electrocuted in his room when he tripped over a fan and it fell on him.

That’s what I’m talking about.

We’re waiting, Lord, for you to rescue us from middle-age, before we trip over a fan we should have known was there all along.

As Michael asks God to rescue him from middle-age, before something happens that is unforseen, I thank the Lord for every day since middle-age. I am at the age where I feel blessed to be alive. So many never make it out of middle-age, into their golden years. I don't feel I've 'arrived' there yet, but I'm on my way. And, with the Lord guiding my footsteps, perhaps I'll make it without another broken hip!

Linked at Conservative Cat
Thanks to Is It Just Me? - Peace Has It's Price

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Carol said...

I must have looked like a bobble-head dog while reading Michael's post, nodding my agreement. I'm right on his heels age-wise. The older I get, the more I realize how much I do not know, how short and precious life is, and how desperately I need a Savior.

Looking forward to the years ahead...

Barbara said...

Carol, you have many great years ahead of you. I've passed that age, but loving every minute I've lived. You go from middle-aged on over without a hitch; that is, you do, if age doesn't bother you. I think reaching 30 was my worse nightmare. After that, I've never given it a thought.Take one day at a time, and thank God for every breath He allows us to breath! Without Him, we'd have no breath at all, or assurance of an after life.