Friday, June 16, 2006

Who's Your Daddy?

My grandsons get a kick out of getting something on the other one, and saying, “Who’s your Daddy?” They’ve been with us for several weeks already this summer, and I’ve heard the quote numerous times. I can hear them giggling, just thinking about it!

Julie Gorin says there have been calls for schools to end Father’s Day, (some children have two mommies). She suggests we honor the Dad everyone has: the Divine.

She says “If only out of respect for your siblings who still love Him — and I'm asking as a sibling (or didn't you ever wonder how it is that there's less than 1% difference among all our DNA?).”

There is no shopping that has to be done for Father’s Day when you honor the Dad in heaven. All you have to do is give Him your time on Father’s Day.

I love what Julie said here:

Just think of all the jobs He has — and at His age. To name a few, He's a scientist, a construction worker, a mathematician, a cook, a therapist, and a designer (consider all the crazy-looking birds and fish — and the zebra). Dad gets great naches, by the way, from watching His offspring follow in his footsteps when we choose even one of His fields.

I am happy to call Him Father, or Daddy – whatever you would like. He has done so much for me and my family. And, I have to agree with Julie about ‘Daddy’ being a designer! He designed us – made us each one of a kind, and then threw away the mold! Oh, there are those that may look alike, but there are always differences to be found in each of us.

So, this Father’s Day (Sunday), whether you have an earthly Dad or not, or, if he’s not alive (mind isn’t), why not take time to honor your heavenly Father, the One who loved us so much, He gave His only Begotten Son for each of us!

So for those who aren't annoyed that He's still alive, out of respect, at least give Him a call. Either direct-dial at bedside or go to a medium, though I can't recommend those long-distance rates. You never know; a miracle could happen, which is just the Divine's way of saying, "Who's your daddy!"

Linked at Conservative Cat
Stuck On Stupid
TMH's Bacon Bits

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