Hooray For 'The Ambassadors' Christian Band
'The Ambassadors', a Christian band from Wright State University in Ohio, were scheduled to play at the WSU homecoming event. But, the University Activites Board decided at the last moment they didn't need them.
'The Ambassadors' held fast to their faith, when asked to 'tone down' their religious music (remove the mention of God or Jesus) in order to play for the secular event. In other words, get rid of the Christian music, and you are free to play. But, 'The Ambassadors' refused, since that is what they do - play worship for their local campus ministry. I applaud these young men for refusing to change just to appease the Activites Board.
According to Seidler, the Ambassadors are considering whether to file a discrimination complaint, charging Wright State University with reneging on its contract with the band. He says he has no doubt the group was snubbed for no other reason than its Christian message.Linked at MacStansbury.org - Open Trackbacks 7
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Tags| Christian, God, Jesus
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