Thursday, November 10, 2005

Honoring Our Veterans in 2005

November 11th is Veterans Day. It's a day to pay tribute to all our veterans, from all wars. It's for those from all walks of life that have given of themselves freely to wear the colors of the Armed Forces, to fight for the freedom that we now have in this great country. Many of those veterans from years back were drafted into the military. But, many went on to serve their country for many years passed those required by the draft.

We Stood For Freedom

We stood for freedom just like you
And loved the flag you cherish too

Our uniforms felt great to wear
You know the feel, and how you care

In step we marched, the cadence way
The same is true with you today

Oh how we tried to do our best
As you do now, from test to test

How young we were and proud to be
Defenders of true liberty

So many thoughts bind soldiers well
The facts may change, not how we jell

Each soldier past, and you now here
Do share what will not disappear

One thought now comes, straight from my heart
For soldiers home, who’ve done their part

I’m honored to have served with you
May Godly peace, help get you through

And now I’ll end with a request
Do ponder this, while home at rest

America, respect our day
Each veteran, helped freedom stay

©2002 Roger J. Robicheau

Roger is a Former Specialist Fifth Class, US Army. He sent this to me through email. Thanks to Roger for his service to our country, and to all the veterans out there - those that are alive, and those that have gone on before. And, thanks to my husband who was drafted into the Army, but chose to serve in the Air Force, and served in Vietnam.

Many of the bloggers whose blogs I read are also veterans. One of those is KMG at Right Equals Might, who served in the Marines. He has a great post today, also, so go by and check it out.

Linked at Outside the Beltway - Beltway Traffic Jam
Covered Dish Supper at Basil's Blog
Permanent Floating Ping Festival at Conservative Cat
Linked at Don Surber - Veterans Day
Veterans Day Linkfest
Veterans Day Open Trackback at Big Dog's Weblog
Open Trackback Friday at Cao's Blog
Linked at California Conservative - Honoring Veteran's Day 2005

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kmg said...

Barbara, you are awesome!! Thanks for the wonderful post! I wish more people would wake up and give our guys their due.

Keep up the good work... talk to you soon!!

Barbara said...

You are welcome, KMG. Yes, our veterans should be given more recognition. And, to that end, it also urks me, when I hear so much about what's going on in Iraq that is bad, rather than thanking our boys (who chose to sign up) for being over there! Those boys, too, are laying down their lives for us!