Tuesday, July 25, 2006

God's "Interruption" of the Gaithers

Bill and Gloria Gaither are some of the best, if not the best, Christian artists of our time. Scott Ross, of CBNmusic.com, did an interview with them. Seems they view all the things that has happened to them from the time of their meeting years ago as God’s interruptions in their lives. And the interruptions they view as God’s will for their lives.

They began dating when they were both teachers. And, shortly after they married, they wrote their first music together. The song that really took off first was #53 or #54 – a song called “He Touched Me”, a song I love! That was written entirely by Bill one Sunday morning before church. Bill says on Thursday night,Dr. Oldman had told him that they needed to write a song about ‘He touched me’ ..... and so he did.Gloria said the only thing she had to do with the song was when she told Bill she didn’t like the phrase ‘and now I’m no longer the same’ ....... and it turned out to be the line in the song everyone loves the most!

Gloria: We had just had our first daughter, Suzanne, and he traveled to Florida. He called me, and we were talking about "He Touched Me" getting recorded. I have a letter upstairs which I saved to show him several times that says, "Honey, I’ve just found out that the Imperials recorded 'He Touched Me.' If this keeps up we shouldn't have to be doing this singing and traveling more than another year…"

Seems the time to stop has never come. They have been doing their writing, singing, and traveling for 40 years. They have stayed close to their town of Alexandria, IN. Bill said that the old lead singer for the Statesmen used to have a saying, “When the lights are burning brighter on the stage than they are at home, you’re in bad trouble." So, they have stayed true to their roots.

Gloria mentions that, if you read the New Testament, you will find almost everything pertaining to the life of Christ was an interruption. So, she feels interruptions are the best part of her life, letting God do what He will in their lives, and they are sure to touch someone for Christ. We don’t need to view ‘interruptions’ in our plans as something bad, but something brought about by God where we can touch the lives of others.

Bill spoke of a time when he and Bill Speer were eating at Waffle House late one night. A man came in hungry, but didn’t have the money for food. So, without letting him know, they told the waitress they’d pay for whatever he wanted.

As we left Ben and looked at him and the look on his face… It was one of those moments where God invades your life, where I heard the Scripture when "You've done it to the least of these my brother, you’ve done it unto Me." I said Ben, "We just fed Jesus."

You can find more information about Bill and Gloria Gaither at their own web site. You can also sign up for their free newsletter.

Linked at Random Yak
Conservative Cat

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Anonymous said...

My boyfriend loves listening to your music. He thinks that recently your pianist passed away. Could someone comment on this and let us know if this is true and what happened to him.



Barbara said...

Kimberly, the pianist for the Gaither's did pass away awhile back while they were on a tour cruise.