I just read Greg Crosby's article over at JWR, entitled "Not my world". Oh, how I identify with everything he is saying!
I walk in the malls, or walk down the streets, and I wonder what has happened to people to make them want to dress like bums! I want to say, 'men (boys), pull up your pants. I don't want to see your undies or MORE! Put on a decent, fitting shirt. And, please, oh, please, learn to WALK!' And, to the women (girls), 'Do you not want to look decent anymore? Why do you wear clothes meant for teenagers, women? And, teenagers, why do you want to show your body parts, that should be covered, to the world? And, why do you think these pants with holes are so cute, or that wearing those tight-fitting, midriff-showing shirts are so appealing?"
People need to get a grip on life! I miss seeing people dressed nicely. I often feel like I'm out of place, when I am dressed in clothes that fit, that look decent, and do not show body parts meant only for my eyes, or the eyes of my spouse! Honestly! Clothes manufacturers have gotten the craze these days. They have forgotten there are people out there, namely the older generation that likes to becovered, that wants to look more our age in the things we wear, and are not hip on wanting to be stylish in today's terms. I want women's slacks to go back to the waist. I want women's blouses, shirts, sweaters, etc, to get longer, and some of them looser. Middle-aged and older women do not look good in clothes meant for teenagers. And, I dare say, teenagers do not look good in most of today's clothes made for them.
Boycotts are called for all different things. Perhaps it's time, we people who want to be able to buy decent-looking clothes, should boycott the industry. Do you think it would make a difference? Perhaps not, since today's parents are allowing their teenagers to dress in the provocative clothing that is being put in every store. Until parents put a handle on the buying of such clothing, the clothing industry will keep producing. And, while they keep producing, we will continue to have to look at the bare midriffs, the 'behinds', flabby bellies, and more, of those folks who are willing to compromise their looks for fashion. As for me, I'll continue to 'be out of touch' with today's fashion, wear clothing that fits my body and my age,and continue to look for those clothiers that do think about the older generations. I know there must still be some out there!
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Woman Honor Thyself
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