Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The Star of Bethlehem
Technorati Tags: Star of Bethlehem, Engelbert Humperdinck
Posted by
10:13 PM
Monday, December 07, 2009
Circle of Friends Award
Cathy, at Melodies and Hymnsongs, sent me this award. Thanks, Cathy.
I am supposed to list 5 things I love to do.
- Play on the computer.
- Go to church
- Attend my grandchildren's ball games
- Sing and play music
- Talk with my friends
Posted by
12:35 AM
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Born Again American
Technorati Tags: Born Again American, American
Posted by
3:47 PM
Thursday, November 26, 2009
This is a day for thanksgiving. And I pray everyone has had a great day with family and friends. But there are some who probably have not had a great Thanksgiving, given what they are having to go through.
We need to always give thanks, whether things are going good or not. The Lord knows our need, and if we are faithful to uphold his commandments, He will take care of us.
Ephesians 5:20, "Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;"
Technorati Tags: Thanksgiving, Holiday, Economy
Posted by
8:44 PM
Labels: Daily Nuggets, Holidays
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Has shut down of Conservative Radio Hosts started?
Is this the sign of what is going to happen in the near future? We've heard it over and over that the government wants equal time between conservative and liberal talk show hosts, although the liberals have a hard time staying 'alive' on the radio.
Supposedly, Kirby Wilbur of KVI-AM radio, a long-time conservative talk show host was let go. The station says it's because of ratings. But with loyal listeners since 1993, I kind of doubt it.
Posted by
11:55 AM
Labels: Conservative, Government, Politics
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Climate Treaty
After hearing about this treaty, I've gotten very curious to exactly what is in it. Here is an article by Chuck Norris.
Posted by
5:37 PM
Labels: Government, Politics
Monday, October 26, 2009
Obama, the African Colonial
Thanks to American Thinker for this article. Everyone needs to read it!
Posted by
11:14 PM
Sunday, October 25, 2009
New World Order - Treaty to be signed
I had heard absolutely nothing about this treaty that is about to be signed by our President and other countries. Listen to this intently and make up your mind. I think we need to pray that God delivers us from this, that our President does not sign it for whatever reason. Otherwise, life will never be the same, and as the guy explains, we can never go back!
I realize that God allows things to happen. But I also believe he listens to the hearts of His people who live by his commandments and pray according to his Word. And, if we pray and believe, and ask Him, then I think he hears us and will give us the desires of our heart. I also believe, if we never put our concerns into action (prayer), then we will never know if God would have given us the desires of our heart! For me, I am not afraid to ask God, even if he rejects my prayer for something He thinks we need/deserve. After all, He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He knows what tomorrow holds and he always has our best interest in mind.
Technorati Tags: Treaty, God, New World Order, President
Posted by
1:28 PM
Labels: Government, Politics
Saturday, October 17, 2009
They wanted a King
Take the case of the Israelites wanting a King. They were no different than people from today. They wanted whatever they wanted,not giving a thought of the consequences it might bring. Samuel was upset that they wanted a King outside of God to judge them, so he went to God in prayer. God told Samuel to tell the people He would give them their King to reign over them since they had rejected him. God had brought them up from Egypt, but the people had forgotten what He had done for them.
God told Samuel to tell the people how the King would rule over them. He laid out all the plans the King would have with all their sons and daughters, how He would take the best of their land and give it to his servants. He told them that he would take a tenth of all of their earnings and give it to his officers and servants. In other words, the King would take from them and give it to others.
Although Samuel warned them about all the things the King would do and they would later regret their decision, they chose to have their own King. He told them that they would call out to God and he would hear them, but it made no difference with them. So God told Samuel that he would do as the Israelites asked.
The Lord told Samuel He would send him a man to anoint as King. So God sent Saul that Samuel was to anoint later to be their King and reign over the people and save them from the Philistines. Samuel told Saul that the spirit of God would come upon him and he ould be changed and, when this happened, God would be with him.
Samuel told the Israelites that they had sinned and turned away from God. But God had given them the King for which they had asked. He warned them that they should serve God in truth with all their heart. But, if they didn't, then both them and their King would be consumed.
As the story goes, Saul sinned and did not keep God's commandments. He did not take Samuel's warning to heart that God would take the Kingdom from him and give it to another. God later repented that he had made Saul King over Israel.
Posted by
10:37 AM
Labels: Devotions
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Stimulus from Scripture
2 Chronicles 7:14, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
Technorati Tags: Scripture
Posted by
6:32 PM
Labels: Bible
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
National Health Care
John Stossel Destroys/Pulverizes/Crushes Obama's anti-American Health Care Plan
Technorati Tags: Health Care Plan, John Stossel
Posted by
12:39 AM
Labels: Health Care
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Relevant Posts for Today
My friend at Right Equals Might seems to always have great insight to what is going on in America. Take time to read these posts. I think you will like them, and do please leave him a comment.
Posted by
12:04 PM
Labels: Blog, Government, Politics
Thursday, September 24, 2009
America's Trust in Their New Gods
Everyone needs to watch this Video which comes from The Perry Stone Ministries. Listen to it intently. It is so enlightening!
Posted by
7:30 PM
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
El Shaddai – the God who is more than enough
The economy looks bad. People are losing their jobs every day. Their houses are being repossessed. There doesn’t seem to be an end to the recession right now although the government says it is over. To those in need it says something else.
Each of us has probably been on the receiving end of needing something we could not get when we needed it. We usually just live with the thought that we’ll get it when we have the money. Most of us don’t worry over the small stuff. But when it comes to losing homes, jobs, etc., then that is a different matter.
As a Christian we should know what to do, but many don’t do it. They carry the burden themselves. They do not give it to God. Only He is able to ease our lives by taking our burdens on himself. He tells us to give Him all our care. How hard is that?
Well, in fact, for many, it is very hard. We say we have faith, but we don’t exercise it like we should. We say we know the Word, but we don’t put it into play when we really need it. Instead, we suffer and take these things on ourselves. We worry that we won’t have the money to pay the next bill. We worry that we will lose our homes. We worry about where the next meal is coming from.
Scripture tells us that HE will provide us with the things we need because HE knows everything about us. Our want is not always what we need. He tells us in His word to ‘seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you’. So many times we just seek after the ‘things’ rather than God. If we could rely on God completely, life would be simpler.
Technorati Tags: El Shaddai
Posted by
1:17 AM
Labels: Christian, Daily Nuggets, Religion
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Michigan's Congressman Mike Roger on Health Care Plan
Technorati Tags: Health Care
Posted by
7:22 PM
Labels: Government, Health Care, Misc
Friday, September 11, 2009
Remembering 9/11
A Devotion in memory of September 11, 2001. Such a sad day.
Posted by
8:58 AM
Monday, September 07, 2009
A must read for today
Obama: First Father, Chief of Principal, and Head Psychologist
Posted by
7:52 PM
Labels: Government, Politics
Sunday, September 06, 2009
The Days of Elijah
These are the days of Elijah
Declaring the Word of the Lord, yes
And these are the days of his servant, Moses
Righteousness being restored
And these are the days of great trial
Of famine and darkness and sword
So we are the voice in the desert crying
Prepare ye the way of the Lord
Behold he comes
Riding on a cloud
Shining like the sun
At the trumpet's call
Lift your voice
It's the year of jubilee
And out of Zion's hill salvation comes
And these are the days of Ezekiel
With dry bones becoming as flesh
And these are the days of his servant, David
Building the temple of praise, yes
And these are the days of the harvest
The fields are all white in the world
And we are the laborers that are in your vineyard
declaring the word of the Lord
Behold he comes
Riding on a cloud
Shining like the sun
At the trumpet's call
Lift your voice
It's the year of jubilee
And out of Zion's hill salvation comes
There's no God like Jehovah (x8--modulate)
There's no God like Jehovah (x8--modulate)
There's no God like Jehovah (x7)
Posted by
8:41 PM
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A Bird's Life
The life of birds seem to be so carefree. But since I'm not a bird, I really have no idea what their life is like outside of what I see daily as I bird watch.
Sitting in my Mother's kitchen in front of her sliding glass door, we watch the birds almost daily. There are numerous species that show up including Carolina wrens, Red Cardinals, black capped Chickadees and Mourning Doves. Occasionally, we see Blue Jays, house wrens and others.
The birds we have really been fascinated with are the Red Cardinals. Day after day we sit in the same spot watching what seems to be a "couple". While she sits on the patio fluttering her wings, he will eat the seed we have thrown out. Occasionally, he will walk over to her and "feed her". Or, at least it looks that way to us. I said this morning that they could possibly be kissing. :)
Other things do happen in the bird's life, though. When a larger animal, such as a cat, comes around, they scatter fast! Just the other day, birds were feeding on the feeder hanging on a tree on the patio. A small cat though he'd be smart and sneak upon the birds. He got close enough to jump up, but the bird flew and all he managed to do was knock the bird feeder off the tree limb. And, then, the other day we were sitting in the den when I heard a noice. I went into Mother's kitchen to check out the noise. And there on her back porch was a male Red Cardinal. He had flown directly into her glass door. He was moving his mouth and it only lasted a few seconds and he was gone to 'bird heaven'. I've seen this happen here and at my own home and it's very sad. But I suppose their life comes to an end just like ours. But it seemed so premature.
Birds are also protective of their mates. While watching them, I've observed the Cardinqal many times run off other birds that got too close to 'his mate'.. In fact, he will run off other Cardinals.
Birds hang out wherever food is available, whether it's in the form of bird seed or other means of food. But they love the protection of the trees and bushes around. That way, they have some place to go quickly that hardly anything can get to them. But I've often wondered about them when it is storming or raining.
Birds were very important in Bible history, as well. When Noah was on the Ark, he sent out both the Raven and the Dove. At the end of his 40 days on the Ark, he sent out the Raven to check on the level of the water.He also sent out the Dove to see if it could find dry land. But it took another seven days before the Dove came back with the olive leaf in her mouth which let Noah know that the water was gone. (Genesis 8)
Technorati Tags: Birds
Posted by
12:16 AM
Gov. Huckabee reports from Israel
Keep up with Governor Huckabee while he is in Israel.
Posted by
12:13 AM
Monday, August 17, 2009
Receptionist Services
Is your company in need of a receptionist but unable to hire an additional employee? With Remote receptionist service, your callers will be unaware that they are not reaching a receptionist in your office.
Outsourcing has become a way of business in this fast-paced society. Receptionist tips will help you obtain the human voice for your company that is needed to make your company successful. With the Virtual receptionist, you will never have to worry about a hang up because your potential customer reached voice mail. This will add to your sales opportunities.
A Telephone answering service has well-trained receptionists that answer every phone call. They can pre-screen calls, direct calls directly to you or send it to voicemail. The service can be set up according to your requirements.
Remote Receptionist Services has a 30-day No Risk Free Trial Period. You will find pricing for the various services online. You may also request a quote for their customized services.
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10:38 PM
Labels: Ads
Professional Copywriting Services Online
The content of a professional website can mean the difference between a successful business or a failure. There are great 0nline copywriting services. One of those is Copywriting Services with offices in Charleston, South Carolina.
If you own a blog or website that needs professional help, check out the Copywriting services of this fine company. Their copywriters are skilled at writing content that will add to the professionalism of your blog or website. The work will be accurate and original. The results will be what your company desires.
The company can also help your visibility on the web with their Seo Copywriting service. Added traffic means more sales which will add to your profits. Also you will find Copywriting tips on the site, as well.
Copywriting Services provides you with pricing online for their many services. You can also request a quote for their services with their online Request a Quote form.
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9:52 PM
Labels: Ads
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Words to the Wise
For those of you who are worrying about what this proposed Health Care bill will do for you, the following is a must read and see:
We have seen so many things he promised for 'change' go amiss. In other words, his words were for pomp and circumstance. Those well-chosen words got him elected and now he is doing what he set out to do. And he has chosen those to fill positions that he feels most closely associate with his beliefs and the end result he is after. The end result of this plan is going to bankrupt America and kill off the elderly, the disabled and the young.
Those of us who are truly concerned with the outcome are being viewed as not really knowing the 'truth' about this bill. But, who really knows the truth, considering the 1,000 plus pages haven't even been read by Congress? What is the rush to get this bill passed? What are they hiding? I bet you there is plenty hidden in among those many pages that would 'gag a maggot'. In other words, there is much the President and those siding with him do not want us to know. But it is slowly seeping out. I pray more and more is revealed and the people, as a whole, rise up in protest. We are slowly being drained of our freedom even to live on this God-given earth!
There is a verse in scripture that warns us to be aware of things that will begin to happen in the end times. We will have trials and tribulation here on this earth and it is quickly coming to us, regardless of what the politicians say. But there is an end in sight for those who know the Lord personally.
- Luke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
Posted by
11:16 AM
Labels: Corruption, Government, Politics
Friday, July 17, 2009
I've been missing
Well, actually, I have not been missing, just out of pocket and too tired to write. And most of the time, I don't have anything to write about. Hard to get motivated lately.
My 92 year old Mother has been having a problem with her pulse, and I've been going over there every day and cooking and helping her. I've been so give out that it's hard to come home and cook. And we've had one of our grandsons with us almost all summer and haven't been able to do much with him. But his stay is winding down. He has to be home by next Wednesday to go some place that Mom had planned for them. Then, he starts soccer camp the following Monday. His younger brother only spent one week here this summer. He is playing football and soccer and he's been practicing football most all summer.
I haven't stopped posting here, just slowed down a little. Hopefully, I'll become a little more motivated and have something to write about before long. Just keep checking in; you might be surprised one day!
Posted by
8:21 PM
Labels: Blogging
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sad loss for USA Soccer
Just watched the Federation Soccer Tournament for the national title. First time the USA has ever made it into the finals. They beat Spain, the number one soccer team, 2-0 which surprised everyone. Today, they started the game 2-0 the first half, but lost to Brazil in the last half 3-2.
Posted by
4:16 PM
Labels: Sports
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Pray for our Nation
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
I feel as though our nation is falling from grace. When her people continue to do things contrary to the Word of God, then we are treading on dangerous ground. We accept abortion as a right for the women. Oh, many of us know that it is wrong but can do nothing to stop it other than pray. Many fight for the right of the unborn; yet, abortion is still performed in America every day.
The Word says that it's an abomination for a man to lie with another man. (Leviticus 20:13) Yet, this is being stuffed down the throats of Americans as young as kindergarten! The belief is that all people are 'free' to do whatever they want with their bodies and nobody is to complain.
Then there is Israel. As a nation, we should be supporting Israel and not trying to force her to sell off her land. And, we should be her ally in everything. Yet, the president has said, if Israel sends a bomb the way of Iran, then she is on her own and we'll do absolutely nothing. My friends, that sounds like disaster for America. A nation that stands for Israel will be blessed, but one that does not stand behind her will not be blessed.
Christianity is being raked over the coals every where you look. The pastors are going to be held in contempt and jailed for what the government is going to call hate crimes. It will be a crime to teach against certain things in the Bible that are clearly wrong and being practiced in the US. This could get them a prison sentence.
I've lived a long time, watching all this unfold. And, in my observation, I believe the Lord's return is growing closer. Nations are rising against nation, people are hated for their faith, and many Christians are being persecuted. But, through all this, we shouldn't lose faith in the Word of God. He tells us to 'look up, for your redemption draweth nigh'.
Posted by
10:17 AM
Labels: Faith
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Sarah Palin is here
And she is here to stay. No matter how some people try to discredit her, she remains a threat to those that think she doesn’t have the ability to be President. In fact, if she didn’t bother them so much, then they would not be trying to discredit her continually. Instead, her name would be dropped and she would not stay in the public’s eye. But she continues to show herself strong in her governing of Alaska, and her ability to win others to her way of thinking.
Sarah Palin’s name has been on the tongue of every newscaster in the US and perhaps across the world. Most of those have had nothing but derogatory things to say about her. But there are those that hold her in high esteem and give her credit for her accomplishments, not only as a woman, but as a person who does not stop because someone has tried to humiliate her on the air. I think Katie Couric tried to do just that when she interviewed her and then only showed parts of the interview that made her look less than professional.
David R. Stokes has written a great piece about Sarah Palin called “The Quayling of Sarah”. Those of you who really think she is a person to be reckoned with will enjoy this article. Stokes talks about Chris Matthews and how he made fun of the ability of Sarah Palin to write a book. Remember, he’s the one who got a thrill up his leg about Obama, the guy who came from nowhere to become our president – a guy with hardly any experience. Yet, we have a woman who has come up the ladder to become the Governor of the largest state in the United States, who had lead her state with conviction and courage, and has great favor among her constituents. Yet, Matthews thinks she’s too dumb or perhaps stupid that she isn’t capable of putting her own thoughts and beliefs on paper for the rest of the world to read. Well, Matthews may have to eat his own words, which he will never do – but we are here to remind him!
Linked at Conservative Cat
So, Mr. Matthews – go ahead and make fun of Sarah Palin. Do your best to color her ditzy and as someone with no depth. But just remember, she actually has character and courage. And Americans will be seeing more of her graceful, politically popular, and winning profile for many years to come.
Technorati Tags: Sarah Palin, Alaska, Governor
Posted by
2:38 PM
Labels: Government, Politics
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
National Day of Prayer
Thursday, May 7th, is National Day of Prayer. This country is indeed in need of prayer! We need to pray for our leaders, that they are guided by the hand of God, not by their own minds. We need to pray for protection and strength. We should be praying for God to continue to show Grace to our nation.
We, the people, united in prayer, can make a difference in our nation. Without God, we are a lost people!
Technorati Tags: Prayer, National Day of Prayer
Posted by
9:01 AM
Labels: Prayer
Monday, April 27, 2009
One Spoonful at a Time
Lately, the emphasis has been on ‘losing weight’. Most people want to do it quickly, without giving the thought to how they gained the extra weight. The weight doesn’t come on quickly, but day to day. We eat things that we shouldn’t eat. We eat way too much for our body, and the weight just piles on. The body is overweight before we even realize it.
So, how do we take this weight off without it being such a hassle? And, how do we keep it off? I told a friend today that, the way to lose weight is by ‘one spoonful at a time’. And I was serious. You cut back on the amount of food you eat. And it doesn’t stop there. It has to be a life style of eating, eating those foods good for us, and eating only what our body needs not what we feel we need. We often overeat and then get sick or feel bloated to the point it is embarrassing!
The same goes for our spiritual life. We gain knowledge of the Word ‘one spoonful’ (one verse) at a time. My pastor said, yesterday in church, that he would like to see everyone take a verse and search out it’s meaning. It would not matter if it took us a week. We would then have the verse deep within our minds and know exactly what it meant. And the verses we learn add up, which makes our knowledge of the Word become a storehouse for future use. The Word is there when we are called on to remember things that we would not know unless we study the Word continually. We all get lax in the Word at times and then the enemy strikes! But, if we stay in the Word, we know how to combat the enemy. Scripture says to ‘resist the devil and he will flee from you’. (James 4:7 KJV). So, just as we lose weight by 'one spoonful at a time' and make it a life style, we gain knowledge of His Word by 'one spoonful at a time' (verse) and making it a life style of study.
Technorati Tags: Weight, Weight Loss, Word, Scripture
Posted by
12:04 PM
Labels: Devotions
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Bridal Dresses
Spring is here and weddings are being planned. June will bring many brides. And every bride wants a beautiful gown she can be proud of and at a cost she can afford. To find the best bridal prices, why not shop online at Best Bridal
Best Bridal Prices has gorgeous gowns from many different designers from which to choose. There are many new Spring arrivals. Also, with the purchase of a gown from select wedding dress manufacturers, the bride gets a free veil and shoes worth $170.
Best Bridal Prices has been in business for over 30 years. They have a wide selection of everything a bride will need for her impending wedding. You can be at ease when shopping for your wedding accessories at this company. They guarantee that every transaction is 100% safe.
Technorati Tags: Bridal Dresses, Best Bridal Prices
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2:09 PM
Labels: Ads
In God We Trust
On this day in 1864, Congress authorized the use of the phrase "In God We Trust" on U.S. coins. In Fact Sheets: Currency and Coins put out by the US Treasury Department, it states that the main reason that the phrase was put on our money was "largely because of the increased religious sentiment existing during the Civil War."
The first appeal to have this phrase put on our currency was made in a letter to Secretary Chase on November 13, 1861 by Reverend M.R. Watkinson from Pennsylvania. One quote in his letter is as follows:This would make a beautiful coin, to which no possible citizen could object. This would relieve us from the ignominy of heathenism. This would place us openly under the Divine protection we have personally claimed. From my hearth I have felt our national shame in disowning God as not the least of our present national disasters.
It takes an Act of Congress to make any changes on the mottoes.So Secretary Chase sent a memo to the Mint Director on December 19, 1863, for a change in mottoes. The Act was passed on April 22, 1864 and allowed the motto to be placed on the one cent coin. Later, on March 6, 1865, another Act of Congress was passed, giving the authority for gold and silver coins to contain the words "In God We Trust".Later, Congress passed the Coinage Act of February 12, 1873. It also said that the Secretary "may cause the motto IN GOD WE TRUST to be inscribed on such coins as shall admit of such motto."
The use of IN GOD WE TRUST has not been uninterrupted. The motto disappeared from the five-cent coin in 1883, and did not reappear until production of the Jefferson nickel began in 1938. Since 1938, all United States coins bear the inscription.
In 2005, Michael Newdow filed to get "In God We Trust" taken off our currency. He stated that "Clearly it's not treating atheists equal with people who believe in God when you say 'In God We Trust' or we are a 'nation under God.'" The case was dismissed by the judge in 2006.
In God We Trust has been our national motto since 1956. Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, has written a great article on Protecting our National Motto.
Technorati Tags: In God We Trust, Currency, Congress, Act of Congress,
Posted by
11:16 AM
Labels: Government, History
Monday, April 20, 2009
CB Radios
In this world today, we all want to be able to stay abreast of the news. And, when most travel they do not want to be without their cell phone or cb radios.
Right Channel Radios is the place to go online to get just the equipment you may need. They stock equipment from many well-known companies including Uniden, Cobra, Midland and many more. They specialize in mobile and handheld 40 Channel CB radio sales.
When you order from Right Channel Radios, you can’t go wrong. They have hundreds of accessories for you. And they also sell custom RV, jeep, truck and car kits, so you should be able to find all your needs. They will ship the same day you order your CB and they offer a 120% guarantee on everything they sell.
Right Channel Radios also provides you Resource Library online where you can find educational information on CB radios. If you don’t find your answers there, you can contact them via email or over the phone.
Technorati Tags: CB Radios, Right Channel Radios
Posted by
5:19 PM
Labels: Ads
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Two days since Easter, and
We can shout from the rooftops that ‘Jesus is still alive’. No amount of circumstances can change that fact. The storms that have been raging throughout the territory will not change it. They may change the face of the earth, upset us, but they will never change the fact that Jesus rose from the dead and is alive in us today.
Sunday started out as a gorgeous day. I picked up my 92-year young Mother and took her to church with me. We had a great service with a new pianist/keyboard player who turned 88 years young Easter Sunday. To our delight, he can play anything and play it beautifully! The pastor preached on the resurrection of Christ and what it means to us today. We also had two children dedicated.
Sunday afternoon was spent eating, then taking Mother home. We didn’t have church on Sunday night. Most of us spent it with our children/grandchildren, although none of mine were here that day.
Then, the weather changed; the storms came about the time we turned in for the night. Although the winds were raging and the rain was coming down hard, my husband actually went to bed and went to sleep something unlike him. He’s the watch dog around here as far as the weather is concerned. I go to bed and thank the Lord for keeping us safe and forget it. Well, we both did it Sunday night. Then we awoke to one huge pine tree down in our front yard. This is a tree that could easily have fallen toward our home and destroyed the middle part. The tree was right in front of our living room. But, as my husband said, we have to thank God that we were spared that hurt!
Yesterday, we spent cleaning up many limbs that are all over our yard. We still have lots to go. He carted off truckload after truckload until we couldn’t do anymore. We didn’t get to the tree. It will have to wait until the ground is a little drier. It is a soup hole right now, due to the runoff water from the proposed Bingo Hall site where the excavators didn’t do their job correctly. We still have lots we can do before we even think of cutting that tree up and hauling it off. He can’t use the tractor to pull it out of the yard because it would ruin our yard. It looks bad enough as it is.
But through all of this, HE IS ALIVE!
Posted by
4:32 PM
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Saturated With Him
Ephesians 4:That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;Ephesians 4:23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
I know each of you have been caught in a rainstorm and got all wet!! You were saturated with the rain coming down before you could get into a dry place!! You forgot the needed umbrella - after all, 'it isn't going to rain'.......but it did! Human thinking got us WET!! :)
Well, the same happens with our 'christianity'.... we think we are 'full'..and then something comes our way and we aren't prepared with His Word to share at any given time! This shouldn't be. God has commanded us to daily renew our minds, to have an answer when called upon. The question might be from a secular standpoint, but if you have His Word within you and you let the Holy Spirit lead, he will supply you with the words from the depth of your heart to share.
Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of you mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.
He says in his word to 'study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that neededth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.'[ II Tim 2:15 ] Some take this lightly, but God wants US, as individuals to study the word, not to rely on someone else to read to us, preach to us, etc. He wants us to get the Word deep within our being - and this only comes by 'hearing the word' with our ears, and spoken by our tongue. So when you 'read' aloud to yourself that your ears might hear the word, get it deep within you, and then He will be able to bring it to your rememberance when the need arises. The need may be your own!
Our world is no longer the world it used to be. We are daily being bombarded with things that aren't pleasing to God, and some people approve, and others disapprove. We, as Christians, need to know the truth, in order to answer those that kind of 'go along with the crowd'. God is not pleased and he will NOT be mocked; yet, all we can do is spread His Word, and do what he wants us to do. We can't 'save the nation', but we can spread the gospel to the lost, in hopes that they will 'see' with their eyes the wrongs of the world and become separated from it.
Barbara's Entourage Devotional
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11:54 AM
Labels: Devotions
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Has America forgotten?
"I am sure that never was a people, who had more reason to acknowledge a Divine interposition in their affairs, than those of the United States; and I should be pained to believe that they have forgotten that agency, which was so often manifested during our Revolution, or that they failed to consider the omnipotence of that God who is alone able to protect them."-- George Washington
I wonder who Washington would feel about what has happened in America these past 220 years since he was inaugurated as President. The consistency to which our nation has forgone it's adherence to what our country was founded on is frightening. It is almost a 'sin' now to be a Christian. Every where you look, there is someone wanting to combine all 'religions' into one, as though everyone believes in GOD, the Father,Son, and Holy Spirit. We know that is not true. There is also the tendency to wipe any mention of God from anything outside the home. No mention of him in schools, no prayers ending with 'in Jesus name' - I often wonder when it is going to hit the churches.
We are being led down the primrose path of obscurity when it comes to acknowledging God. And, as a friend said this morning, those following that path will be turned over to a reprobate mind, and I don't want to be in the middle!
1 Corinthians 15:19Many people say they are Christians; yet they never produce any fruit. They run with the idea that they can produce for themselves all the need. They hardly ever dart in the doors of a church to be fed the Word. In other words, they never 'assemble' as the Word tells us to do. I can't judge the salvation of anyone, but we all have eyes to see what is becoming of our nation which was founded on Godly principles. As George Washington said, have they forgotten the omnipotence of God, that HE is the one with the power to save this nation? How can we even think we can succeed if we wipe him from our daily lives?
If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.
Technorati Tags: George Washington, Christians, God
Posted by
1:43 PM
Labels: Daily Nuggets, Devotions
Monday, April 06, 2009
Will it take six strong men?
I noticed a newspaper ad showing a black and white photograph of six men carrying a coffin through the front doors of a church. The caption read: "Will it take six strong men to bring you back into the church?" My first reaction was shock but the ad made me pause and think. What about you?
Why won't more people attend church regularly? I hear a lot of excuses:
"I'm too busy."
"The sermons are dull and the music is old fashioned. Why should I come just to be bored?"
"Church people are such hypocrites. They don't practice what they preach!"
"I'd rather watch TV and stay home."
"They only want money or my willingness to serve on a committee."
"I'm young or I'm divorced or I'm poor. They don't want me."
After hearing one of these excuses, I often ask: "Do you believe in God?"
"Oh, yes," they reply. "I'm just not ready to go back to church."
For years, my excuse for not attending church was, "I work six days a week in a suit and tie. I just want to sleep-in, relax and read the paper. Why should I dress up again on my only day off?" Truthfully, I just did not feel any great need to be in church. Obviously, my situation changed but why?
"Will it take six strong men to bring you back into the church?"
Zig Ziglar a well-known motivational speaker and author, literally sold me on the benefits of becoming a Christian and attending church now instead of putting it off until later. Zig described the local church as the body of Christ showing me a piece of Heaven today, not just when we die. What is that piece of heaven? What are those benefits of attending church? I thought you would never ask:
Longer life: Insurance studies show regular church attendance can as much as 5 years to your life.
Wealth: The Bible is full of methods for effectively managing your money.
Peace: There is a special peace of mind knowing God will always be there, no matter what.
Purpose: It's exciting to know God has a special purpose for your life and mine.
Courage: God will give you courage and strength to make ethical and moral stands.
Love: Learning to love others the way God loves you is a source of happiness and comfort.
Forgiveness: Learning to forgive yourself and others can literally heal your body and your soul.
This is just the short list, but what a picnic basket full of luscious promises! You live longer and manage your financial resources more efficiently. You enjoy peace of mind. You receive supernatural courage to take a stand. You experience the breathtaking love of God and obtain the healing medicine of forgiveness.
"Will it take six strong men to bring back into the church?"
Why do we need to go to church? "Because the church is still the best way to strengthen your relationship with God and with others, find your life's purpose and receive those special benefits."
My attitude changed. I found church to be the place where I would be strengthened for my walk with God during the other six days of the week. I coudn't wait for Sunday.
Yes, at times, I was busy, the music was awful, the preacher was boring and people are still hypocrites.
But -- I also discovered an indescribable love and peace. I found a source for encouragement and a place of acceptance. The church isn't perfect, but what human institution is?
The Bible says it best: Without wavering, let us hold tightly to the hope we say we have, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near. (Hebrews 10:23-25)
Let's face it. You do need the church and the church definitely needs you.
If you've not been to church in awhile -- come back. We've missed you. If you are already active with a church, share this story with a friend and invite him/her to join you. It sure beats the alternative offered by this ad. Ecch!!
"Will it take six strong men to bring you back into the church?"
Easter wil not be the same without you. Invite your family and friends and come join us in the best celebration of the year.
Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.
Thanks to Larry Davies of Sowing Seeds of Faith for the permission to use this article.
Posted by
2:16 PM
The Rose Conspiracy
The Rose Conspiracy
Author: Craig Parshall
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
ISBN: 978-0-7369-1514-4
This is the mystery that tops all mysteries. I have read. It holds within itself a mystery, a murder, a love story and a hint of spiritual awareness.
A hand-written note on a pad on the desk of Horace Langley, the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institute begins the hunt for the true killer of Langley. It appeared to be something from the missing pages of John Wilkes Booth’s personal diary about the assassination of Lincoln. The killer stole the page, but the pad produced a copy of the handwriting and the words were later revealed and interpreted as to their meaning. So now we are off on a trip to find the man/woman responsible for this unnecessary death.
Vinnie Archmont happened to be in Langley’s office only minutes before he was killed. The police discovered Langley had given her the secret code to the back door, and it was decided that she was indeed the killer. She was there to persuade Langley to let her English benefactor see the pages, and he refused. This was the motive that the prosecution was using to indict her for the murder.
Archmont engaged J. D. Blackstone as her lawyer. As the story unfolds, we find that nothing that happens in the story is by chance. In my mind, I was jumping from one person to another, trying to piece together the pieces of the puzzle in this murder.
Blackstone had two people to decipher the meaning of the words in the note. It was believed this held the key to what was in the missing pages of the diary, but it led to information about the Freemasons. Was this a crime by one of them in order to cover up the secret held within?
As the story unfolds, Blackstone wants to believe his client is innocent, but has doubts about her relationship with her benefactor, Lord Dee. He is in contact with him throughout the investigation. He comes upon a bit of information that makes him realize what Lord Dee was after, and who really killed Langley, but would not reveal it to his client or others helping him. This was the clincher in the trial.
All through the story, it is thought that Blackstone knows who God is, but does he know him? There are hints of Christianity in the story and I would have loved to hear more. But it is such a well-written mystery/murder that I would recommend the book to any mystery lover. In fact, I will probably be reading it again soon!
Technorati Tag: The Rose Conspiracy, Craig Parshall
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12:39 PM
Labels: Book Review
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Because He Lives
Technorati Tags: Because He Lives
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10:46 AM
Labels: Music
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
April 1st Worm for your computer
Today is April Fool's Day, the day that the Conficker virus was supposed to hit the computers of those of us who were unprotected. There was no way of knowing whether you were infected or not until today.
We were instructed last night through the television to try and go to, or other sites like those. If you could get to them, then you were protected. But, if you could not get there, it has locked you out and you are infected. The thing to do then was go to and get the patch through another person's computer, put it on a disk, and install it on your computer. Thank goodness my laptop is safe.
For those wanting to know more about this virus, you can go to and find out all the details. Hopefully you will be able to reach the site.
More help for those infected can be found at
Technorati Tags: Conficker, Virus
Posted by
11:09 AM
Labels: Internet
Saturday, March 21, 2009
One True God
Technorati Tags: One True God, Mark Harris
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5:24 PM
Labels: Music
Monday, March 16, 2009
The True Church
So many people wrongly think that the ‘church’ is a building where you attend to learn about Christ and hear sermons. Actually, we, the Christians, are the ‘church’ spoken about in the Bible.Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Strong’s Concordance has the following description for church: 1577 ekklesia {ek-klay-see'-ah}
from a compound of 1537 and a derivative of 2564; TDNT - 3:501,394; n f
AV - church 115
1d) in a Christian sense
1d1) an assembly of Christians gathered for worship in a
religious meeting
1d2) a company of Christian, or of those who, hoping for
eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, observe their own
religious rites, hold their own religious meetings, and
manage their own affairs, according to regulations
prescribed for the body for order's sake
1d3) those who anywhere, in a city, village, constitute such a
company and are united into one body
1d4) the whole body of Christians scattered throughout the earth
In other words, the building is where the ‘church’ (the Christians) meets in order to worship God together.
The apostles and prophets are the foundation for the ‘church’, with Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone:Ephesians 2:20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
We, the born-again Christians are the stones that build up the ‘church’.
1 Peter 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
Technorati Tags: Church, Lively Stones, Christians, Apostles, Prophets, Jesus Christ
Posted by
11:25 AM
Labels: Daily Nuggets
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Directions to the Father's House
Make a Right onto Believeth Blvd. Keep straight and go through
the Green Light, which is Jesus Christ. There, you must turn onto
the Bridge of Faith, which is over troubled water.
Now when you get off the bridge, make a Right turn and Keep
Straight. You are on the King's Highway - Heaven-bound.
Keep going for three miles: One for the Father, One for the Son,
and One for the Holy Spirit.
Then take the Grace Blvd exit. From there, make a Right turn
on Gospel Lane. Keep Straight and then make another Right on
Prayer Road. As you go on your way, Yield Not to the traffic on
Temptation Ave. Also, avoid SIN STREET because it is a DEAD
END. Pass up Envy Drive, and Hate Avenue. Also, pass
Hypocrisy Street, Gossiping Lane, and Backbiting Blvd.
However, you will have to go down Long-suffering Lane,
Persecution Blvd. and Trials and Tribulations Ave, but that's all
right, because VICTORY Street is straight ahead!
Joshua 24:15 ; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Author Unknown
Posted by
5:29 PM
Labels: Daily Nuggets
Friday, March 13, 2009
Elegant Sterling Silver Jewelry
Jewels of Denial has very elegant jewelry. One of the exciting ones is an etoile ring. It is a sterling silver Etoile band ring with diamond CZs. Each Cubic Zirconia is 1.8mm in size. The band size is 4.5mm. Sizes 5 through 10 are now in stock.
Jewels of Denial has a great selection of Sterling Silver Rings. There are a wide variety of designs and styles, which are made from the highest quality of gemstones. When you make a selection for yourself or someone else, you can expect the ring to be a durable ring and to sparkle for years to come. Also, there is a 30 Day No Hassle Money Back Guarantee!
Technorati Tags: Jewels of Denial, Etoile Ring
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7:11 PM
Labels: Ads
Direct Buy Alabama
Looking to buy new furniture or appliances for your home? Why not try Direct Buy Alabama? Get their free visitor’s pass to the online showroom and check them out. Save money with confidential insider pricing. There are locations in both Birmingham and Huntsville, Alabama.
Technorati Tags: Direct Buy Alabama
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6:26 PM
Labels: Ads
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Sundays at Tiffany's - Book Review
Sundays at Tiffany’s – Book Review
Authors: James Patterson & Gabrielle Charbonnet
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing – New York – Boston
ISBN 978-0-446-19944-5
As I read this book, I was unsure what was going to happen between the little girl and her imaginary friend. At times, I felt as though he was definitely real!
When Jane was just a child, Michael, her imaginary friend, would walk her to school every morning. And he would always take her to the St. Regis for their dessert and then head to Tiffany’s. But, when Jane turned nine, he told her this was the time he left every child with whom he played their imaginary friend. It upset Jane. All her young life, she missed Michael. But, she got busy in life, working for her Mother. She also wrote a play called “Thank Heaven” which was all about her life with her imaginary friend.
During this time, she began to get glimpses of a man who looked like Michael. He seemed to be everywhere she was. She just couldn’t shake the feeling he was following her. So one day, she got up the nerve to go over to him and ask him if he was indeed Michael. Michael knew that this wasn’t supposed to happen. Children just didn’t remember their childhood imaginary friends. But, Jane did, and he didn’t know why.
Michael and Jane began to see one another after work or before her work. Michael, being an imaginary friend (or perhaps an angel) never worked. He was always there for Jane and found himself getting more involved than he could ever imagine. This thrilled Jane because she had fallen in love, but she often wondered if Michael would leave her like he did that day when she was nine years old.
What happens next is absolutely a miracle. But I will not ruin the story by telling you the ending. It is definitely worth your time to read this great story!
Technorati Tags: Sundays at Tiffany's
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5:35 PM
Labels: Book Review
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Exterior Shutters
If you are looking for a great line of premium quality shuttersexterior shutters for your home, you will not be disappointed when you shop at Larson Shutter Company.
Larson Shutter Company has a line of exterior vinyl shutters, composite shutters, and premium quality wood shutters. Their wood shutters also include Western Red Cedar shutters. The selection of shutters includes raised panels, louver shutters, board and batten, and flat panel shutters. Many of those selections are available in custom sizes. They also carry Roof Cupolas and Western Red Cedar Gable vents.
Shutter hardware is also available at Larson Shutter Company. They also have free shipping through the end of the year. And they ship directly to your door when you order online.
Technorati Tags: Exterior Shutters, Larson Shutter Company
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11:59 PM
Labels: Ads
Sunday, March 01, 2009
They'll be regulating God next!
Roger Zylstra, a director with the Iowa Corngrowers Association, said if left alone, farmers can compete worldwide. But regulation could impede their success. He said there seems to be a disconnect between farmers and policymakers. "Many of the people that are making the rules, it feels like they really don't know what (farming) issues are," said Zylstra, a Lynnville resident who has worked on a farm for 35 years.
A ruling by the EPA in Iowa says 'farm dust open to regulation'. Please tell me how a farmer can delegate where the dust from his machinery goes! This is one of the most ridiculous that the government has ever come up with! The farmer has no way of keeping the wind from blowing the dust his machinery causes from going over to his neighbor's ground. This is like saying he can regulate the wind, in other words, regulate what God has set on earth!But farmers insist the regulation will affect their operations and eventually their bottom lines. And they said unlike fixing a bus, they have few options for limiting dust from their fields and roads.
The government says its goal is to protect the public and they are calling it health-based. I'm calling it absurd! It will eventually put the farmers out of business in the US!
Linked at Conservative Cat
Technorati Tags: Farmers, Iowa, Government, Regulations, Farming Issues
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9:10 AM
Labels: Federal, Government, Politics
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Paul Harvey dead at the age of 90
Well known radio commentator Paul Harvey died this week at the age of 90. I always loved to hear him speak. He had a voice that you could never mistake for another. I'll always remember his signing off each day with "Paul Harvey, Good Day". He is a personality that will certainly be missed in the news world and among his many followers.Harvey's wife, Angel, who produced his radio programs, died in 2008. Angel Harvey is credited with creating his popular radio feature "The Rest of the Story."
Broadcasting Pioneer Paul Harvey Dies
Technorati Tag: Paul Harvey
Linked at Conservative Cat
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7:28 PM
Labels: News
Friday, February 27, 2009
The Truth Be Told
In a world where we have so many hardships, the last thing we need is someone telling us just how bad we are. We need someone lifting us up, letting us know that things can be made better. Change can be a good thing, but only if the truth is told and we learn how to rectify the mistakes that have been made over the years. We can't blame everything that has happened on one person, nor can we depend on one person to get us out of the mess we are in. But one person in charge can surely do enough damage to a person's psyche to make one go into depression! Is this the agenda of the Obama administration?
Oliver North tells us that if 'the truth be told', Obama is the most charismatic and articulate speaker alive in America today. Articulate he is, but not with the truth. In his speech to the joint Congress other night, he was not truthful in most of his words. Oliver North has given us facts (the whole truth and nothing but the truth) on many things that President Obama misrepresented. People who aren't listening with their mind and only with their hearts would not have caught the wrongs he has given them in this carefully planned speech. North says the speech writer, "27-year-old Jon Favreau, his eloquent speechwriter, just doesn't know the facts or recognize "where have I heard those words before?" Apparently he's too young to know the difference in the truth or a stretch of the imagination. If it looks good on paper then perhaps it's the truth. Apparently even Obama didn't know the truth, either, or perhaps he's trying to trick the mind of the Americans."So I ask this Congress to join me in doing whatever proves necessary." Those unfamiliar with history may not recall that this was exactly what Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler asked their legislatures to do in creating National Socialism. In the midst of rising unemployment and economic crisis, both men asked for and got legislation to do what was "necessary" and promised new private-sector jobs would be generated by government-funded programs, new tax laws and novel "lending rules." It worked. Private companies did hire workers to build rail systems and highways. They also invigorated auto industries and, in Germany, the most technologically advanced aircraft in the world. The rest is history we all know.
Are we, as Americans to blind to see where this government is going to lead us? Do we actually believe a President who speaks eloquently with half-truths can lead this country to where it needs to go? Hasn't he proved in just one month how ill-equipped he is to be the leader of a "free" country? Just how long will we be free?Truth be told, this isn't an "economic recovery budget." It is a Lyndon Johnson plan. In the midst of "crisis," a controversial war and an economic slowdown, we're being told that we need a massive expansion of the federal government, higher taxes, more debt for our children, and defense cuts that are tantamount to unilateral disarmament.
If you read the entire article written by Oliver North, I believe you will come away with the same thoughts I did. We are in a heap of trouble with a President who reads his speeches eloquently from a teleprompter while not being well versed on the truth of history. History is being re-written the way the liberals want the American people to see it.
Technorati Tags: Truth, Oliver North, America, Government
Posted by
9:28 AM
Labels: Government
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Don't miss these!
Some 'must' reads:
- A Nation of Cowards by Walter Williams - Remember the quote from Attorney General Eric Holder?
- The Presidency as a Series of Tel-Prompter Speeches
- At One-Month mark, Obama's approval rating lower than Jimmy Carter's
- God - the new four-letter word in public schools
Posted by
12:04 PM
Labels: Blogging
Monday, February 16, 2009
Made in America
So many of our job opportunities have gone overseas due to what it costs a business to survive here in America. And this has definitely driven up the number of people now out of work and it’s growing every day. And many American businesses’ even out source their jobs to people overseas. This happened to my son’s previous job he had held for 18 years.
It is very encouraging when I come across a business that is based solely in the United States. American Button Machines is one of those companies that are based solely in America. You can buy a button maker from this company.They sell American-made button making systems and supplies. This company has the American people in mind by staying in America and giving many of our citizens a chance to work. I would love to see more ‘Made in America’ products that we could be proud of. So many of the big distributors have taken the food out of the mouths of American citizens by sending their job overseas. It makes us have to hunt harder for those companies that are still loyal to the United States.
Technorati Tags: Made in America, American Button Machines
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5:48 PM
Labels: Ads
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Dementia in Washington DC
Has most of the government in Washington lost their minds? They are trying to pass a stimulus bill that isn't a stimulus at all. It will be a bill of around a trillion dollars hung like an albatross around the necks of our children and grandchildren and their children! And, to top that, there is more pork in there than there is stimulus!
Senator Lindsey Graham just said, in an interview on Fox News with Greta, he would apologize to the entire United States for having an irresponsible Congress, if they passed this bill. He said it is irresponsible, that there is no discussion going on between both sides. He said the President is 'on leave' - he should getting the Republicans and Senators together to discuss the bill. He said the goal is to create jobs, not to grow the government in the fourth or fifth year of spending. He also said that goal is not to reward ACORN; the goal is to jumpstart the economy. But, that isn't happening with this bill. And, on top of that, Senator Harry Reid said they would 'burn the midnight oil' in order to discuss this bill. Yet, he closed up shop before 9PM!
I recall a movie called Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, starring James Stewart. He was a naive man that was appointed to fill a vacancy in the US Senate. His plans collided with political correction. This should be a required film for every politician on Capitol Hill to see! Perhaps it could clear a few minds and make some honest politicians!
If this bill passes, I think we all need to rid Washington of it's dementia during the next election!
Linked at Conservative Cat
Third World County
Technorati Tags: Dementia, Congress, Washington, DC, Senate, Mr. Smith Goes To Washingto
Posted by
9:10 PM
Labels: Corruption, Government
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Easter Celebrations
Each of us can reach back into our childhood memories and find an outstanding Easter. Most of us woke up to a beautifully filled Easter basket, full of colorful eggs, lots of delicious candy, and a toy or two.
We have always tried to make Easter memorable for our children and grandchildren. We took on the tradition of putting money in a few plastic eggs and hiding them in inconspicuous places along with all the other real eggs that had been dyed. Hopefully, each child would find one of the plastic eggs. When they found one, they would scream at the top of their voice.
At, you will find many suggestions for a great Easter Party. Start by letting the children decorate their eggs and helping you put the goodies in the basket. Have a table set with food that children can enjoy after they play a few games. Our grandchildren grew up helping to decorate their eggs and having their personality showing in those egg creations. Since this is a time for the children in the house, it’s a good time to have all the family participate.
Technorati Tags: Easter,
Posted by
4:25 PM
Labels: Ads
Are you a candy lover?
Candy seems to be the one thing that most people identify with. They love their candy, and not just any old candy. Most people love chocolate so much they call themselves chocoholics!
At our house, we always keep Candy Bars
handy for the grandkids and my husband, alike. The Milky Way Candy Bar will satisfy that taste for chocolate. But, we also fill our cabinets with many more different chocolate bars and other candies.
If you are, as a friend recently told me, a lover of Hershey’s Kisses, and caramel, then I’ve found just the candy for you. It is the Hershey’s Kisses with caramel. They will melt in your mouth! I love Hershey’s Kisses and the caramel Kisses are the best!
You can find all kinds of candy for sale online for anniversaries, birthdays, or any occasion you can think of. Candy comes in all sorts of sizes, color and combinations. Most people would welcome a great box or tin of chocolate or any of the other hundreds of varieties of candy you have from which to choose. Also, companies will ship direct to your door. And, if you need a gift card to give someone so they may be able to order just the right candy for themselves, then they have those, also.
Technorati Tags: Candy
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2:32 PM
Labels: Ads
One Day Closer
We all understand that life here on earth isn't forever. But do we all understand that each day we live draws us one day closer to our eternal destination?
As a sinner, we did not know God or understand His Word that commands us to obey his commandments. Many know the commandments written in the Bible and perhaps live by some of them. But our secular nature does not tell us we need to know God as our personal Savior. We think we can do whatever we want and 'be good', and things are okay. But that isn't how it works in the spiritual world.
When we are truly saved by grace through faith in His Word (his free gift to all who will listen), the Holy Spirit will enlighten us in the Word. If we pay attention, then we will learn that we need to obey God's Word in all facets of our lives. He says, after salvation, we become a 'new creature' in Christ; old things are passed away and all things become new.(II Corinthians 5:17).
We need to keep our minds stayed on God each day, knowing today is one day closer to our destiny. Hopefully, reading this, if you have not made your commitment to Christ, you will begin to think about the end of your life. Will you come to that day without the assurance that you will be spending eternity with Him? Have you truly been washed in the blood of Christ, the one who gave His life for you?
Posted by
11:34 AM
Labels: Devotions
A Valentine Gift for Your Spouse
Valentine’s Day is almost upon us and I am sure you are wondering what you will get the love of your life. It has always been hard to figure out what to get a man. But, at, you will find Bulova watches and you should be able to find the watch that would please your husband.
My husband needs a new dress watch. I believe he would enjoy receiving the Goldtone Bulova watch that has twelve genuine diamond hour markers. It has a scratch-resistant mineral crystal and is water-resistant. He would love the bracelet-type band with the jewelry clasp.
Technorati Tags: Bulova, Watches, Valentine's Day,
Posted by
10:23 AM
Labels: Ads
Monday, February 02, 2009
Affordable Office Chairs
When sitting at a desk for a long time, you need a very comfortable chair. is a newly launched retailer online that sells a great selection of ergonomic and leather chairs. has a large selection of leather office chairs that are ergonomically designed and easy to sit in.
Among the reasons for shopping online at is the fact they have the largest selection of office chairs online. They also have very affordable prices and they ship anywhere. And, being tall, I know how hard it is to find just the right chair where I feel really comfortable. also has a good selection of chairs for the big and tall person in your life. Having over 30 years experience in selling chairs, you can depend on
Technorati Tags: Office Chairs,, Ergonomic, Leather Chairs
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6:16 PM
Labels: Ads
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
John's Quest - Book Review
John’s Quest – Book Review
Author: Cecelia Dowdy
John’s Quest is a Christian fiction romance that brings together a Christian woman who has never married and an agnostic. There are strong attractions, but the woman resists because she knows it is not good to be married to an unbeliever.
Her younger sister who has done everything but live the Christian life presents her with a nephew who is blind. She just drops him off for an uncertain amount of time in order to take off with the latest boyfriend. Her parents live a long way off, so she has the problem of taking care of a blind boy while trying to work and take care of her home. She really has no time to work on a relationship she thinks may never go anywhere. But she does pray daily for the salvation of this agnostic.
The agnostic is a teacher and he has a heart for blind children. So, he took on the responsibility of tutoring her nephew to get him up to par in his schoolwork. The arrangement is for him to come to her house to tutor. But, after awhile, this seems to be too much for both of them, considering he hasn’t turned to God and she doesn’t want to get any closer to him. But, he does finally accept God, and they soon get back together.
This book is a great read and wonderful love story. I could have read it in one sitting. One just feels as though they are living right there, witnessing what is going on in these people’s lives. And that is the essence of a successful novel.
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10:42 AM
Labels: Book Review
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Technorati Tags: Shoes, Softmoc, Women, Men
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9:47 AM
Forgiveness is the center of our faith. Without forgiveness we could not have salvation by faith. The Bible in Matthew 6:15 tells us that we have to forgive others or the Lord will not forgive us.
The Word tells us that when we were saved, He forgave us all our past sins and remembered them no more. We are commanded in Ephesians 4:32 to forgive others as God has forgiven us.
Even though we are saved, sometimes un-forgiveness to others deals us misery. We feel guilty because we know we must forgive others but SELF keeps us from doing so. It puts us under bondage and we keep living in the past. And this can bring on illnesses and spiritual sickness which makes us drift away from God.
God is a forgiving God and the root of His love is forgiveness. The way we view forgiveness always has an impact on our relationship with him. If we want to live a healthy spiritual life, then we must learn to forgive.
Technorati Tags: Forgiveness, God
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9:24 AM
Labels: Devotions
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11:17 PM
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Monday, January 19, 2009
To whom it may concern
When we are writing to a business or organization and do not know the correct person to address, we usually put ‘to whom it may concern’. We believe it will finally reach the person who will address what we need to know or what we want done in our situation.
And, when a Christian prays, he/she usually addressed GOD, the one in whom he/she places their trust. To address God in our prayers as ‘to whom it may concern’ would be disrespectful, not to say that our prayer would more than likely bounce off the walls!
President Obama, in wanting to reach everyone through the nation, picked a woman, a gay, and a Baptist preacher to speak at the inaugural events. Episcopalian Bishop V. Gene Robinson was to speak at the event in front of the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday. He said all the inaugural speeches he had read were too ‘specifically aggressive and Christian’. He announced his prayer would not be a Christian prayer and he would not be quoting scripture. Robinson is ruminating on alternatives such as praying to "the God of our many understandings," a language he said he learned during his stint in alcohol rehab.
Perhaps in the future, taking Christian pity on the poor Michael Newdows of the world, presidential prayers can be re-addressed: To Whom It May Concern.
Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in California, will be giving the Invocation at the Inauguration for Barack Obama tomorrow. But he has gotten much criticism, as has Obama for his selection to speak. I can’t understand why, if it’s okay to ask a gay man to speak at the Lincoln Memorial, why not an evangelical for the Inauguration? Hopefully, Rick Warren will not give a ‘sterilized’ speech and never invoke the name of Jesus. After all, HE is the one to whom we all should be looking for the saving of our nation that is definitely in disarray.
Technorati Tags: Inauguration, Rick Warren, God, Bishop V. Gene Robinson
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8:48 PM
Labels: Government, Inauguration