Let The Fight Begin
President Bush's choice of Alito for the Supreme Court already has the liberals ready for a fight! The moaning and groaning has begun, and it may last through the winter, if Harry Reid has anything to do with it!
Many think federal Judge Samuel Alito is closer to Justice Roberts than any other judge in the Supreme Court. Democrat Patrick Leahy said "instead of uniting the country through his choice, the President has chosen to reward one fraction of his party at the risk of dividing the country".
"Any nominee who so worries the radical left is worthy of serious consideration," countered James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family.
The judge brings with him an extensive record. Arlen Specter, R-PA, says there is a fair amount of work to review. And, although Bill Frist, R-TN, says that he feels they can get the nominee through by the end of December, Harry Reid says they aren't going to be rushed into anything.
Alito is highly respected by judicial colleagues. It is believed that he will dazzle them during the confirmation hearings with his answers, just as Justice Roberts did. Katherine Pringle, who clerked for him 1993-1994, says he will impress everyone with his intelligence, his experience, and the kind of person he is. He is a strong conservative, and this nomination has the Democrats hustling to find something they can go at him with - like his views on abortion. The fight is on, even before the nomination has cooled!
Check out Michelle Malkin for the blogger's views on this nomination.
Linked at Conservative Cat - Floating Ping Festival
The War Room at Real Teen-Right on the Right
TMH's Bacon Bits - Open Post Halloween
Check out California Conservative- 'Scalito's Way' - The Alito Nomination. Trackback and share your thoughts and opinions.
Stacy Harp has all the 'complainers', meanspirited and all - on this nominee by Bush.
Tags: Supreme Court, President Bush, Politics